As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, he was in a flash in front of him. In an instant, he came to longarsenic Castle again. In front of him, he and Dixie stood at the top of a deserted building and were talking. The sky was dark and the octopus civilization aircraft just appeared.

At this time, Ye Feng thought of the previous cycle. The one he killed also entered the same cycle. He killed the one who was still talking with Dixie on the top of the building, and then entered houdion's nest with Dixie.

In other words, now that time and space have restarted, there may be other self besides the self that should exist, that is, the self standing on the top floor and the noumenon of self.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng is ready to start observing the surroundings. At the same time, he is not found by others. He finds a shelter and observes the situation around.

However, after a tour, I still didn't find anything. However, I know how to find a shelter first. I think others think so. It's not easy to find each other.

At this time, Dixie and himself on the top of the building disappeared from Ye Feng's eyes. Ye Feng knew immediately that they must have gone to the other side of Hu Dion's nest.

Because ye Feng inherited another Ye Feng's consciousness, he already knew how to go, and it was a flash at once, but his action seemed to be much faster than before, but he had already arrived outside the building in an instant.

At this time, Ye Feng and Dixie haven't arrived yet, but Ye Feng also knows this ability of blinking, and the time error is not too big. Ye Feng and Dixie will come soon.

Ye Feng less than think, immediately found a shelter to hide, he just hide, that Ye Feng and Dixie has appeared here.

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "hudion's nest is down here!"

That leaf maple way, "didn't expect that his old nest is under here?"

"I'll go down first, and you can follow me," said Dixie

After Ye Feng nodded, Dixie immediately jumped down, and at the same time, Ye Feng came to his face in a flash.

When Ye Feng saw Ye Feng, he suddenly changed his face and said, "are you My clone? "

But Ye Feng said nothing, directly came forward and strangled his neck, forced a twist, did not give him a chance to fight back or even reaction, has fallen on the ground.

And that maple just to the end, the body began to empty, gradually become a mass of diluted black fog, floating in the air.

At this time, we heard Dickens say, "you're not coming down yet? What do you say on it? What clone? "

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately said a came, and then a jump body jumped down, but in the heart was killed by himself that Ye Feng regret, so died in his own hands.

After jumping down, Dixie couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, but he didn't seem to find anything wrong. He immediately said to Ye Feng, "the lower layer should be careful. They are all containers of clones."

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, but think of Dixie did not know what happened, the heart can not help but sigh.

After looking at the entrance of the cave for a long time, Dixie signaled that Ye Feng could go down, and then jumped first.

Ye Feng also immediately followed, and the situation before was almost the same, to avoid some passers-by, and finally to the bottom floor of the entrance.

Ye Feng can also predict the following situation. Soon there will be an armored man on the iron ladder below. He and Dixie will join hands with him.

Then he and Dixie would be caught in the armor man's wire net and eventually sent to Jock Emma.

However, Ye Feng's consciousness also tells himself that he inherited Ye Feng's consciousness and tried to prevent these armor men from catching him, but the final result is the same.

So Ye Feng didn't plan to change anything. He soon met the armor man. Symbolically, he moved a few hands with the armor man and was immediately caught by the armor man's metal net.

Soon Ye Feng and Dixie were also sent to Jock Emma's side, but as last time, the first one was houdion.

Houdion sneers at Yefeng and Dixie, and then gives him and Dixie to Jock Emma. Jock Emma helps them transform their genes into octopus heads.

Ye Feng is also the same as last time, delaying and fooling, and finally taking the decision of Jock Emma to fight with them and escaping from the basement with them.

When they got to the cave, the previous explosion also happened as scheduled. Ye Feng, Dixie and Jock Emma were trapped under the ruins.

This time, Ye Feng didn't think much, so he used his arms to blow away the boulder in front of him.

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "your understanding of armor is very fast. Can you even use these weapons?"

Ye Feng just shrugged his shoulders and didn't talk much. After escaping with Jock Emma and Dixie, he immediately took them to longarsene castle in a blink.

Then Ye Feng, Jack Emma and Dixie said, "now we use the scanning function in the helmet to see if there is a basement or something."Jock Emma looks at Ye Feng in surprise again, and Dixie asks Ye Feng, "what scanning function? Why don't I know? And what are the weapons of your hands? "

Ye Feng told Dixie, "just operate with your mind! A few times before may be abnormal, familiar with after no problem

Jock Emma asked Ye Feng, "how do you know how to operate armor?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm smart!"

But Jock Emma was stunned. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's not smart to explain. How can you operate it? I'm curious! "

But Ye Feng looked up at the sky. Those aircrafts were not far from the ground. He immediately said to Jock Emma, "do you want me to talk to you from the beginning?"

Jock Emma also looked up at the aircrafts and nodded. Knowing that it was not the time to ask these questions, she immediately turned on the scan and began to look for the underground entrance on the ground.

Ye Feng quickly finds the basement where Gu zhaohuichi and Qiu Yueqiu are, and immediately saves them and others.

What happened next was no essential difference from what happened before. A plane in the sky landed, and four armored men came out to test Ye Feng and three of them.

Ye Feng heart but a tangle, this eye looking at the end of the cycle, or did not find any clues, this cycle is no flaw?

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