Ye Feng stared at the other self in front of him, and he was desperate. It can be seen that he had really let him collapse and despair in this countless time cycle.

At this time, Ye Feng can't help but ask that Ye Feng, "in your countless cycles, what matters need my attention?"

"No!" Ye Feng immediately shook his head and said, "don't think I've cycled countless times. I'm sure I have rich experience and can tell you many details worthy of your attention! I solemnly tell you why I would rather die than repeat it. It's because after going through countless cycles, I haven't found any noteworthy details, even if it's just one that can be noticed. Can you imagine what kind of experience this is? "

Leaf maple listen to that oneself so a say, this just completely understand why he would rather die, also don't want to continue.

Although it was just another self, Ye Feng knew that no matter how many self he met here, his personality gene would not change much, and he would never be a person easy to yield.

And now in front of me, how desperate I am, how many boring repetitions I have experienced before I think of using death to solve it.

If this self in front of him only wants to kill himself, maybe Ye Feng will not hesitate to start. Although he is himself, for him, only the ID is the independent self, and the others are not himself.

But now in front of himself, but just want to die, let Ye Feng start to kill a never fight back himself, Ye Feng really can't go down.

See Ye Feng hesitation, that Ye Feng opened his eyes, looking at him, "you are still hesitating what?"

Ye Feng sighed, "I can't do it!"

That leaf maple but sneer a way, "your woman's benevolence don't say is my character, you know you don't start of result is what?"

Ye Feng looks at this oneself in front of him, surprised way, "what result?"

Ye Feng sneered at Ye Feng and said, "I'll kill you, and then wait for the next reincarnation to restart, enter the next cycle, and let the next one kill me. One of them will do it!"

Ye Feng smell speech face suddenly move, that he said is right, he has experienced countless cycles, that is to say, he killed countless himself.

If what Octopus head says is true, then every time he kills himself, it indicates that his ability will grow a little bit. Countless times of killing has made him become more powerful than he does not know.

In other words, if you let yourself kill him in front of you, it will be your only chance to kill him.

On the contrary, if he wants to kill himself, he will not be able to fight back. He can't be his opponent at all.

And that leaf maple at this time cold hum a way, "I can give you a last chance, if you don't do it, I do it, for me, nothing more than wait one more time!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan knows that he will do what he says. If he doesn't kill him, he will certainly kill himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately picked up the ground and put on the black armor he had thrown away.

But listen to another oneself at this time smile way, "very good, use this to kill me, can not leave any trace! And you can enter my role immediately, and you won't be discovered by Dixie and Jock Emma! "

At this time, Ye Feng has been dressed up, and then picked up the helmet belt.

That leaf maple then took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and stood in the original tunnel, "don't think about it, do it!"

Ye Feng immediately put up his fists to drive the mechanical arm on his armor. In an instant, the two guns went out, and his eyes turned to ashes in an instant.

At the same time, Ye Feng felt that a strange change had taken place in his body. His whole brain seemed to be crammed with some memories that might not belong to him.

The skull suddenly burst into a burst of pain, as if it had been filled with things in the bottle, but also hard to put things inside, the bottle may crack at any time.

But in an instant, this feeling disappeared immediately, and Ye Feng's whole body immediately returned to normal.

At this time, Ye Feng wants to feel the difference in his body, but he can't feel it. It's different from his previous body.

I just feel that something seems to come to mind, as if I have repeated it countless times in this dead cycle, and even the location of hudion's nest is clear.

At the same time, Ye Feng's brain subconsciously gives himself an order, which is to scan the ground as soon as possible to find Gu Zhaohui Chi and Qiu Yueyu. It seems that only by finding them can the next thing continue according to the original script.

Ye Feng immediately started the scanning function on his helmet and began to scan the ground. In fact, the scanning work didn't take long. After all, Ye Feng had found Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueyu before, so he quickly locked the position.Use the gun in hand to blow a hole in the ground. Go down to rescue Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueqiu. After they are rescued, they immediately go to find Dixie and Jock Emma to meet with them.

At this time, an aircraft landed in the sky, and there were four armored men coming towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng knows that now the plot has entered the normal stage. After a while, there will be conflicts. Then he and Dixie will be pursued, and finally he will be captured by the octopus civilization again.

But in fact, this is not what Ye Feng wants. His purpose is to find out the difference and break through this infinite cycle, instead of coming in and experiencing this boring and repetitive life over and over again.

Ye Feng remembers that it was his side that bombed the aircraft in front of him last time, which caused other aircraft to come to chase them. If he didn't destroy the aircraft in front of him this time, would he go in another direction?

However, Ye Feng's brain just thought of this, and his brain immediately arranged the results of his different treatment after he met the aircraft in front of him.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly fell down. He clearly knew that it was not because his brain suddenly became intelligent, but because of these different processing results. Ye Feng had already completely helped himself to experience it.

What's more, Ye Feng was surprised by the result. No matter how Ye Feng dealt with it, whether he bombed the aircraft in front of him or not, whether he killed the four armored men in front of him, the final result was that he continued to fall into a cycle.

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