In other words, before long, I will find Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueqiu, and I will soon be caught by Octopus civilization. Then I will enter this cycle again.

Ye Feng is now thinking, at that time, the octopus head did not say one thing clearly, that is, if he did nothing at this time, let the other himself fall into the cycle again, what would happen to him now?

Are you going to enter a new cycle with yourself, or are you still staying in this period of time to continue to develop, or will you disappear completely?

Although Ye Feng didn't know, the octopus head didn't say anything. He only remembered that the octopus head suggested killing himself in front of him. If so, was the octopus head suggesting something to him?

He doesn't dare to gamble that if he doesn't do anything, if he starts the cycle again, he will die, and then he will be replaced by another self to enter another cycle.

Think of here, Ye Feng immediately slowly toward that side close, if you want to kill yourself, only while Dixie and Jock Emma are scattered with their own time.

Ye Feng is not sure to kill himself. If the other one joins hands with Dixie, he will not be sure.

Ye Feng then took a deep breath, a blink immediately to another one behind him.

And that leaf maple also seems to be aware of what, immediately a turn back, but when he saw another one of his own, suddenly all stunned.

Ye Feng immediately asked, "who are you? My clone? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, but we have to die between us!"

That leaf maple a face don't understand a way, "what meaning?"

Ye Feng also didn't explain anything with him, immediately a shoulder forward, a foot called to kick to that Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng was wearing black armor, which was very heavy on the surface. But in fact, Ye Feng knew that wearing that armor was not as heavy as he thought. At most, he felt like wearing more clothes.

Ye Feng kicked in the past. Although Ye Feng didn't avoid it, he wasn't kicked down by himself. His body was just a flash, still standing in the same place.

Ye Feng see so, immediately ready to attack, but that Ye Feng's mechanical arm but a grasp Ye Feng's neck, instantly firmly grasped him.

Ye Feng face suddenly move, he actually know, before he is absolutely impossible to do this, how much strength, he still know.

Don't want that leaf maple at this time a sneer way, "who do you think I am?"

Ye Feng was asked to live by him, did not understand to look at in front of oneself way, "what meaning?"

That leaf maple is again a sneer way, "time dead cycle!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he suddenly looked at himself and said, "you..."

That Ye Feng immediately cold hum a way, "yes, I also entered the dead circle, you see I just came out of hudion's nest, so think I still didn't enter the dead circle of you!"

Ye Feng immediately realized what, and then said, "you also entered the cycle of time?"

That leaf maple sneers a way, "I not only entered the dead circle, and I already did not know once entered! I don't even remember how many times I've entered! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately is a Lin, Zheng Zheng ground looking at in front of this oneself, a time also don't know to say what good.

Ye Feng sneered, "so you should know how to improve your ability?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "so say, you have entered countless times of dead cycle, also means that you have killed countless yourself?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, I have killed myself more than once, and my ability is really improving! So you're not my opponent at all. I knew your existence as soon as you came in. I was like you at that time, hiding and looking at the other original self, but I could follow them, find him and kill him, and you were smearing like a blind man! "

Ye Feng smell speech facial expression move tunnel, "so say, you just killed a oneself?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it's at the entrance of hudion's old nest! He killed so fast that he didn't even have any pain

Ye Feng heart next move, but Zheng Zheng ground looking at in front of oneself way, "you kill him so happy, why still want so much nonsense to me, why not kill me directly?"

Ye Feng originally thought that he said this, would infuriate himself, let him start as soon as possible, don't want him to suddenly let go.

Ye Feng immediately stepped back, looked at him in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

But Ye Feng said to Ye Feng, "don't you understand me? I said that I can't remember how many times I entered the time cycle, and I don't know how many times I killed myself, but the time cycle is still there! "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what he said. He didn't realize it just now. Now when he heard what he said, he suddenly realized a problem.In other words, he has gone through countless cycles of death and killed countless Ye Feng, but he still has not found a way to stop the cycle of time.

At this time, Ye Feng hummed coldly, "maybe, we are just fooled by the octopus head. This dead circle is a trap created by them. Let's kill each other here forever. I'm tired of it!"

But Ye Feng looked at himself in front of him and said, "tired of playing? What do you mean

Don't want to at this time in front of himself, but slowly take off the helmet, throw on the ground, and began to take off his body armor, mouth but said, "I've tried my best, although the ability is constantly improving, but the way to break the dead cycle still can't find, I'm too tired, don't want to continue!"

Ye Feng said immediately, "do you want to give up? Maybe you're close to the end of the dead cycle. Now you give up? "

But Ye Feng said, "I don't know. Maybe the next cycle is the end. I don't know how many times I have said this to myself. I really can't hold on. I don't want to continue! You kill me

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at in front of oneself, in the heart but think, oneself is not a person who will easily yield, in front of oneself in the end is experienced how many times, just finally make up this determination?

Ye Feng then slowly closed his eyes and said, "don't think about it. I know you just started. If you kill me, you can inherit my ability. Keep working hard. I'm tired and want to have a rest! Do it, don't be so fussy. "

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