Dixie and another Ye Feng see Ye Feng's face is different, also don't know what he saw.

But both of them held their breath and immediately flashed to Ye Feng's side and looked into the huge pit.

Dixi Si and another leaf maple see the situation in the huge pit, the face is also a change.

It turns out that this huge pit is now like a huge furnace. The huge pit is full of raging fire. The most important thing is that it looks deep.

Ye Feng saw the huge crater, pondered for a long time and did not speak, but another Ye Feng's face was moving, "before the virtual world, finally separated, is a volcano, this time is a similar crater?"

As soon as she heard this, she looked at the bottom of the huge pit, but as soon as she gasped, she couldn't breathe and immediately avoided it.

And two maple leaves at this time have also left the huge pit nearby, to the safe area, Dixie this just asked, "the last time you left the virtual world, is jumped into the crater?"

In addition, Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, but at that time, I was also chased by a giant beast. There was no place to escape. I had to die. This time, there was no danger around me!"

Ye Feng has never said a word, and he is hesitating in his heart. What he wants to say is also said by another himself. After all, Ye Feng has experienced the virtual world before.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, she looked at him and asked, "what should I do now? If you want to get out of here, you have to jump? "

But Ye Feng said, "let me think again!"

When she heard the words, she pondered for a while, and did not speak again for a long time.

After all, if this thing jumps down, there will be no residue left. And even if someone is willing to experiment to jump down, whether he is dead or really leaves the virtual world to the outside world, it is impossible to give people here any hints.

Three people suddenly fell into a moment of meditation, and at this time, suddenly a black aircraft slowly landed down, from which came a man in black armor.

After the armor man came down, he took a look at Ye Feng and the three of them, and then walked towards the huge pit. He stood in front of the huge pit for a long time without moving.

Ye Feng and the three of them couldn't help looking at the huge pit, but they saw that the armor man had been standing for a long time, but they thought that the armor was protecting him.

After a while, the armored man came to the three people. After he came to the three people, he took off his helmet and showed his Octopus head.

Dixie and another Ye Feng saw this, their faces could not help but move. Although they had seen it in houdion's nest before, it was still unacceptable to see it again.

Ye Feng was used to it. He looked at the octopus's head and said, "don't you want to leave? Jump in and leave! "

The octopus head said, "I just used the scanning on the helmet to scan in the giant pit. There is a very strong magnetic field below. Maybe it's really a black hole that can pass through!"

Ye Feng then asked, "if you wear such armor on your body, you should be able to bear the fire in this huge pit?"

Octopus head said, "ordinary flame is not a problem, but the temperature of the flame in this huge pit is too high, and I'm not sure I can bear it!"

Ye Feng said to the octopus head, "whether you can bear it or not, go and get some for us first!"

Octopus head immediately said, "I have a few pieces on the aircraft, enough for you to wear!"

Then the octopus head went over, took out three sets of black armor from the aircraft, and threw them in front of Ye Feng.

Without saying a word, Ye Feng immediately put on his armor and helmet, and immediately walked towards the huge pit.

He has also been able to use his armor flexibly. Standing in the air, he looks deep. Then he drives all kinds of scans on his helmet with his mind and starts to detect the ingredients in the cave.

Dixie and another Ye Feng put on their armor and walked towards Ye Feng.

And just then the octopus head said, "no, they're coming!"

Ye Feng and the other three couldn't help but move when they heard this. They didn't know who the octopus head was talking about.

The three of them all looked back at the head of the octopus, but saw that countless black aircraft were flying towards it.

Ye Feng immediately said to the octopus head, "did you bring them here?"

The octopus head immediately said, "no, don't forget, the task of our civilization is to prevent people from leaving here! Now that they are here, does it prove that this is the exit? "

Ye Feng thought of what other Ye Feng said just now. When they were in the virtual world, they had to jump into the crater because of the pursuit of giant animals.

Now the situation seems to be more and more like the virtual world before. If these Octopus civilized people are the people who prevent them from leaving.So the huge fire pit they are facing now may be the exit, otherwise the octopus civilization would not have suddenly sent so many aircraft over.

At this time, the octopus head immediately put on the helmet, and then walked toward the huge pit, "no matter, I jump first!"

But Ye Feng said, "there is no guarantee of success!"

But the octopus head said, "I've betrayed the whole civilization. I'm already a traitor. There's no place for me here. I can only choose to jump. Maybe there's still a ray of life after jumping!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word any more. He just looked at the octopus head standing on the edge of the huge pit. The octopus head also looked at him and said, "if it's fate, I'll see the outside world. If it's really useless, then I'll never see you again!"

With these words, the octopus head did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, and immediately jumped directly from the crater.

Ye Feng immediately stares at the bottom to see, but sees the octopus head beginning to still hit several times at the edge of the fire pit, not for a while can't find.

After taking a look at it, both of them hesitated and didn't know if they would jump with them.

Ye Feng then looked back at the distant aircraft, then said, "jump or not, decide for yourself!"

Dixie asked Ye Feng, "don't you jump?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "I want to go back to find them. I can't leave them!"

But Dixie immediately said, "it's too late. Besides, you are not Ye Feng of this time and space!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a Leng, Zheng Zheng ground saw a di Xi Si.

At this time, the other Ye Feng said, "yes, you are not me in this time and space. Their safety should be given to me in this time and space. I'll go back to find them!"

Ye Feng then toward another oneself way, "your ability is not as strong as me, still I go back to look for them!"

That leaf maple but looking at leaf maple way, "you are me, I am you, I what personality, you are clear, I have decided to go back to look for them, this time and space I make the decision!"

With these words, Ye Feng immediately disappeared from Ye Feng's eyes. It was obvious that he went back to longarsenic castle to find a Nan.

At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "let him go back. If you don't let him go back, he won't jump. What he said is right. He is you and you are him. You have the same character. Don't you know?"

Ye Feng takes a deep breath and says in his heart, yes, Ye Feng is actually himself, another entity of himself. He knows that even if he doesn't mention it, he may have thought of going back to find ah Nan.

What's more, I'm not Ye Feng of this time and space, but what about my daughter and Dixie of that time and space?

As far as the current situation is concerned, it's impossible for me to go back and find my daughter and Dixie. Even if I can find them, I have to leave with two daughters and two Dixie?

Now we have two selves here. If we go out, are we two selves? Isn't that a mess?

Seeing Ye Feng staring at himself in a daze, Dixie can't help reaching out and shaking in front of him, "what do you think?"

Ye Feng this just returned to God, toward the Dixie Si shook his head way, "nothing! In that case, let's jump. Don't hesitate! "

With that, Ye Feng walked towards the huge pit, and Dixie followed him. They both took a look at the huge pit.

Then Dixi Si reached out to hold Ye Feng's hand and looked at Ye Feng. Ye Feng also looked at Dixi Si.

And at this time, the group of black aircraft behind them have swarmed in, whistling toward them.

Moreover, many aircrafts have put up weapons under them and started shooting at them.

Ye Feng immediately took a deep breath, took Dixie's hand and said in a loud voice, "ready Jump

They immediately jumped into a huge pit of fire together.

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