Sure enough, I don't know how long it took, and I didn't start the cycle again, and the previous Ye Feng had already run to meet with Dixie and Jock Emma.

He even talked to Dixie and Jock Emma about someone attacking the octopus civilization aircraft. Dixie and Jock Emma were also very surprised. They didn't know who would do it.

And Ye Feng here, also continue to go toward the direction of the basement before, according to other Ye Feng's memory, he can roughly find out where the basement is.

But Ye Feng didn't mean to go in. He knew that Ye Feng, Dixie and Jock Emma would come here.

Now that the cycle has not been opened, Ye Feng is worried about another problem, that is, before he and Ye Feng black fire just appeared in the cycle, they rushed to find the spaceship.

So how many Ye Feng are there in this space? Ye Feng can't calculate himself. What's more, what they are together with Dixie should belong to this space. Ye Feng, how many are there in this space?

However, Ye Feng is still in that state of mind. Now that he has known the truth of the world, how many Ye Feng there are and what the future of essf will be suddenly become less important.

If there is another motivation that can definitely attract Ye Feng, it is how to find an exit from the virtual world. In addition, Ye Feng seems to be unable to find the fun of life any more.

Ye Feng suddenly thought of before, wholeheartedly want to kill his Ye Feng, he for the world has no hope, although he may not know the illusory world.

But now Ye Feng's state of mind, presumably and before that with a heart to die Ye Feng is no different.

At this time, Ye Feng, Dixie, jock Emma, Gu zhaohuichi and Qiuyu, who belong to the world, have arrived nearby.

In addition to these people, there are also some Mrs. ace who Ye Feng rescued from the basement. They talked and laughed all the way, and their voices were heard before they came here.

Ye Feng took a short step to the top of the abandoned building not far away. It was Dixie who came to find Ye Feng and said that he would take him to the top of houdion's nest.

Ye Feng at this time a person standing on the roof, looking back, just now a panoramic view of the scene.

Ye Feng and Dixie are walking towards the entrance of the basement. They don't notice that there is a Ye Feng hidden behind the surrounding ruins.

And those ye Fengs were planning on their own, and they didn't attack Ye Feng. They all seemed to realize that the octopus civilization didn't catch Ye Feng in this time and space, which led to no restart of space.

Since space doesn't restart, does that mean it's all over?

But if it's all over, what about so many maple leaves in the same time and space? How to solve this problem?

In fact, Ye Feng himself has thought about this problem, but now he has a indifferent attitude, even a spectator passing mentality.

Whatever Ye Feng will do next, Ye Feng has made up his mind and will never interfere in what will happen.

Whether Ye Feng wants to kill Ye Feng, or foreign people want to kill local people, it is meaningless for Ye Feng before the mystery of the illusory world is completely solved.

Even Ye Feng feels that, in addition to himself, these so-called Ye Feng are just a piece of code in the virtual world. If this is also something in a computer program, if you want Ye Feng, just copy and paste it. In theory, you can copy countless Ye Feng. In this world, it's just a pile of data.

Ye Feng then sat on the edge of the building, looking at everything below, but still thinking in his mind, now the world is not circular, so is it going on like this?

If it continues like this, when will it end? It seems that this kind of day has been endless since it came, which is generally boring.

Just at this time, Ye Feng, Dixie and Jock Emma of the world downstairs have found the entrance to the basement, and a group of people have been going down.

And Ye Feng hiding behind the ruins of the dark shelter, one by one is ready to move, from time to time there is a Ye Feng found another Ye Feng, made a sneak attack on it, and also succeeded.

Ye Feng looked down and saw clearly. When he saw it at that time, if he wanted to make a move, he could give it to himself, but he didn't intend to do it. For him, no matter how many Ye Feng died, as long as he didn't die.

Even Ye Feng has a stage where he can die.

At this time, the octopus civilization aircraft in the sky suddenly began to fly towards the roof of the abandoned building where Ye Feng was.

However, it is just skimming, but the frequency of skimming seems to be relatively high. As soon as the aircraft in front flies away, the aircraft in the back comes back immediately.

And when those aircrafts passed by, they did not attack Ye Feng, and Ye Feng knew that with the technology of Octopus civilization, it was impossible that he did not know that he was on the top of the building.So what does Octopus civilization mean when it finds itself on the roof and flies over itself? Are you challenging yourself or testing yourself?

Ye Feng at this time thought together, palm immediately more than two black flames, but also in his palm flame rise, those aircraft no longer fly towards themselves.

After a while, those flying machines that were still hovering over Ye Feng also flew away one after another. After flying away, there were no more flying machines. Maybe they were really afraid of the two black fires in Ye Feng's hands.

Ye Feng at this time with the idea of the palm of the black fire, transported to the fingers, took out a cigarette to pick up, with the fingers of the black fire want to light a cigarette.

However, as soon as the cigarette touched the black flame, the whole cigarette immediately turned into ashes. It seems that it's not realistic to light a cigarette with this black fire, which means overqualified.

In other words, Ye Feng can't completely control the black fire for the time being. If he can put it in and out freely, he should light cigarettes.

At this time, Ye Feng saw the entrance of the basement, and Dixie came out alone, walking aimlessly.

Ye Feng immediately sat up and took a look at Dixie, but he saw that Dixie was also an instant step, and instantly reached the top of the building where he was.

However, as soon as Dixie appeared, he saw that Ye Feng was also there. He frowned and said, "aren't you chatting with Qiao Huiying? Why are you here? "

Ye Feng knew that Dixie must have regarded himself as Ye Feng in the basement. He didn't expose it, but shrugged his shoulders and said, "think of it for a breath!"

Dixie did not doubt it. Instead, she went to Ye Feng's side and sat down. Then she looked at the sky in the distance and said, "I don't know when this day will end. It's really enough for Elsie to live!"

Ye Feng takes a look at Dixie. At this time, his heart moves. He knows that Dixie always wants to return to the earth and doesn't want to stay in eisf.

But Dixie certainly didn't know that the present world was just a fictional world, and I'm afraid the earth they came to was the same.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, she looked at him and said, "what are you thinking?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "have you ever thought of a question? If everything in our world is built by data code, what would you think if you knew?"

"You mean that our world, like the virtual world you experienced before, is also virtual?" she said

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech, but his heart is moving. Yes, why didn't he think about this problem? The previous virtual world is still a virtual world after he escapes. Is it still a new virtual world when he escapes from here?

So how many virtual worlds do you have to escape from before you go to the real world that belongs to you?

Or, in fact, there is no real world in this world? All the worlds are made up?

If so, who is making up the world? Are they the gods they used to believe in?

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Dixie immediately said, "if it's so good, it means that everything around us is fictitious, then there is no separation between life and death, but the disappearance of a pile of data!"

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "the disappearance of data may be the parting of life and death? It's just that we understand from different angles! "

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the difference between the virtual world you were in before and now, and how did you leave that world? If it's also fictional here, then it should be the same as there. There's a way to leave!"

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