Ye Feng suddenly dodges and disappears in front of black fire Ye Feng. However, he has just appeared. Before standing still, he sees a flash of shadow behind him, and black fire Ye Feng appears immediately behind him.

In an instant, Ye Feng has realized that his blinking ability is not worth mentioning in front of heihuo Ye Feng. In addition, he and heihuo Ye Feng are equal to each other, and their consciousness is almost the same, so no matter where he wants to escape, heihuo Ye Feng can realize the same.

That is to say, no matter where he escapes, even if he hesitates a little, he will find himself, so if he just wants to escape, he can't escape at all.

In fact, he had thought of this before he thought about running away. The reason why he knew that the result might be like this was to test whether he thought it right.

And now the outcome has told him, what he guessed, is indeed the fact, in fact, he now faces the black fire leaf maple, has no escape this option.

The only thing he can do now is to face the black fire maple leaf, and face him head-on, any other way is unrealistic.

At this time, Ye Feng stands in front of Ye Feng and sneers, "what are you running so fast? Do you want to explain to me that all the black metal meteorites you just mentioned are just procrastinating in front of me? "

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "you may not know that gasevara and Gu zhaohuide have tested that the middle of the black metal meteorite is hollow, and there is an infinite circular space in it. If you think about it carefully, is this not much different from the situation we are facing now?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said, "is there infinite space in the center of the black metal meteorite?"

In fact, Ye Feng was also a liar at the beginning, just to delay time, but these words were really said by gasevara and Gu zhaohuide. At that time, he did have doubts, but he didn't think much about them.

But now that I have said this to Yefeng, I feel awe struck. It's the same as what I said to Yefeng. There is an infinite cycle in the hollow sealed space of the black metal meteorite, which is really the same as the situation they are facing now.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, he immediately said, "if there is infinite space in the hollow of the black metal meteorite, then the necessary condition for his existence is sealing?"

Ye Feng a listen to this, eyebrows also can't help a wrinkle, but see the black fire at this time, Ye Feng hands of the black flame gradually smaller, until completely disappeared, this shows that the black fire Ye Feng is really to relax their vigilance.

Thinking of Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately said to the black fire, "in this way, the reason why the space we are facing is also in the stage of infinite circulation is that we are in a sealed space?"

Black fire leaf maple smell speech facial expression slightly move, immediately look up toward the sky, and then look around, mouth is murmur way, "if you say so, it's really a bit possible, every time we repeat the scope is in the area near longarsenbao, other places have you been?"

Ye Feng's heart immediately moved, then toward the black fire Ye Feng way, "no!"

The black fire leaf maple smell speech complexion is tiny move again, after a while ponder, stare at leaf maple to see after a long time, this just say, "I can temporarily put you a horse, now I and you division of labor, at the same time run towards different direction, see if can run out of this space."

Ye Feng is toward the black fire Ye Feng way, "this is just my guess, may not be completely consistent with!"

Black fire leaf maple but a smile way, "don't matter, test, find the answer, believe I want to chase you also have no difficulty! And if it's too big to restart, we'll see you again in the next round! "

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved when he heard what Ye Feng said. What Ye Feng said is right. If the result of this experiment is wrong, the worst result is just to continue to restart.

Think of here, leaf maple immediately toward the black fire leaf maple nodded, then identified a direction, began to run toward there.

The black fire leaf maple saw the leaf maple's back figure which ran far, then also recognized a direction which was opposite to the leaf maple, also ran all the time.

Ye Feng has been moving forward with instant steps, but he doesn't know how far away he is from longarsene Fort after just a few blinks.

At the beginning, Ye Feng felt that he was wrong. This is not a sealed circular space.

And the more I run down, the more I feel like this. I don't feel like this kind of barrier at all.

But at the same time, after listening to a loud bang, Ye Feng felt a sharp pain all over his body.

What's more, Ye Feng's whole body was bounced up and fell heavily on the ground.

Ye Feng felt a burst of pain all over his body, and his head was also dizzy. After lying on the ground for a long time, he was a little more relaxed.

When waiting for Ye Feng to sit up, he touched his forehead and bumped out a huge lump.When you look at it again, Ye Feng's face suddenly changes, which is similar to the scene when he found the edge of the world in the virtual world.

But I saw that everything in front of me was still a distant scene, but there was a crack in the air, and the scene around the crack was distorted.

As if a huge screen was damaged by himself, Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He immediately stood up and walked over there.

When we got close, we found that there were still some broken crystal like things on the ground, and some sparks came out behind the cracks that were damaged by ourselves.

Ye Feng took a deep breath, although at this time of discovery, let Ye Feng has been surprised, but he still want to try to keep calm.

Before in the virtual world, there was a mysterious world, which was similar to now. Everything was so real, but it was only illusory in the end.

Now I am still facing the same situation. If the world of science fiction is just illusory in a computer, it can only explain one problem.

In fact, Ye Feng from the beginning to the end have not come out of the illusory, has been immersed in the illusory direct, from the beginning to now, are not over.

Maybe it won't end after that. Even if I think of a way to leave here, I just enter another illusion.

as like as two peas, the hand and the front screen were immediately touched by the leaves. The cold feeling was just the same as before. And when the touch of the screen was touched by the hand, there were some ripples on the screen.

Ye Feng suddenly fell into a burst of meditation, looking at everything in front of him, for a long time did not move, consciousness completely fell.

Originally, Ye Feng was thinking about the problem of the dead cycle as mentioned by the octopus civilization, but now the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the dead cycle was only limited to this event.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a situation. I really didn't expect that I would eventually encounter such a situation, which was quite unexpected.

If everything is the same as he thought, then Ye Feng feels that the world is a huge lie.

He remembers that he once saw a European and American film, in which people walk through dreams and reality all day, and finally live in reality, there will be an illusion that they are still in dreams.

Now it's the same with myself. I didn't notice it in the illusory world before, and then I came back to the so-called reality, but it still seems to be illusory now.

Although Ye Feng can not accurately predict the next thing, he knows that even if he can return to all the reality, he will have doubts and doubt whether it is reality.

Ye Feng is thinking about it, but listen to the side of the black fire, Ye Feng's voice said, "sure enough! How did you find out? "

Listen to the black fire leaf maple so a say, leaf maple can't help looking to the side of the black fire leaf maple, but nothing said.

At this time, the black fire leaf maple also reached out and touched the screen in front of him. After looking at it for a long time, he turned back and said to the leaf maple, "you should think of it too!"

Ye Feng's heart moved, and he could not help saying that if there was a parallel universe here, then Ye Feng of black fire should have experienced the illusory world before, just like himself.

So when the black fire leaf maple encounter these, he can think of, should also be not far from their own.

Black fire Ye Feng then looked around and said to Ye Feng, "before we found an escape exit in the virtual world, then according to this logic, there must be an escape exit in the virtual world!"

Ye Feng nodded toward the black fire and said, "yes, but we haven't found it yet! And the most important thing is, the third maple is about to start the cycle

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