Just as Ye Feng was thinking about this, there were several flying machines in the sky. When they came, they began to chase Ye Feng, Dixie and Jock Emma.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's heart can't help but move. He hasn't done anything here. Why did he start chasing there? However, it seems that this situation did appear in his memory before.

Ye Feng immediately began to let Dixie and qiaoke Emma run to two directions, and ran to one direction alone.

Soon Ye Feng was caught by the black metal net of the aircraft and flew slowly to the sky with him. Last time Ye Feng didn't look down.

This time, Ye Feng knew what the result was, so he took his time and looked down to see what happened after Dixie and Jock Emma were arrested.

Ye Feng looked down from mid air, but saw that Dixie was still running forward, and there was an aircraft chasing her.

However, there is no aircraft to chase qiaoke Emma, and Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueqiu are also following qiaoke Emma.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder why the octopus civilization only pursues Dixie and himself, but not jock and Emma?

This is really a little puzzling for Ye Feng. He escaped together with Dixie and Jock Emma, and was met by Octopus civilization. If you want to pursue him, all three parties should pursue him. Why do you pursue Dixie and Dixie instead of Jock Emma?

Without waiting for Ye Feng to think more, he has been taken to the octopus civilization spaceship. Ye Feng has an impression of what happened next.

His body is constantly being examined and tested by those octopus heads, and finally he enters the virtual space again.

The octopus's head, which had been chatting with him for a long time before, appeared in front of Ye Feng's eyes again. Then the familiar voice sounded in Ye Feng's ear and said, "you, Ye Feng, asked immediately," I met an octopus who had been circulating for countless times, and he didn't remember how many times. He told me that it was impossible to get out of this dead cycle! "

But the octopus head said to Ye Feng, "so, you have given up?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's not that I want to give up, but that I have killed him and inherited his memory. In his memory, I have searched for countless possibilities, but none of them is possible!"

Octopus head said, "I have experienced countless times, not only you are looking for ways, I am also looking, but I still have not given up!"

But Ye Feng said, "you have also experienced countless times? Have you never thought about giving up? "

"Never, not once!" said the octopus

Ye Feng was puzzled and said, "the man I met, after countless failures, was almost desperate. He asked me to kill him to help him out. You didn't even have the idea to give up? What do you rely on? "

Octopus head immediately said, "faith, in addition to believe, there is no other way, if we give up, then we will be unlimited forever stay here, never get out, do you think death can solve the problem?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears, "what do you mean? Death can't solve the problem? "

But the octopus head said, "I haven't died. I'm not sure for the moment. Although I've cycled for countless times and haven't found any big problems, there are still some gains. I'm sure that death is not the end, but the beginning of another cycle!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart moved. He looked at the octopus's head in front of him, and didn't say anything for a long time.

If death can't solve the problem, Ye Feng really can't think of how to get rid of it completely. According to the octopus head, the one he killed before is not over. He just enters another cycle.

That is to say, this dead cycle is omni-directional. It may include all situations and possibilities. No matter how to do it, it can not end this cycle.

Originally, Ye Feng had not reached the state of despair he had met before. At this time, listening to the octopus head saying so, he was almost desperate.

Octopus head see Ye Feng did not speak, immediately said, "so I advise you, no matter at any time, do not give up, death is not liberation!"

Ye Feng nodded, but then he thought of another question. He immediately asked the octopus head, "no, what you said to me should have been said to him before. If so, he should also know that death can't solve the problem. Why did he choose death in the end?"

Octopus's head sighed, "I don't know. Maybe after countless times, he will finally feel that I said that death can't solve the problem, just to comfort him! What's more, I tell you, I said this to you and the one you killed. I have said it countless times. The words are the same, but the choices are not the same! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng could not help but move, and then said, "that is to say, if someone chooses to die, just like him, he will definitely choose to continue?"Octopus head immediately nodded and said, "yes, just like the origin of the universe, the starting point of all universes is the same, but the final development is a hundred flowers blooming, different people are the same!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, that is to say, there are those who have only experienced once, those who have experienced countless times and want to die. Naturally, there are also those who have experienced countless times and have not thought of ending with death, so there must be those who have left the cycle of death in the end!"

"Octopus head smell speech immediately nodded," must be someone has succeeded, but unfortunately, his success can only be his own, can't share with us, we still want to continue! "

Ye Feng also wanted to ask this question. As long as one of them finds the key to crack the dead cycle, all the dead cycles will be terminated.

But at this time, listening to Octopus head say so, he will understand that each individual represents an individual, so someone's success does not mean his own success, he can only rely on himself if he wants to succeed.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a deep breath, nodded to the octopus head and said, "OK, restart, I want to continue!"

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