Ye Feng thought about it. Before that, he didn't tell Dixie about his virtual world. At this time, after hearing Dixie say so, he said it roughly.

After all, it was a mysterious world, but then she thought about the difference between the present world and the mysterious world?

Thinking of this, Dixie could not help singing to Jing, "if my world is real relative to the fantasy world, but if this world is also illusory, then I am real? Is it just a bunch of NPC characters supported by data? "

Ye Feng is silent when he hears what Dixie said. For this point, Ye Feng is not sure. After all, for him, everything is so fake, but just a lot of things happened are so true.

Now Ye Feng can't tell the true from the false, let alone Dixie. Ye Feng even begins to doubt whether he is just a virtual character supported by data.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng shook his head toward Dixie and said, "I don't know. With my ability now, I can't answer you!"

Dixi Si pondered for a while, and did not speak for a long time. Now she was said by Ye Feng's words, and she had a lot of thoughts and tangles in her heart.

Just at this moment, Dixie suddenly looked down the stairs and said, "am I dazzled?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart is also a move, roughly know what Dixie see, mouth but in surprise way, "what? What do you see? "

"I thought I saw another one behind the ruins," said Dixie immediately

Ye Feng stood up and looked in the direction that Dixie said. It was estimated that Ye Feng had already run to hide.

Dixie also stood up and continued, "I can't be wrong! But how is that possible? Have you made a clone of yourself over there? "

Ye Feng's heart is also hesitating. Do you want to tell Dixie about all the circular events that have happened now.

Just at this time, he saw another leaf maple coming out of the basement. Seeing this, Dixie suddenly moved his face and said, "look over there, it's another one!"

Ye Feng sees in the eye, he certainly knows is how to return a responsibility, immediately toward Di Xi Si way, "actually......"

At this time, Dixie glanced at Ye Feng and suddenly seemed to realize something. He immediately stepped back and said, "Ye Feng and I have been together all the time. We went to houdion's nest together and went back to the basement together. The only time we separated was when I left the basement. When I saw you here, I also wondered, you were obviously talking to the president. How could you tell me You will suddenly appear here. At that time, I just understood that you came here in a blink. I didn't think about it at all You are not the maple leaf I know

Ye Feng took a deep breath, looked at the front of the Dixie way, "you are right, I really don't you always get along with that Ye Feng! But I am still Ye Feng, just not Ye Feng in this time and space! "

Dixi Si Zheng Zheng ground looks at leaf Feng way, "what do you mean by this?"? What is not the maple leaf of this time and space? "

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng continued to explain, "I don't know what to say. In a word, you take me to hudion's nest. After we leave, I will be captured by those aircraft. After that, a series of tests have been carried out..."

But Dixie immediately interrupted, "after we leave, will you be arrested? When? "

Ye Feng immediately explained, "it's past this time point. Listen to me. After I've been studied, I'll fall into a dead cycle of time and space. Every time I start from you taking me away from the top of the building until I come out and I'm captured by an alien aircraft. There's no limit to this cycle. I've experienced it countless times!"

Dixi Si does not understand ground looking at leaf Feng way, "countless times? We've been there only once... "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, as you, you just accompany me once, and then until now, but I have experienced countless times, every time from here to the end of my arrest!"

Dixi Si Zheng Zheng ground looks at Ye Feng way, "but this time of result, you didn't get caught, and still and I smoothly found the basement?"

Ye Feng continued to nod, "yes, that's because I found the secret of the world with Ye Feng of another time and space, and knew that we were in a virtual world. When we were trying to find the exit from the virtual world, an accident happened. Ye Feng was dead, and Ye Feng who was with you was not caught this time, until now !”

Said Ye Feng immediately said, "I can take you to a place, where you will understand everything!"

Dixi Si brow a wrinkly, on the face still have some cent to guard against the facial expression of leaf maple in, "where?"

Ye Feng immediately said in a deep voice, "the end of the world!"

"The end of the world?" she murmured

Ye Feng is looking at Dixi Si way, "have the courage to walk with me?"But Dixie stares at Ye Feng for a long time and doesn't say a word. Ye Feng knows that Dixie is thinking in her own heart.

Ye Feng then added a way, "but you don't want to also reasonable, don't give yourself too much pressure, you don't believe I belong to normal, you should go back to the basement just out of Ye Feng side, he needs you more than I do!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll go with you."

Ye Feng stares at Dixie to see after a long time, this just repeatedly affirms a way, "are you sure?"

Dixie immediately said, "I can feel that if you want to be unfavorable to me now, you don't need to talk so much nonsense with me. I'm not your opponent at all. The reason why you still explain so much to me is your reason!"

Ye Feng can't help but hastily toward Dixie said, "thank you, or you know me!"

Ye Feng said, he took a step closer to Dixie and extended his hand to Dixie.

After looking at Ye Feng hesitantly, she still put her hand on Ye Feng's.

As soon as Ye Feng holds his hand, it's a blink, and it's in front of the huge screen.

When she saw the scene in front of her, she didn't feel anything at first, but when she reached out and touched the huge screen, her face suddenly changed.

From the visual level, this is nothing to see, it looks like the distant scenery, but when her hand touched the screen, the heart of that kind of horror is beyond compare.

But Ye Feng has already seen this not strange, side head looked at a di Xi Si way, "how? It's a shock, isn't it? I found this for the first time! Look over there

Ye Feng then pointed to the other side, and Dixie noticed that there was a black scratch on the giant screen, breaking through the sky.

Ye Feng continued to explain, "in addition, the dead Ye Feng used the spaceship I found in the basement to see if the huge screen is boundless. He's almost out of the atmosphere of eisf, but he still hasn't broken through the huge screen!"

After staring at the black scratch and the wreckage of the spaceship on the ground for a long time, Dixie thought, no wonder the spaceship above the basement is missing. It has been driven here.

In other words, Ye Feng may not have lied in front of him. He can't make up such a big battle in order to make up a lie.

Ye Feng saw that Dixie did not speak for a while. Then he looked at Dixie and said, "now you should know that what I said is not a lie. This is indeed a fictional world, and there are limits!"

But Dixie didn't understand, "if so, we come from the earth to eisf, the scene changes too much. Why is the border on eisf?"

When Ye Feng heard this, his face suddenly moved. Yes, if he came to eisf from the earth, why is the border of the virtual world just on eisf?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng couldn't help thinking that it was just a border in one direction, so what about the other three?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "let's go to other extreme frontier to have a look?"

But Dixie shook his head and said, "there's no need. As long as there's a border screen, it's enough to prove everything. The rest is just to prove how big the virtual world is! What if I break through the other three borders? We're going to roam the universe? "

Yefeng listen to Dixie said, also feel some truth, can't help a while pondering.

Dixie asked Ye Feng at this time, "you still have not found a way out of this virtual world?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I haven't found it yet! Before, in the fantasy world, there happened to be a crater at the border. I was forced to jump down and left the virtual world! I didn't find a similar setting at the border here! "

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