Ye Feng is still hiding in the dark, looking at the front of several Ye Feng is the black fire Ye Feng surrounded in the middle, just here there are so many, but Ye Feng must have the same feeling as himself, there is no head.

He hasn't decided to go out for the moment. After all, he doesn't have the confidence to win the black fire Ye Feng. In addition, he has already had so many of himself outside. There are not many more of himself, and there are not many less of himself.

Ye Feng continued to hide behind the bunker, looking at everything in front of him, but saw several Ye Feng around the black fire. Ye Feng still didn't mean to attack him, and obviously didn't have the full confidence to win.

At this time, the black fire Maple surrounded by several maple leaves suddenly disappeared.

All Ye Feng at the scene were flustered. They didn't know where the black fire Ye Feng had gone, but they all realized that the black fire Ye Feng was going to attack.

At this time, suddenly behind a leaf maple, a shadow flashed, suddenly black fire leaf maple stood behind him, did not wait for his reaction, his chest felt a pain.

When he looked down, he saw that his chest had been surrounded by a black flame, and there was a bloody hole in his chest. The black flame was burning from behind his skeleton.

Several other maple leaves to see this scene, but also can not help but take a deep breath, there is a maple leaves suddenly yelled at this time, "hide their attention to see, missed the opportunity is not!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the speech. He has doubted before. According to his character, he will never be so reckless. He knows that he will go out to die if he is defeated.

Now listen to have oneself such a shout, immediately understand, originally these oneself go out to look for black fire leaf maple, not because of recklessness, also not holding fluke psychology.

These people all know that they will die, and they are determined to go out to find the black fire maple, so that other partners can find the flaw of the black ash maple.

Think of here, Ye Feng heart can not help but a burst of moved, although these are their own, but they are not their own, there is a strange and unspeakable special feelings.

Ye Feng stares at that time, but sees the black fire. Ye Feng uses the same move to suddenly disappear again and again. After reappearance, he uses the black fire in his hand to directly penetrate his body.

Although these maple leaves have the quality of self sacrifice, they also won a lot of time and opportunities, but after watching the black fire maple leaves attack, or feel that the other party is absolutely impeccable.

According to the development of this situation, even if it is to sacrifice hundreds of himself, Ye Feng also feel that he still can't find any flaws of black fire Ye Feng.

See in front of you, just in an instant, only one of you is still standing there, and the black fire leaf maple has disappeared.

According to the normal logic, the next time he appears, he must attack his chest behind his own back.

Although the trajectory of these actions can be expected, but the black fire leaf maple hand is still too fast, even if you know his hand trajectory, still can not escape.

And the last one, who seemed to have given up, simply closed his eyes and said, "I tried my best!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. He leaned back against the shelter and said in his heart, "yes, they tried their best, and he tried his best. Unfortunately, there is still no way to deal with Ye Feng of black fire.

Then came a dull hum, Ye Feng do not need to see, you know, it must be the last one himself, also suffered the black fire Ye Feng's poisonous hand.

Sure enough, not far away came the voice of black fire Ye Feng, "do you see the flaw? Come out what you see! "

Ye Feng didn't move. He didn't know if he would be smarter than himself. He had seen the flaw of Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng said, "everyone is for one purpose, that is to end this damned cycle. Many people, like me, have repeated it countless times and are tired. It's time to let it all end!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath when he heard the speech. At this time, he saw another self not far away, and he took a look at himself when he came out.

Obviously, his hiding place was already in his own eyes, but he didn't expose himself. Instead, he walked directly towards the black fire maple.

"Black fire leaf maple immediately a smile way," good, very good, finally still somebody dares to come up! Any more? "

At this time, Ye Feng glanced at the other side, but saw that the black fire Ye Feng was still standing in the same place, aimlessly turning around and saying, "I know there's something else. It's useless for you to hide. Don't you want to know the way to end the cycle? I can tell you, I'm doing it, but you're coming out! "

Ye Feng listen to black fire Ye Feng so a say, heart immediately a Lin, he is not doing is constantly kill yourself? Is the way to end the cycle to kill all the maple leaves in this space?

Just thinking about it, he listened to the black fire. Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "very good, very good. There are two more. Those who want to end early come out. I know everyone is tired. Let's end it early!"The more listening to this black fire Ye Feng, the more Ye Feng feels that his guess is right. Maybe it is to kill all Ye Feng in the space of this time cycle, so as to completely end this cycle.

Although he had been here twice before, he killed himself in total. It was Ye Feng who wanted to commit suicide, so he was cheap.

And now there are more than ten cases of their own in this space to judge. The previous two cycles are definitely not as simple as what they see. There must be some hidden ones who have not appeared.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately thought of the previous question. If you really kill all Ye Feng here to end the cycle, is it the final winner or all of you?

If only Ye Feng, who is the only one alive in the end, can end the cycle, it will become meaningless for himself. If so, he must be the one who lives to the end.

But in front of this black fire leaf maple is simply strong to any oneself is not his opponent, oneself also did not see that he kills oneself each time, has revealed any flaw.

But if you want to live to the end, you must kill the black fire maple in front of you, otherwise you will never be the only maple in this space.

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