If you can't see any clues and flaws this time, you will soon fall into the next cycle.

However, when Ye Feng was still thinking about these things, a figure suddenly came out and turned over the four armor men in front of him. It was hard to imagine how fast he moved.

After everything calmed down, Ye Feng noticed that the man who turned over the octopus armor was actually another himself, and he was looking at himself.

Ye Feng can see from his eyes, he seems to recognize who he is, and there is no friendly meaning in his eyes, but full of murders.

Although the other side has not yet on their own, but Ye Feng has felt that the other side will not be so easy to let go of their own.

Ye Feng's arms have been driven by his mind. As long as the other side has the intention to do it, he will not be polite.

As soon as he thought of it, he saw that he was lost and disappeared in front of him.

But soon Ye Feng felt the murderous spirit behind him. He immediately raised his arms and rushed to the back.

The figure of the leaf maple behind just appeared, immediately two guns on the past, at the same time, the leaf maple also immediately disappeared again.

But this time, after disappearing, it didn't appear again immediately. It might have been hiding in the distance.

Although he didn't attack the other side, Ye Feng also realized that Ye Feng's ability was not under him. He was definitely not the one who could compare with Dixie who went to find houdion's nest.

Even Ye Feng has a feeling that Ye Feng may be a bit higher than himself. He has completely given himself a different feeling from the Ye Feng he killed before.

Before that Ye Feng, he had already felt that his murderous spirit could not be suppressed completely. Now the murderous spirit of Ye Feng was even more powerful than him.

And Ye Feng's entanglement is not entirely the murderous Qi of other Ye Feng, but at least the murderous Qi can show that Ye Feng at present may have more cycles than the one he killed before.

He may know more secrets. At this time, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a question. If he killed Ye Feng, would he inherit his memory?

The most important thing is that Ye Feng has been reincarnated for countless times. He only wants to die. But just now, the number of reincarnations of Ye Feng is no less than that of Ye Feng, but he has no desire to die.

What does that mean? It can only show that this guy must have found some key problems. Otherwise, how can he support himself?

Because of this, Ye Feng knows that he must kill Ye Feng and inherit his consciousness to find the key.

At the same time, Ye Feng also realized that it's totally unreliable to rely on himself to find these key flaws. He has only experienced several cycles. If he really wants to find them, he still doesn't know how many cycles he has to go through.

It's better not to think about it. After falling into the cycle again this time, I won't go anywhere. I just sit and wait for other Ye Feng to come from the net. Moreover, the growth of those Ye Feng who used to be in time and space is too low, and their consciousness has no concept of cycle, so it's almost meaningless.

Just thinking about it, at this time, several aircrafts came down from the sky, apparently to capture himself. Ye Feng's heart couldn't help but move. He hasn't solved that problem yet. Is it time to capture himself?

At the same time, another leaf maple suddenly appeared in front of him, one foot will kick himself to the ground, instantly his palm appeared a black flame, immediately toward his helmet.

When Ye Feng saw the black fire, if ye Feng escaped the pursuit of the octopus civilization, would the cycle stop completely, and the time and space here could move on?

And if you can escape the cycle, even if you are still chased by Ye Feng, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng has been hiding behind the shelter on one side, observing everything in front of him.

However, Ye Feng seems to realize that he has replaced himself and is being chased by aircraft. As he runs forward, he turns back and fires black fire at those aircraft.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng can't help but be curious. In the armor, he is limited in the instant step. But Ye Feng doesn't have the shackles of armor. The instant step should be started at any time. But since the aircraft began to chase Ye Feng, Ye Feng never saw that Ye Feng used the instant step.

This is a little difficult to understand, that leaf maple clearly can use instant step, but always just blindly avoid, but never use instant step.

Ye Feng didn't understand it at first, but then he saw that the aircrafts were chasing Ye Feng in four circles, and they were all over him.

Gradually, Ye Feng realized that it was very likely that the flight had the same restriction ability as the armor, even greater than the armor.

Although Ye Feng has the ability of instant step, several aircraft are flying around him, and the distance is so close, so it's not that he doesn't want to use instant step, but he can't use it at all.And at this time, but see the sky suddenly several black metal net toward the leaf maple shot in the past, the leaf maple simply can't hide, directly by the black metal net to cover.

Seeing that Ye Feng was caught in the air by the black metal net, and that Ye Feng still had no fighting power, Ye Feng came out from behind the bunker and looked at the sky.

And the leaf maple of the sky also saw him at this time, staring at him for a long time, in the eyes of the original murderous gas also gradually disappeared, his palm was still spraying black flame, also gradually dissipated.

Ye Feng stood on the ground watching, he also realized that the limitation ability of the black metal net is not small, he was caught several times by the net, and knew its power.

However, Ye Feng did not expect that even if his immediate ability was far greater than his own, and he might even give full play to the potential ability of liquid civilization, he could not do anything with the black metal net, let alone himself.

What Ye Feng is thinking now is, if this guy is replaced by Octopus civilization, what should he do? Stay here, stay here? Or will it go into circulation again with that guy's restart?

But Ye Feng has been waiting here for a long time, and he doesn't find any changes in front of his eyes. Is the cycle that Ye Feng enters not the same time and space as what he enters?

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly in front of everything began to shake up, began to think it was an earthquake, but looked at the surrounding ruins, above the rubble did not drop a.

It shows that this is obviously not an earthquake, but something wrong with my vision. But when I think about it carefully, I don't think it is.

Ye Feng is still surprised at what happened. Everything in front of him suddenly turned into darkness, but before Ye Feng could react, Ye Feng felt that everything was back to normal, and he was still standing in the bunker just now.

At first, Ye Feng felt as if everything had not changed, but he looked around and found a rectangular spaceship not far away, which was the alien spaceship he had hijacked before.

On the top of a feilou building not far away from the spaceship, a man was standing there talking with Dixie. Then he looked up at the sky, but he saw that those aircrafts that had already landed on the ground seemed to fly out of the atmosphere again, and became infinitely small.

Ye Feng realized that this was not the aircraft itself flying out of the atmosphere, but time entered the cycle again and began to restart.

Now I have entered the cycle mode again, but this time this space is not to restart itself, but another one to restart itself.

However, from the point of view that my current position has not changed, what is the difference between this cycle and the last two.

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