But at this time, Ye Feng was hanging at the tail of the black aircraft, flying in the sky with the aircraft.

Octopus civilization's flying machine is very fast, Ye Feng's eyes are almost closed by the wind below.

Ye Feng a little bit strong set mind, although the eyes are difficult to open, but still forced to open their eyes, to observe the aircraft.

His goal is to snatch the aircraft for transporting meteorites in the basement, but only if he conquers and controls the aircraft.

Ye Fengqiang opened his eyes and looked around, but he didn't find out where to enter the flight.

At this time, Ye Feng's heart moved, and he immediately moved his mind. He grabbed the landing frame of the aircraft with one hand, and the palm of the other hand quickly burst into black fire.

But at this speed, the black fire was blown by the wind. Ye Feng had used the black fire before. He knew that the strength of the black fire had nothing to do with the external environment.

The control of Blackfire depends entirely on the willpower of the owner. The stronger the willpower is, the stronger the Blackfire will be. The weaker the consciousness is, the weaker the Blackfire will be.

At present, the black fire is still affected by the wind, not because of how strong the wind is, but because ye Feng's willpower to control the black fire is not strong enough.

Ye Feng looks at the black fire in his palm, which may be wiped out at any time. He can't help but move. He knows that at this time, he must have no distractions and concentrate on controlling the black fire.

At this time, he even held his breath and forced to strengthen his confidence and will. Now he doesn't need to open his eyes to see the world with his eyes, but with his heart and willpower.

Ye Feng gradually began to empty his mind. He could not even feel his life hanging under the aircraft. If he was careless, he would probably fall from a height of ten thousand feet to pieces.

Instead of thinking about these problems, he concentrated his mind and will, thinking that the blood flowing in his body, which can drive the black fire, is integrated with the black fire.

The source of Blackfire is the blood that leads to every corner of your body. The power of Blackfire is your brain and heart. As long as you put aside all thoughts, you can control the strength of Blackfire steadily.

Although Ye Feng didn't open his eyes, he could obviously feel that his blood seemed to be boiling and his heart was speeding up.

When Ye Feng opened his eyes again, he saw that his whole hand was wrapped by the black fire. The black fire was still under the wind, and the flame was full of signs.

Ye Feng heart immediately a joy, secret way oneself can completely control the whole black fire, he immediately put the black fire under the aircraft with his hand.

But Ye Feng is also thinking about a problem, I don't know if this way to open the aircraft, but also can guarantee the integrity of the aircraft.

But Ye Feng looked around. There were flying aircraft everywhere. If this one had a problem, he had to go to another one quickly.

Ye Feng thought that as long as he kept trying, he would find a place to burn a hole with black fire, which would not affect the whole flight operation.

But when Ye Feng put his hand under the aircraft, he suddenly felt a kind of suction in his palm. He didn't know whether it was the flight itself or his body.

Ye Fengxin was surprised. When he tried to stick his palm to the bottom of the aircraft, the whole palm was completely attached, but the flame on the back of his hand was still burning, but it didn't hurt the shell of the aircraft.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly realized a problem. Maybe he didn't want to hurt these aircrafts in his subconscious, so the black fire automatically mutated, causing his palm to have suction.

He wanted to let go of the other hand holding the tripod, and he thought that the whole palm was firmly absorbed at the bottom of the aircraft.

Ye Feng immediately drives the other hand, and the black flame comes out. Then he claps his hand on the other end of the bottom of the aircraft, and immediately the hand catches it.

He then drove the other hand with his mind, and the suction on that hand immediately disappeared, and then he patted the other side of the aircraft.

Then he drove the other hand to release and move forward again. After several tests, Ye Feng's hands were able to send and receive freely, and actually moved directly on the aircraft.

Just a moment later, Ye Feng had moved from the bottom of the aircraft to the top of the aircraft. Finally, he sat on the top of the aircraft, but he had to have a hand on the aircraft to keep his balance.

In fact, Ye Feng had been found inside the aircraft for a long time. The whole aircraft was instantly adjusted, and Ye Feng began to fall. Fortunately, he had a hand still on the aircraft, and his whole body immediately hung vertically on the aircraft.

Ye Feng see, immediately both hands absorb the aircraft, with the feet constantly to kick the aircraft shell.

The aircraft immediately began to hover in the sky, turning Ye Feng up and down.Ye Feng at this time heart next a Lin, such a throw method, even if his hands have been firmly grasp, his head is also quickly dizzy.

At this time, he held his breath, and immediately driven by his mind, black fire came out on his feet, instantly burning his shoes to ashes.

Ye Feng immediately put his feet on the surface of the aircraft, and his feet immediately had suction, firmly sticking to the surface of the aircraft.

Originally only hands, Ye Feng's body also with the aircraft's twist and chaos everywhere, but now limbs together, Ye Feng's body is fixed on the aircraft.

After several twists and turns, the aircraft didn't shake off Ye Feng. It also adjusted its combat plan and began to take Ye Feng to the distance.

When Ye Feng saw that the flight path of the aircraft gradually began to stabilize, he immediately stood on the aircraft. At this time, he suddenly felt that the wind was getting louder and louder.

The flying speed of those aircrafts that originally looked at the sky, though not slow, was also within their own visual acceptance range.

But at this time, looking at the things around, it was completely blurred, just like a strip of colored light, and immediately came to his own back.

Ye Feng realized that this is because the aircraft under him is accelerating. Now the speed has exceeded Ye Feng's visual range, so it looks like a moving light band.

After a while, before Ye Feng accepted everything in front of him, everything around him suddenly stopped.

Ye Feng fixed his eyes, and his heart could not help but move. Looking at the surrounding environment, he saw that it was the place where the octopus civilization had gone before. This should be the interior of the main ship of Octopus civilization.

At this time, a man in black armor came over and stood in front of the aircraft, staring at Ye Feng for a long time without speaking.

Although separated by a layer of black armor, the man gave Ye Feng a sense of deja vu.

Ye Feng soon realized that the other person might be the octopus head that brought himself into the dead circle.

At this time, he released his hands and feet, and jumped directly from the aircraft. The aircraft was like an amnesty, and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, the armor man in front of Ye Feng came to Ye Feng's ear, and the familiar voice immediately rang out, "we meet again!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "the cycle has been broken. What else do you want me to do?"

But the voice of the octopus's head said, "we didn't catch you. You did it yourself!"

Ye Feng heart next move, dark way is also right, is oneself want to hold an aircraft, so was brought here by the aircraft.

But the octopus head said, "you think the end of the cycle is just the beginning."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

The octopus head said, "when you think the home you live in is all, open the door, but there is a city outside. When you think the city is all, leaving the city, there is a brand new world outside!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "don't tell me these specious truths, just get to the point!"

The octopus head immediately said, "that is to say, when you feel that the cycle is over, you are just entering a bigger cycle!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move a way, "I depend on, really false?"? There's a bigger cycle? "

The octopus head said, "everything in the world, the universe, is actually a cycle."

Ye Feng immediately said, "where is the node of the next cycle?"

But the octopus head said, "I don't know, maybe now, maybe some time later, I haven't experienced it, and I'm not very clear yet!"

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