After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, the octopus nodded and said, "if you really think that black meteorite is of any use, I can lend you an aerocraft!"

As soon as his voice fell, Ye Feng felt something strange behind him. When he looked back, he saw that a brand new aircraft was stopping behind him.

Ye Feng can't help but move, can't help looking at the octopus head in surprise, there is a kind of hesitation, want to ask the octopus head, but don't know how to ask.

Looking at Ye Feng, the octopus could not help asking, "if you want to say anything, just say it. I think we should have nothing to hide from each other now!"

Ye Feng said, "you asked me to ask. I asked. Have you been able to control everything with your mind?"

The octopus was stunned and asked, "do you mean the aircraft behind you? That's just because there's a function inside the ship to recognize my commands! "

Ye Feng suddenly nodded, then walked toward the aircraft, asked the octopus head how to operate the aircraft.

Octopus head came over, and Ye Feng explained in detail, Ye Feng just sat in the cabin door of the aircraft, immediately began to operate the aircraft to take off, left here.

This road is also unimpeded, it is estimated that octopus head has got through everything, so there is no one to stop themselves.

Ye Feng soon left the main ship of Octopus civilization and went to the sky outside. He immediately began to dive toward the ground.

Soon found the location of longarsene fort, drove to the top of the basement entrance, and then landed the aircraft.

At this time, another Ye Feng and Dixie are still looking at the sky at the entrance of the cave. They don't know what happened to Ye Feng. Is Ye Feng dead or alive.

At this time just saw an octopus civilization aircraft landing at their side, heart can not help but a Lin, instinctively began to guard up.

However, when the cabin door was opened, Ye Feng came down from the inside. Both of them could not help but look at Ye Feng in surprise.

From their eyes, we can see that they are totally surprised that Ye Feng can get an octopus civilization aircraft.

But Ye Feng walked by, and then passed by Ye Feng and Dixie. He directly took the rope that had been bound on the ground, dragged it under the shape of the aircraft, and tied it to the landing frame of the aircraft.

Without waiting for Dixie and Ye Feng to say anything, Ye Feng immediately went to them and said, "you need a person to stand on the meteorite, wait to fly to a certain height, cut off the rope, throw the meteorite down to cut off!"

Don't want that Ye Feng and di Xi Si all say, "I come!"

Ye Feng looked at two people, toward another Ye Feng way, "you come!"

With that, he got on the shape aircraft. In addition, Ye Feng found a dagger and then stood on the meteorite at the entrance of the basement.

After Dixie gave Ye Feng a signal, Ye Feng immediately started the aircraft and began to fly to the sky.

When the plane reached a certain height, the rope was straight, but the meteorite below and the maple leaf standing on it still didn't move.

Seeing this, he immediately looked at the aircraft in the sky, but saw that the aircraft had not moved all the time. It was obvious that the meteorite below was too heavy to move even the alien aircraft.

At this time, Ye Feng on the aircraft also frowned. He looked at the situation of the rope from the monitor, and his face also moved slightly.

He immediately fumbled for the electronic controller on the aircraft, and the octopus head just told him how to operate the aircraft to fly.

He didn't introduce many functions of some aircrafts. He believed that the power of the aircrafts would be able to lift the anti meteorite, but he hasn't found a way yet.

After groping for a while, Ye Feng still got nothing, and at this time, a display suddenly appeared on the monitor, but it was a graphic text that he could not understand at all.

But there are several buttons on it. After Ye Feng tries to press them, the head of an octopus appears on the monitor.

The octopus's head said immediately, "you try to speed up!"

Ye Feng knew that octopus head must have seen this scene on the main aircraft of Octopus civilization, so he called himself and told him what to do.

Ye Feng then asked where the octopus head accelerator is, and then according to the octopus head instructions, found the accelerator.

Then Ye Feng heard a roar of the aircraft, and suddenly the aircraft itself began to vibrate.

After a while, Kung Fu began to rise slowly, and Ye Feng at the entrance of the basement yelled, "rise!"

Dixie stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at Ye Feng standing on the meteorite under the entrance. He immediately looked up at the aircraft in the sky.

Although the aircraft has begun to rise gradually now, it seems that the rising speed is a little slow, but it is in the process of gradual rise after all.Soon, Ye Feng stood on the meteorite, farther and farther away from the ground. He held the rope in one hand and the dagger in the other. He looked up at the aircraft. When Ye Feng stopped the aircraft, he could immediately cut off the rope.

Ye Feng will fly the aircraft to one side at this time. The height is not a problem now, but he can't throw it down near the basement.

According to his understanding of meteorites, the density of meteorites may not be bad after they are thrown down, and they can smash through the top floor of the basement.

After driving for a long time, Ye Feng felt that he was out of the scope of the basement before he stabilized the height. Although he couldn't get in touch with Ye Feng below, he thought he must know how to do it.

Sure enough, Ye Feng, standing on the meteorite below, saw that the aircraft suddenly stopped, and knew that it was time to cut off the rope.

He immediately took the dagger and began to cut the rope continuously. After a while, the rope was cut off.

The meteorite immediately fell from the sky, while Ye Feng firmly grasped the rope with one hand to avoid falling with the meteorite.

But see that meteorite instantly fell from the mid air behind a piece of ruins, suddenly "boom" to a loud noise, the ground instantly dust.

Ye Feng at this time immediately piloted the aircraft began to land, and not far from the Dixie also an instant step past.

The aircraft soon landed on the ground, and Dixie also arrived nearby, but the dust around did not disperse for a long time.

After about 20 to 30 minutes, the dust on the ground gradually dissipated. At this time, Ye Feng had come down from the aircraft.

At this time, I saw a huge crater on the ground. When the three people walked past, they found that the meteorite was lying in the crater intact.

The three people can't help sighing. It seems that they don't want to fall the meteorite from mid air.

"It seems that it's impossible to get rid of this meteorite," he said

Ye Feng did not say much, immediately back to the alien aircraft, try to contact the octopus head, the situation here said.

Octopus head said, "maybe the height is not enough, or the hardness of the ground is not enough. If you can find something as hard as this meteorite and fall on it, there may still be hope!"

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved when he heard this. The octopus's head was right. The density of eisf's ground can't be compared with that of black meteorite.

If we can only solve this problem by throwing objects from high altitude, the octopus head will have no problem at all. We have to find another thing with the same density and mass as the black meteorite.

Now, it is almost impossible to find such an object on the surface of the earth.

The reason why it is almost, rather than completely, is that there is another possibility, that is, to find another meteorite similar to the black meteorite on eisf.

The density and mass of two identical meteorites are almost the same. At that time, as long as the meteorite is thrown on another meteorite, the situation mentioned by the octopus head may appear!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked the octopus head, "when you attacked the meteor shower, was it possible for Ye Feng to take a deep breath of air," but at present, we only found one piece. I'm afraid it's not so easy to find it! "

Octopus head and Ye Feng said, "I can use our Mothership's detection equipment to help you sweep, maybe you can find it! Just a moment! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "well, I'll wait for your news!"

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