Dixie Si and another Ye Feng came to the side of the aircraft and watched Ye Feng sitting inside. Dixie Si could not help knocking on the cabin door.

Ye Feng see this side head after a look, immediately opened the hatch, let two people in.

After Dixie and another Ye Feng went in, they immediately sat down. Dixie asked Ye Feng, "what should we do now? Is there no way out? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm waiting for a reply!"

"Dixie surprised way," wait for reply? Whose reply? What's the reply? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "who else can I contact with by using the communication on this aircraft?"

Another leaf maple immediately surprised way, "you mean, alien civilization people in contact with you?"

Dixie is also a face surprised to look at Ye Feng way, "can you contact them?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "otherwise, if you think I robbed the aircraft, they borrowed it from me!"

Dixie Si and another Ye Feng can't help but be stunned. They really think Ye Feng robbed them. Unexpectedly, he borrowed them?

The more she thought about it, the more she didn't understand. She looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "can I borrow your money? Why did they borrow you? Didn't they come to attack Elsie? "

But the other leaf maple said, "I'm also wondering why they've been hovering in the air, just can't come down?"

Ye Feng said, "because there is an alien who also wants to leave this virtual world!"

As soon as he heard this, his face moved and he sighed, "I don't know how to leave now!"

In addition, Ye Feng said, "if you can really leave here, it doesn't matter to bring one more! The question is when we can leave! "

Just then, the octopus head immediately said, "we found one, but it's far away from here. You'd better bind the meteorite and fly there. I'll share the coordinates with you!"

While speaking, a map appeared in the lower right corner of the monitor, with a red dot and a green dot on it. The red dot flickered. It is estimated that it is now their location, and the green dot should be the location of the new meteorite.

Ye Feng immediately opened the cabin door, went down, and continued to tie the meteorite with the rope again. Then he said to another Ye Feng, "do you continue to stand below?"

But Dixie didn't understand, "what's the other one? I don't quite understand

Ye Feng roughly explained, "the hardness of the meteorite is so strong that the surface of eisf can't bear it at all. We can only find something with the same hardness as this meteorite, so they helped me find another meteorite. Let's go now!"

As soon as she heard this, she understood what Ye Feng meant. She immediately sat on Ye Feng's side and said, "I'll go with you!"

Ye Feng didn't object. At this time, he saw another Ye Feng standing on the meteorite. He immediately started the aircraft and began to take off.

When the aircraft flew to a certain height and the rope connecting the aircraft and the meteorite collapsed straight, Ye Feng immediately pressed the accelerator. After a roar, the meteorite and Ye Feng below were suspended together.

Ye Feng immediately flew to the green dot on one side of the coordinate with his aircraft. Looking at the map, it seemed very far away, but with the aircraft of alien civilization, the speed was incomparable with that of eisf's aircraft.

It's just that Ye Feng, who is standing on the meteorite, will suffer a little crime. It's not easy to stand below, and the wind at this speed is a little unbearable.

But standing below, Ye Feng just closed his eyes, and it didn't matter. He just pulled in the rope,

looking at the coordinates getting closer and closer to the green dot, Ye Feng opened the scanner on the aircraft and began to scan the passing ground.

Without waiting for the scanner to scan anything, Dixie pointed to the front and said, "it's so big that you can see it with the naked eye!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard the words, and he immediately looked in front of him, only to see that there was a black stone two or three stories high in front of him, which was more than ten or several hundred times higher than the one they had flown by air.

However, when Ye Feng wanted to get close to the aircraft, he found that the picture on the display began to twist, and all kinds of electronic displays seemed to have problems.

Seeing this, she asked Ye Feng, "what's the matter? Is the aircraft going to break down? Or is there no electricity? "

Ye Feng is also the first time to fly this kind of aircraft, and I don't know what the specific situation is. However, the closer he gets to the huge meteorite, the more serious the change on the display will be.

The leaf maple immediately heart next move a way, "may be that huge meteorite has magnetic field, affected the aerocraft!"

At this time, Ye Feng immediately flew the aircraft back. After a while, all kinds of abnormalities on the display and electronic instruments were restored to their original appearance, which showed that Ye Feng's guess was right.

"What do you do now? If we don't get close, we can't operate at all, but if we get close, we may crash! "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng immediately slowed down his flight speed and began to lift the aircraft into the sky. This time, he wanted to raise it as high as possible. Since he couldn't get close to it horizontally, he tried to pull it apart vertically to avoid the magnetic field of the huge meteorite.After rising to a certain height, Ye Feng tried to continue to fly the aircraft towards the front. The speed was very slow and he tried to advance. If there were problems with the display and instrument, he would continue to rise.

After rising, he continued to fly forward until there was no problem with the display and instrument. Then he flew over the huge meteorite and stopped the aircraft.

The following Maple Leaf after the last time, has been more skilled, grasp the rope, immediately cut off the following rope.

But I saw that the meteorite immediately fell down on the huge meteorite below. I just heard a sound of "bang". Ye Feng, who was holding the rope, could not help but look down, but saw nothing. He could not even see where the meteorite had rolled.

Ye Feng then landed the aircraft to one side, and then three people walked toward the huge meteorite.

Just close not far, as if to see the huge meteorite on the liquid lying down, a closer look is black liquid.

And around the liquid, there are many pieces of meteorite, Ye Feng immediately said, "is that the meteorite has been broken, this liquid is inside the meteorite?"

Dixie looked at the scene before him and said, "it's very possible, that's the only explanation!"

Another Ye Feng immediately said, "look carefully, the liquid seems to have begun to penetrate this huge meteorite!"

Ye Feng and Dixi smell speech, facial expression is a change, and subconsciously close to a little, this just found, just as that Ye Feng said.

It seems that the surface of the huge meteorite has been boiling now. The surface was smooth. Now, where the liquid flowed, all kinds of holes suddenly appeared, and they continued to penetrate.

Leaf maple heart can't help but move a way, "is this liquid corrosive?"

Dixie nods a way, "see this appearance should be, also don't know to have poison!"

The three people stared at the huge meteorite for a long time, but saw that the surface was infiltrated faster and faster. Just for a moment, the surface of the meteorite seemed to be full of holes.

Just in an instant, those small holes began to enlarge gradually and became pits one by one. The pits were also gradually enlarged and became pits in an instant.

Before the three of them could react, they heard a sound coming from the huge stone. It was as if the water was boiling, and even black smoke came out.

Ye Feng immediately pulled them back and said, "be careful to prevent the gas from being poisonous!"

They immediately backed away, but as soon as they were ready to look back, they heard a loud bang. Suddenly, a wave of air came, and three people were blown away in an instant.

And the black alien aircraft on one side was blown away in an instant.

When they fell to the ground and recovered, they turned back to see that the huge meteorite behind them had disappeared completely.

But there was a big black hole on the surface of the earth, and it was still steaming out.

Three people can't help but be surprised, Dixie immediately said, "is that huge meteorite exploded?"

Another leaf maple immediately nodded, "must be, just now this wave, energy is not small!"

Yefeng but step by step toward the front of the past, Dixie see immediately way, "you don't go, careful gas toxic!"

But Ye Feng said, "we have come to this step. We have no way back. I have to figure out what's going on!"

With these words, Ye Feng immediately held his breath, a short step, to the edge of the huge pit, looking inside, suddenly his face changed.

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