Ye Feng was thinking about it, but suddenly saw that a black flame suddenly appeared in the flame. Although the flame was not too big, the black flame in the bright red flame looked very obvious.

Ye Feng see this scene, suddenly a Leng, under normal circumstances, the spaceship fire is impossible to appear black flame, the only explanation, the black flame is black fire Ye Feng.

Think of here, leaf maple heart can't help but move, that is to say, appear this kind of situation, because black fire leaf maple didn't die?

Ye Feng thought, can't help walking towards the spaceship, the closer, the black flame looks particularly clear.

And I don't know if it's the angle. The closer it is, the black flame looks more vigorous.

However, after Ye Feng approached for a few steps, he suddenly saw that in the debris of the spaceship, a man was lying there motionless, and his body was the source of the black flame.

Ye Feng stares at that side. Although the man is wrapped in black flame, Ye Feng can identify that guy as black fire Ye Feng.

And it seemed that the maple was motionless, as if dead, motionless, and it seemed that the body had changed.

Although not like a normal body, began to be slowly charred, but the black fire Maple surface, also began to have some changes, but the change is relatively slow.

But just thought of slow, suddenly a gust of wind came, the fire immediately began to rush towards the evil wind.

Ye Feng immediately a flash to avoid, but he just stood still, he saw that in the raging fire, black fire Ye Feng's body instantly turned into a group of black smoke, smoke disappeared.

And the black fireworks inside the bear fire and the black cloud like things flew out of the red flame in an instant, quickly surrounded Ye Feng.

That black cloud and black flame just wrapped Ye Feng, Ye Feng can clearly feel his body temperature rising rapidly.

Even the skin on the surface of one's body seems to be beginning to blister, as if one's body is completely baked on a fire shelf.

However, as a blister on the surface of his skin burst, countless blisters on his body began to do so, and Ye Feng's whole body seemed to be split.

At the same time, the black flame immediately began to drill into Ye Feng's body from the surface of his skin.

When the black flame goes in, Ye Feng can clearly feel his muscles and veins burning. The blood in the whole blood vessel seems to boil under high temperature, and the whole person feels as if he is about to be boiled.

Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a few painful murmurs, and even his whole body couldn't stand straight. He gradually began to fall to the ground, and his body gradually began to bend, just like in his mother's womb, curling up.

I don't know how long later, Ye Feng gradually lost consciousness, and gradually regained consciousness again. When he opened his eyes again, the flame on the wreckage of the spaceship had gone out.

Ye Feng looked down at his body and found that the skin that should have been festering had already healed completely, as if he had not experienced a fire just now.

He immediately stood up and looked around. Nothing had changed. The only thing that had changed was that there were scratches on the screen of the huge sky entry screen on one side of the screen when the spaceship fell down, as well as traces of the flame burning on the wreckage of the spaceship.

Ye Feng walked towards the screen, bypassed the debris of the spaceship full of smoke on the ground, went to the front of the screen, and found that the section had been charred, but still not broken.

He stood in front of the giant screen and watched it for a long time. In order to test the size of the giant screen, Ye Feng sacrificed for himself.

Think of before black fire leaf maple also want to kill himself, did not expect at this critical time, not only made the sacrifice, he also absorbed the black fire in his body.

At this time, Ye Feng stretched out his hands. As soon as his consciousness rose, two black flames suddenly appeared in the palms of the two hands, though not as big as the flame in the palms of the former black fire Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng knows that this should also be the problem of integration. The black fire has just come into his body, and it will take some time for integration.

Ye Feng looked at a huge screen and his palm of the black fire, know the edge of this area, it is estimated that there is no breakthrough.

He immediately left the neighborhood with a blink of an eye, but then he found that after driving the blink of an eye, his body was moving at a high speed.

In the process of moving, it seems that there is a mass of black smoke winding around the back of my body, just like there is exhaust in the back of my car.

Even Ye Feng felt that his instant walking speed was much faster than before. It is reasonable to say that he just inherited the black fire of Ye Feng. He didn't kill himself. He should have no or can't inherit other abilities in his body.But think of the black fire leaf maple turned into a group of black disgust and the black fire together into his body, perhaps because of this, so he also inherited the ability of the black fire leaf maple.

However, it is certain that Ye Feng did not inherit the memory of Ye Feng before black fire, and his memory consciousness did not change at all.

After Ye Feng stopped, he saw that Ye Feng, who was going to hudion's nest, was escaping from the pursuit of the black aircraft in the sky.

In other words, as long as the maple leaf is captured, then the space will continue to fall into the next cycle.

Ye Feng thought, anyway, now that he knows too many things, the world is just like this. Instead of repeating it again and again, he should do what he wants, not to worry about whether he will fall into the next cycle, and not to deliberately find the door to leave the virtual world.

Just after he stood still, he immediately used his consciousness to drive the black fire in the palm of his hand, and immediately photographed the black aircraft in the sky.

The two flames didn't look big, but they flew straight towards the aircraft. Ye Feng didn't know how much damage these two black flames had on the black aircraft. That's just to try.

But see two flames quickly fly to the black aircraft, instant shot out two holes in the aircraft.

The aircraft actually emitted a burst of black smoke. It was still chasing Ye Feng. At this time, it suddenly circled in the sky. At last, it crashed to the ground and glided away. It hit a huge stone in ruins and stopped.

Ye Feng saw that the black fire in his hand could attack those aircrafts, and immediately drove two flames to shoot towards another aircrafts.

The two black flames, just like two bullets from the chamber, directly hit another aircraft and instantly fell to the ground.

There was also busy running Ye Feng see their shape behind the aircraft falling one after another, can not help but stop, surprised to see the sky.

But Ye Feng doesn't mean to stop in his hand. He keeps firing the black flame in his palm. All the flying machines passing by in the sky are killed by Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng in the distance also noticed that Ye Feng was attacking the aircraft not far away, but he was far away. For the time being, he only knew there was someone, but he could not see the face.

Ye Feng also knows that Ye Feng should have found himself, but he doesn't care any more. Now he just does as he pleases, and doesn't think about any consequences.

However, at this time, one after another aircraft in the sky fell, and for a moment, no aircraft dared to fly over again.

There are several aircrafts hovering in the high school all the time. They seem to be observing the situation on the ground, but they dare not get close to it in case they are shot down.

Ye Feng sees this, but his heart can't help but move. After the extermination of these alien aircrafts, Ye Feng won't be caught. If he's not caught, won't he be able to enter the next restart?

With this in mind, Ye Feng also observed the situation around him. According to the previous situation, at this time node, Ye Feng should have been caught by the black metal net and flew to the main spaceship of the octopus head.

That is to say, in the next not too long time, the restart should be started, but Ye Feng, who should have been caught, is still on the ground. Does that mean that the next restart will not be able to continue without Ye Feng's participation?

The most important thing is that Ye Feng inherited the memory of a powerful man. In his mind, he did try many ways, but not once he chose to attack the octopus civilization spacecraft.

In other words, he may be the only one who starts to attack the octopus civilization aircraft.

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