Ye Feng immediately left the basement and went to the spaceship outside. Seeing Ye Feng coming, gasevara came and said, "you're here. We've tested that piece of black metal once and found something wrong!"

Ye Feng knew that what gasevara said must be the meteorite at the entrance of the basement, and immediately asked, "what's the problem?"

Without waiting for gasevara to speak, Gu zhaohuide came over and said, "we found some elements in the metal!"

Gasevara immediately added, "and this element should not be on the periodic table!"

Ye Feng did not expect that eisf also had a periodic table, but he was still surprised, "what does that represent?"

Gu zhaohuide said immediately, "this kind of element is very special. It can split by itself, and after splitting to a certain amount, it will return to its original shape."

Gasevara immediately added, "this element is very rare. At first we were surprised, but after several tests, we found a problem!"

Gu zhaohuide immediately went on with the words of gasevara, "in fact, in this black metal, if we assume that it is an independent space, then everything that happens in it seems to be an infinite fantasy!"

Gasevara also immediately said, "every time the elements inside begin to split, the mass of the elements inside will change, and when it returns to the original state again, the mass will also become the original, one gram is not much, one gram is not much!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said, "what does this represent?"

Gu zhaohuide said immediately, "this shows that there is a time magnetic field inside the black metal, but time is infinite cycle. Every time the element splits to a certain amount, it will trigger the cycle to restart!"

Listening to gasevara and Gu zhaohuide's words, Ye Feng's face suddenly moved and murmured, "time cycle?"

But in my heart, I thought, isn't this the same as the situation I'm facing now? Is it because of this black metal block that time cycle appears?

But it's not right to think about it carefully. If there is a time cycle inside the metal block, why didn't guchaohuide and gasevara enter the illusion, and they can still clearly remember what happened?

That is to say, the cycle of time only takes place in the interior of ferrous metal and has no great influence on the outside world.

However, if you think about it carefully, it's wrong. If it doesn't affect the outside world, how do you enter the time cycle?

At this time, gasevara said to Yefeng, "if it is really like what we have studied and discovered, the discovery of this metal will be too precious. Maybe we can use it to develop a time machine in the future!"

Gu zhaohuide said, "the direction is right, but our current science and technology are not enough to start this research, so we can only save this area for the time being, and we can only take it out for research when the future science and technology can keep up with it."

When Ye Feng thought of this, he immediately asked Gu zhaohuide and gasevara, "the current technology can't keep up with it. If the technology before the destruction of the eisf civilization, can we study it?"

When gasevara heard the words, he pondered for a while, but Gu zhaohuide shook his head and said, "although the technology of the eisf civilization at that time was not too backward, it was still immature to study such technology!"

Ye Feng can't help but move. That is to say, even in his heyday, there was no way to take this black metal. If we want to study it thoroughly, we don't know if the technology of Octopus civilization can keep up with it.

At this moment, someone was shouting, "look at the sky!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately looked out into the sky, but saw that the flying machines of Octopus civilization were flying lower and lower.

That is to say, the other side of hudion's nest and Dixie soon came out with Jock Emma and went back to ronarsburg.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to gasevara, "this spaceship can't be attacked by alien civilization. Is there any way to hide it?"

Gasevara immediately snapped his fingers and said, "no problem. I have carefully studied the various functions of this spaceship during this period. One of them is stealth!"

With that, gasevara immediately activated a key, and then the whole spaceship suddenly became transparent, and could see the outside without going through the gap in the windshield in front of the cab.

Gasevara added, "although our bodies are not invisible, we can't see the internal situation from the outside of the spaceship, but we can see everything happening from the inside. This civilized technology is really amazing!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help but move. At that time, when he and Dixie and Jock Emma returned to longarsenic castle, they found that the spaceship was missing, and even they could not lock the underground entrance.

At the beginning, Ye Feng was still wondering where the spaceship had gone and whether it had been destroyed or driven away by the octopus civilization. Now he knows that it was gasevara who turned on the stealth function.Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to gasevara and Gu zhaohuide, "you are busy first, I have something else to do. I'll leave first!"

Before leaving, Ye Feng suddenly thought of something and immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "Oh, by the way, Gu Zhaohui didn't die late!"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved and asked Ye Feng excitedly, "is ah Chi not dead? Where is he? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I can't bring him to see you yet. I'll find a way!"

Gu zhaohuide looks at Ye Feng in surprise. He doesn't understand Ye Feng's meaning. Since he knows Gu Zhaohui hasn't died late, it means Ye Feng has seen him.

Since Ye Feng has seen Gu zhaohuichi, why can't he see him now? Is Gu zhaohuichi in any danger?

Gu zhaohuide just wanted to ask Ye Feng some details, but saw Ye Feng suddenly disappeared in front of him.

At this time, Ye Feng had arrived near the suburb of longarsene castle, but not far away, three people in black armor were flashing to this side.

Ye Feng immediately hid in an abandoned building on one side and looked at the three armored men standing nearby, as if they were looking for something.

Ye Feng certainly remembers that when they first returned to longarsenic castle, they were looking for the basement entrance with the spaceship as the landmark. Obviously, they couldn't find it.

Then, at the suggestion of Jock Emma, they used the functions in the armor and began to spread out, scanning the ground and looking for the basement.

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