Black fire leaf maple for a while ponders, for a long time also did not say anything, his eyes just stare at the huge screen like the sky curtain in front of him, in the heart also don't know what to think.

Ye Feng saw the black fire leaf maple looking at the sky, then also followed the black fire leaf maple looking at the sky for a moment, in the heart suddenly thought of what.

Black fire leaf maple this time toward leaf maple said, "your discovery saved your life, put cycle restart again!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a consternation, looking at black fire Ye Feng way, "you want to go in circulation again?"? But you should know that the next time you restart, you may not be able to meet me again. I believe that the overlap of each universe is random. We have met twice, and the chance of meeting the third time is not big! "

But Ye Feng said, "you are wrong. As long as you and I are not dead, we will meet again. The last time we met, the reason why we still met this time is that we are not dead! And before you see so many maple leaves, are I did not kill clean each cycle and left, so focused on this cycle only, the next cycle, that is to say, we will have three acquaintances, one me, one you, and one has been to houdion's nest! Other maple leaves will be new

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard what Ye Feng said. His previous guesses were all wrong. Although the universe is random, it is now certain that there is certainty, which is the combination and overlap of certainty and randomness.

Black fire leaf maple at this time saw a leaf maple way that didn't speak, "I think you should also think of, now want to see whether there is a gap to go out on that sky, at present, only the alien spaceship!"

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move. It seems that they are all themselves, and their ideas are the same. Black fire Ye Feng also wants to use a spaceship to go up and see if he can find a gap from above to break the situation.

Think of here, leaf maple immediately toward the black fire leaf maple way, "so the next cycle, we see in the spacecraft there!"

Black fire Ye Feng looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't think that if I let you go this time, I won't kill you next time. If I can't find a gap to break the game, I will still kill you. I won't miss any chance to stop the cycle!"

But Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "don't you find that if all this is illusory, then no matter what we do, it's futile. Only leaving illusory is our ultimate goal!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said, "if it's like this, it's really futile for us to do anything!"

He said with a cold hum, "no matter how much, let's wait for the cycle first. Anyway, if you remember me, I don't promise not to kill you. I can kill you at any time. Be careful yourself!"

Just then, suddenly the picture in front of me began to twist. Both Ye Feng and Ye Feng knew that it was time to restart.

After a while, the whole world became distorted and blurred. Ye Feng suddenly felt a dark light in front of him, and then returned to a place in longarsene castle.

Ye Feng knew that the restart was completed at this time. He immediately took a look around and determined the position of the spaceship first, and then walked in a flash.

But as soon as he settled down, he saw that the spaceship had already begun to take off. Ye Feng could not help but move.

It is reasonable to say that Gu zhaohuide and gasevara will not launch the spaceship. There is only one possibility, that is, Ye Feng of heihuo got on the spaceship ahead of time and drove the spaceship away.

But Ye Feng doesn't blame black fire Ye Feng. After all, it's not a good thing for Gu zhaohuide and gasevara to see two Ye Feng appear at the same time.

At this time, Ye Feng turned his head and looked at the top of the abandoned building not far away. Another Ye Feng was standing there and talking to Dixie. Now there was still time. He immediately took a quick step. After a few reincarnations, he arrived at the frontier.

This time, he felt that he was about to arrive, then slowed down, and did not continue to hit the huge screen as he did last time.

When he got there, Ye Feng began to look back at the sky, looking at a black spot coming from the sky.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Feng looked around. At this time, his heart suddenly moved. On the huge screen not far away, the place where he had been damaged in the last cycle was still there.

Leaf maple heart surged up a kind of shock feeling, immediately walked toward that side, reached out and touched the damaged place.

But Ye Feng was thinking, if this huge screen will not restart and enter a new cycle after being damaged, is there another possibility?

Maybe this cycle is just an appearance. Although the whole space seems to be still circulating on the surface, it's just walking according to the normal time. It's just that I can't see it.

Ye Feng thought for a long time, but still couldn't find a reason. After all, everything is still his imagination, and there is no evidence to prove what he thought. The only evidence may be the damaged screen.

At this time, Ye Feng looked up at the sky, but saw that the spaceship had come near here.Ye Feng hopes that black fire Ye Feng can find a breakthrough in the sky and escape from here, but subconsciously, he hopes that he will not succeed.

Once the maple leaves, maybe the cycle will really stop. At that time, what means of transportation can he find to break through the barrier in front of him?

But the spaceship hovered in the sky, not too close to the screen, but continued to rise. From Ye Feng's point of view, the spaceship looked smaller and smaller, which means that it was rising higher and higher.

Ye Feng can't help sighing. The higher the spaceship goes up, the larger the screen is.

After a while, the spaceship in the sky has become a small black spot, which looks like the size of a flying insect, but it still does not fly forward, but continues to rise.

Ye Feng knew that if he continued to go up like this, he might have to break through the atmosphere of eisf and enter outer space. If so, it means that the huge screen is endless.

after all, this is a virtual world, and the screen can't really be made of real materials. In the virtual world, these are just a bunch of code, and how high and how long they are is just a string of numbers.

In front of that spaceship, Ye Feng already felt that he couldn't see it with the naked eye, and his heart was cooling a lot.

Ye Feng then simply sat on the ground and waited for the result. Based on Ye Feng's understanding of his character, if the screen was infinite, he would definitely drive a spaceship to have a try before he lost his patience.

Since he can think this way, Ye Feng, who is the same person as himself, will certainly have this idea. Therefore, Ye Feng knows that it is only a matter of time before the spaceship hits the giant screen.

Just thinking about it, suddenly saw the sky a violent sound, leaf maple heart suddenly a Lin, immediately looked up toward the sky.

But see the sky a red bright spot, and then the bright spot is bigger and bigger, just a few seconds later, it becomes a huge fire.

Less than a minute later, the huge fire seemed to turn into a huge volcano.

Ye Feng knew that it would be too late if he didn't avoid it. He immediately avoided it in an instant. He just avoided it for less than ten seconds when he heard a loud bang, but saw a heat wave on the ground.

When the flame gradually began to fall, Ye Feng noticed that the burning thing was actually the spaceship.

Ye Feng can't help but be awed by this. At this time, he noticed that there was a black vertical line above the flame, as if it was a cut on the huge screen.

And behind the flame, a mass of black things appeared on the screen, and it became bigger and bigger, as if the huge screen was scorched by the flame.

Ye Feng can't help but a Lin, the black fire Ye Feng and really think of the same, driving the spacecraft to hit the huge screen.

That is to say, even in the atmosphere of eisf, this huge screen still exists.

But Ye Feng is more concerned about black fire now. He drives his spaceship to hit the huge screen. According to his understanding of him, although his hands can call black fire, he can also move instantaneously.

But this kind of movement is not to speed up, but it has no ability to fly and cross obstacles. That is to say, when the spaceship collides with the huge screen, it is impossible for the black fire maple to leave the spaceship.

So in terms of the current situation, the maple leaf of black fire has been buried in the flames of the spaceship?

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