As soon as he heard this, his face suddenly moved, and his mouth murmured, "if there is a place in the last virtual space that can be separated from the virtual world, this virtual world should also have!"

Ye Feng also pondered. This problem was not only discovered by Dixie, but also for a long time. However, it was because he had not found it that he simply gave up.

Now listen to Dixie said, Ye Feng eyebrow can't help but move a way, "if it's you, what do you think it will be?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "I don't know. After all, I haven't experienced your experience. It's hard to say. But if you think about it carefully, maybe it's the same as last time, or it's totally different from last time. Maybe it was a volcano last time, a River this time, or even a stone or something!"

Ye Feng smell speech a while ponder, in the heart think, is oneself have what didn't think of of of of detail? Ignored by yourself?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly thought of what he had said with Ye Feng of heihuo about that meteorite.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately said to Dixie, "do you remember the black metal stone outside the entrance of the basement?"

Dixie smelled speech to nod a way, "now also is there, how?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "let me think about what details I missed. The only thing I can think of is that stone!"

"What's wrong with that meteorite?" he said

Ye Feng immediately said, "the middle of the meteorite is hollow, which is a sealed space. After the appearance of this meteorite, there was a massive invasion of alien aircraft, and then there was a cycle! If anything, that meteorite should be a problem! "

Dixie immediately said, "since you doubt it, go and have a try!"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I've tried before. The metal texture of that meteorite is special. I can't cut that meteorite on eisf! If there's anything, I guess it's inside the hollow. "

After a long time, he said, "if you can't cut it off, you'll give up."

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng looked at Dixie and reminded her, "I'm not Ye Feng of your time and space!"

Dixie immediately nodded and said, "of course I know, but even so, you are Ye Feng I know. In other words, there should be a me in your time and space. If there is no big difference between me in your time and space, I just say what she wants to say to you for her!"

Ye Feng listen to such a said, can't help but heart next move, can't help but toward the Dixi Si nodded, what she said is right.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and said, "if I go back, I will meet another Ye Feng!"

"So what?" said Dixie immediately? He doesn't know your identity now. If he knows, he may be able to help you. After all, it's not you who know your mind best? "

Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart is a move, yes ah, now the circulation space has stopped, he does not need to kill Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and said, "OK, let's go to the entrance of the basement and have a look at the meteorite!"

Say Ye Feng immediately grasped the hand of Di Xi Si, two people instantly arrived the entrance of the basement.

Unfortunately, a man just came out of the ground. When he saw Ye Feng and Dixie, his face suddenly moved. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you? Clone? "

Ye Feng's face is also moving, standing in front of the other himself, if right, because it belongs to Ye Feng who is empty with Dixie.

And Ye Feng saw that Dixie was standing with him. He immediately said to Dixie, "Dixie, come here, he's not me!"

But Dixie nodded to Ye Feng and said, "I know he's not you!"

With that, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "don't worry about him for the time being. Go to see that meteorite. I'll explain it to him!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, immediately toward the entrance of the basement, passing by Ye Feng, Ye Feng also looked at himself.

Then Ye Feng asked Dixie, "what's the matter? We went to hudion's nest together before, and we didn't see my clone!"

Dixie explained to Ye Feng, "he is from another time and space, and we don't belong to the same time and space!"

That leaf maple a face surprised tunnel, "another time and space?"

Dixis patiently explained to Ye Feng, who was already squatting at the entrance of the basement, looking at the black meteorite in front of him.

Ye Feng stared at the meteorite for a long time, and found nothing special. In fact, he had seen it before.

Even before, they tried to cut the meteorite, but they didn't succeed.

Ye Feng then suddenly thought of his body can burn all the black fire, the idea just up, the palm of the black flame came out.

He immediately roasted the black meteorite with the black fire in his palm. Originally, Ye Feng had no hope, but he found that the black meteorite began to melt under the black fire,Seeing this, Ye Feng couldn't help but get excited. With that, this invulnerable meteorite is not really so hard, but it hasn't met anything that can restrain it. The black fire in Ye Feng's body is one of them, and it may be the only one.

Ye Feng roasted the black meteorite for a while and found that although the black fire can melt the black meteorite, the melting speed is very slow. How long has it been, that is, it has melted a surface.

At this time, Ye Feng on the entrance of the basement also jumped down, squatted on Ye Feng's side and looked at him. Then he saw the black fire in his palm and frowned, "your ability is back?"

Ye Feng didn't answer him anything. I believe that Dixie has explained everything clearly to him, so he doesn't need to spend any more words.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, he stared at the black fire in his palm for a long time and said, "do you want to get through this meteorite and see the hollow part inside?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Dixie should have said to you, if it is possible, this may be inside this meteorite!"

The leaf maple but toward leaf maple said, "she not only said, but also took me to the border to see a circle!"

Ye Feng side head looked at him one eye later, this just nodded a little way, "that you should also know, now the world is not real, want to leave here, must find a way!"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at Ye Feng, then looked at the black fire in his palm, and then said, "it's too slow to bake. You might as well try to bake a small hole in a circle of the meteorite, and then with the help of external force, see if you can break it directly!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard this. He secretly said that Ye Feng was right. If he wanted to completely melt the meteorite, it would take too much time. It would be better to try his way.

After thinking about Ye Feng baking for a while, he immediately changed another place and continued to bake. Every time he baked a small hole, he immediately changed the place to bake again.

Even this time-saving and labor-saving method wasted Ye Feng for several hours, and finally baked a circle around the meteorite.

Then Ye Feng went to one side, reached out to move a section of the meteorite, and said to the other, "you move that half, we lift it up and throw it underground!"

The leaf maple smell speech immediately past want to move the other end, leaf maple here is just lift up a little, will immediately put down, and the leaf maple move the other end is motionless.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately let go and said, "it seems that it is impossible to move this meteorite with the help of our strength!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's OK. I'll go to see if he has any lifting tools over there!"

With that, Ye Feng disappeared from his eyes, and soon came back with a jack in his hand. He said to Ye Feng, "let's try this!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning. He doesn't want to use the hammer to knock the cement under the meteorite. He wants to make a hole and put the jack in.

But after the maple leaves put the jack, no matter they can only push the jack, the meteorite is still in place.

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's useless. Even if it's on the top, it's an angle that has been raised, and the height of the jack is limited. It's hard to break it because of the hardness of the meteorite!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "it's a pity that the spaceship is not here, otherwise it can take this meteorite up in the air and fall down. Maybe it can be done at that height!"

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