Ye Feng thought of this, heart next move, yes ah, it's a pity that the spacecraft has only debris left.

But Ye Feng immediately thought, in addition to this spaceship, outside all over the sky flying can be those alien aircraft.

Since there is no spaceship, we can only use our brains to see how to make an octopus civilization aircraft.

Thinking that Ye Feng didn't say anything, he just left the basement entrance and went to the ground outside, looking at the sky.

Dixi Si is outside the ground, see Ye Feng out, can't help but frown a way, "which Ye Feng are you?"

Ye Feng mumbled, it's not your time and space, but your eyes are always looking at the sky. The aircrafts in the sky keep a certain height. It's not easy to get them down.

If it was eisf before, there were still some aircrafts that could be launched. But now, after being attacked by liquid civilization, there are no high-tech products left, let alone aircrafts.

At this time, Ye Feng also went to the ground. Seeing Ye Feng looking at the aircraft in the sky, he immediately thought of Ye Feng's idea and said, "do you want to get that thing to transport meteorites?"

Ye Feng nodded, then shook his head and said, "it's a pity that we don't have the ability to go to heaven, and none of the previous aircraft is left!"

Don't want that leaf maple but say, "you want an aircraft, have!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at that Ye Feng. If Ye Feng knows where to fly, he can't be unaware, but he doesn't have any consciousness in his mind.

Ye Feng immediately explained to Ye Feng, "it was Gu zhaohuichi who told me that there were two aircrafts behind the basement where they were hiding, but I don't know if they can fly!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately understand, every time he is out of ancient Zhaohui late, did not have time to say anything, was captured by Octopus civilization.

Ye Feng didn't have the energy to do this. He and Gu Zhaohui came back here late all the way. Of course, he would talk a lot with himself. Thinking of him, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "now take me!"

Two maple leaves immediately disappeared from the eyes of Dixie, and soon arrived at the entrance of the basement where Gu Zhaohui was hiding.

Looking at the landmark that was blown open by himself before, Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "it's just such an exit. Even if there is an aircraft hidden below, I'm afraid it can't fly out?"

In addition, Ye Feng said, "we can go down and have a look first. Since we can hide the aircraft here at the beginning, it means that if we can get in, there must be a way out, but we haven't found it yet."

Ye Feng did not speak, immediately and that Ye Feng are into the basement, looking for a circle, really found the two aircraft Gu zhaohuichi said.

However, it looks very old, but it may not be useful for a long time. There is a lot of ash on the surface.

Ye Feng didn't think much. He immediately went to an aircraft, opened the cabin door and sat in. Then he pressed the start button. Unexpectedly, he could start it.

By the way, Ye Feng experimented with the functions of the aircraft, and drove the aircraft off the ground, but the height of the basement was not too high.

Ye Feng just opened for a while and immediately landed. After the aircraft landed on the ground, the floating dust on the surface immediately dropped a lot.

When Ye Feng came down to have a look, he found that the aircraft was almost new, but it might have been put here for a long time, and there was a lot of dust.

Ye Feng and Ye Feng tried to fly another aircraft. The situation of that aircraft was similar to that of this one. There was almost no big problem, just a lot of dust.

Ye Feng then looked up at the top of the basement, because there is a sign of aircraft landing on the ground, that is to say, there should be a skylight that can be opened on the top to let the aircraft in and out.

Ye Feng looked around and found that there was a crack on the top. After staring at it for a long time, he said to the other one, "look around. There must be a switch on the top!"

The leaf maple smell speech immediately began to look around, leaf maple also began to look around for switch.

After a while, Ye Feng found a button in the corner that was not very obvious. He immediately pressed the switch, but heard a roar from the top.

The top actually began to open slowly, but the dust and falling at any time just after it was opened just happened to fall on the top of the two aircrafts.

Ye Feng immediately pressed again to close the top. At this time, he thought that there must be ruins and broken tiles all over the top. Once it was opened, there must be some bricks and other things falling down.

Now there are only two aircrafts left. If they are damaged by this stone, it will not be worth the loss.

Ye Feng immediately called on another himself, left the basement, to the part that should be at the top of the aircraft, to see that there is indeed all over the ground is falling rocks and other debris.

Two maple leaves immediately began to clean up the debris on the ground, after a long time to clean up, the ground also immediately exposed just maple leaves open, exposed that a slit.Two leaf maple Shun then will crack around and clean up, two people all over the dust, this just returned to the basement.

After opening the top button again, this time, only dust fell, and there was no gravel.

Soon after the top was fully opened, the two maple leaves immediately sat in an aircraft and started the aircraft out of the basement.

After two aircrafts flew out of the basement, they immediately started to go towards the entrance of the basement where Dixie was.

Standing on the ground, when she saw the two aircrafts coming, she could not help but look surprised. It seemed that she did not expect that eisf still had aircrafts.

After the two Ye Fengs landed the aircraft on both sides of the basement entrance, they immediately came down and found a rope to bind the meteorite to the ground. Then they began to fly the aircraft again, trying to transport the meteorite out of the basement entrance.

However, no matter how the two aircrafts fly, the meteorite on the other side of the basement entrance is still.

At the same time, the two Ye Feng realized that the products of the eisf civilization may not have so much power to move the meteorite. It seems that they still need to find those things in the sky.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately landed the aircraft, untied the rope and said to Dixie, "you wait here. I'll go to heaven to see if I can get one of those things!"

Ye Feng said toward the sky, Dixie's face suddenly moved, before they were chased by the aircraft scene is still fresh in my mind.

Thinking of this, Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't go, our aircraft can't be their opponent..."

Ye Feng didn't say anything. Another one also landed at this time. Ye Feng immediately said to him, "you stay here with Dixie, too. I'll go back!"

With these words, Ye Feng immediately closed the cabin door, started the aircraft, and began to take off. The power of the aircraft was not as good as that of the alien civilization, so the speed of the flight obviously could not keep up with the rhythm.

Ye Feng has been controlling the aircraft to go up to the sky, while still looking at the sky of those batches of black aircraft, watching the distance getting closer and closer, in fact, his heart is also a little empty.

If these black aircrafts suddenly attack themselves at this time, they will be shot down because they have no fighting power at all.

However, according to the current altitude, Ye Feng thought that those alien civilization aircraft should have found him long ago. I don't know why they haven't taken action so far.

Ye Feng can't manage so much, and he can't guess what those octopus heads are thinking?

What's more, the cycle doesn't continue now. Maybe they are still studying this problem, and they have no time to consider that they have already gone to heaven.

Just thinking of this, Ye Feng saw that one of the black aircrafts had been flying towards him.

Ye Feng immediately opened the cabin door. He knew that if the aircraft wanted to attack himself, he wanted to fight back with the aircraft. It was cannibalism.

It's better to rely on himself than on this aircraft. Thinking of this, Ye Feng has turned the aircraft into autopilot mode. Instead, he stands at the door of the cabin.

Seeing the black aircraft getting closer and closer to his side, he immediately made a full effort under his feet and jumped out of the air.

Just when Ye Feng jumped out, the black aircraft came near Ye Feng's aircraft. Ye Feng directly opened his arms and grasped the black aircraft's tripod.

Ye Feng immediately felt a tug on his hand. He was dragged away by the black aircraft, and his shoulder was almost dislocated.

At the same time, I saw that the aircraft I was driving exploded in the air.

On the ground, Dixie and Ye Feng couldn't see Ye Feng jump on the black aircraft with naked eyes. They just saw the explosion of the aircraft, and they couldn't help sighing. They thought Ye Feng must be dead.

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