And at this time, Ye Feng saw a side not far away, suddenly out of thin air appeared a figure, and then take a closer look, unexpectedly is another himself.

And the position where he appeared is exactly the position where Ye Feng appeared after several previous restarts. Obviously, the guy also appeared from this position after the restart.

Ye Feng then saw that Ye Feng was staring at the roof of his own and Dixie see, and step by step toward the past, obviously did not find their own existence.

Wait for that leaf maple to approach a few steps of time, leaf maple but see his palm has already called out the black flame, obviously is preparing to use the black flame to attack that building top of oneself.

Ye Feng's heart moves next. Generally, if one wants to kill another, he will instinctively choose a place where there is no one else, so as not to be known by others.

But in front of him, Ye Feng seems to be trying to break this hidden rule. Has he found something?

Ye Feng thought, let that Ye Feng to kill another himself, see if he can stop the cycle.

But Ye Feng is not sure, even if the cycle really stopped, whether he will start again, escape from the cycle.

If ye Feng, the strong man in front of him, can escape, but he is still here again and again, isn't he missing a key opportunity to know the secret?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng still thinks that he can't let this Ye Feng kill that Ye Feng. He has to find a way to kill him. Anyway, if he kills him, he can inherit his memory, and then he will know everything he finds.

Ye Feng thought of here, immediately also crept toward that side to approach a few steps, observed the surrounding environment.

He saw that Ye Feng, who controlled the black fire with both hands, was still moving towards the roof. He felt strange. If he wanted to kill himself on the roof, he didn't need to work hard. He came to him in a flash and killed him directly.

Presumably, the one on the top of the building has no ability to fight back. Even if he doesn't see who killed himself, he may fall to the ground.

This is indeed a bit strange, but at this time, Ye Feng found in another ruins of the back out of a head, unexpectedly is another himself.

It turns out that in this space, there are not only the self with black fire, but also the self who talks with Dixie on the top of the building, as well as his noumenon, and other Ye Feng.

But that leaf maple just saw by the leaf maple, the instant disappeared, when appeared again already arrived the black fire leaf maple behind.

But he just appeared, black fire leaf maple moment is a turn, the fire in the palm of the hand, directly patted in the attack of his chest.

Ye Feng but see that person's back suddenly spurts out a burst of black flame to come, but on that own face a face of disbelief.

Black fire leaf maple but sneer a way, "do you think I am to attack the top of the building that oneself?"? Fool, I'm just deliberately leading you out! "

As soon as his voice fell, he immediately closed his palm, but Ye Feng in front of him was immediately turned into a mass of black smoke by the black flame.

Ye Feng hid behind the ruins, but took a breath of air conditioning. It turned out that he was so insidious, and the purpose was to lead others out,.

Fortunately, just now I was still hesitating, curious why the black fire Maple walked slowly. If it wasn't for this doubt, maybe I couldn't help going out to attack him.

And once oneself go out to attack black fire leaf maple stealthily, now dead also affirmation is oneself.

Ye Feng then looked up at the roof, where Ye Feng and Dixie have disappeared at this time. They should have gone to hudion's old nest.

But in front of the black fire Ye Feng did not leave, but stood in the same place, eyes and scanners scanning around, mouth is still coldly smile, "I know more than one, how? Is that how you hide? "

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately back to the shelter, no longer probe out, obviously black fire Ye Feng already know his existence, he did not immediately chase Ye Feng, is to solve himself.

And at this time, there is still black fire leaf maple words way, "you hide also useless, even if you add together, is not my opponent, you have my ability?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, listening to the meaning of black fire Ye Feng's words, there seems to be more than one himself here? Is there any other self?

But think of what Octopus head said before, every cycle, may encounter before themselves, also encounter after themselves, but he did not in the final analysis will encounter several before themselves, several after themselves?

Theoretically speaking, there are countless possibilities in this space. Each opening may be the result of the overlapping of two or more universes.

And at this time, listen to black fire Ye Feng a sneer way, "still play sneak attack? Don't you think you're dying fast enough? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, immediately side head looked at that side, immediately and head back.But it is such a look, Ye Feng has seen clearly the situation over there, black fire Ye Feng killed himself again, in addition to himself, there are indeed other self existence.

"Come out!" Black fire leaf maple this time angrily drinks a way, "I know also, you all need not hide, why not come out together, maybe you join hands under, have the chance to kill me?"

Ye Feng's heart moved as soon as he heard this. This black fire Ye Feng is so strong that he should be more than his reincarnation. As a result, he can't be his opponent. It should be a fluke to escape before. Now he's going out. He's dead.

And at this time, but see not far away really come out a few of their own, all directions have, not for a while appeared four or five leaf maple.

Ye Feng see in the eye, but still don't rise head, black fire Ye Feng obviously is to use the method to stimulate them to go out to die.

But Ye Feng is also curious, these are their own, why can they expect that Ye Feng black fire is a fierce general, those who do not think of it?

Just thinking about it, but listening to the black fire Ye Feng sneer, "as expected, there are so many me! It seems that this circular space overlaps many times! "

Ye Feng murmured, "multiple overlapping space?"

At this time, another Ye Feng asked, "it seems that you really know the way to stop the circulation?"

Black fire leaf maple sneers a way, "how? So what if I know? Do you think you can kill me and inherit my consciousness? Don't dream

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