When Ye Feng opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a warm bed, surrounded by huge landing windows and endless sea view.

A sea breeze came, wet and salty. Ye Feng immediately sat up. At this time, he noticed that on one side of the bed, there was a brown beauty.

That beauty looks a little strange, but her facial features are pretty. At this time, she is not dressed. She is asleep, and her mouth is filled with a satisfied smile.

Ye Feng immediately from the bed, found himself naked, the ground is also full of clothes, there are men, there are women, from the door to the bedside.

Ye Feng went to the French window and took a look at the scenery outside. Below is the beach. At this time, there are many beautiful women wearing bikini and enjoying the sunshine on the beach.

Occasionally, I can see one or two men and women who are chasing on the beach with nothing on, laughing and laughing.

Downstairs, a group of passing beauties just look up to see Ye Feng standing at the window, and there is nothing on him. One of them smiles and the other casts a wink at him.

The beautiful woman also points to Ye Feng. Ye Feng looks down and is stunned. She is a used condom.

Ye Feng at this time can only determine that he is not dead, should be left eisf, but now where, he is not clear.

At this time, suddenly the door was kicked open, and more than a dozen men in black came in, all holding guns.

The brown beauty on the bed woke up and sat up directly from the bed. When she saw so many people in the room, she screamed and covered her body with sheets.

Ye Feng is still standing at the window, just looking back at the door, frowning slightly, I don't know what these ten men want to do when they suddenly break in?

At this time, Ye Feng heard a burst of applause coming from the outside door, and soon saw a Hispanic with curly hair and beard come in.

After curly hair and beard came in, he took a look at the brown beauty on the bed, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "what a good thing you've done!"

The brown beauty frowned and said, "rafig, what are you doing here?"

With these words, he immediately wrapped up the sheets, picked up the clothes on the ground and rushed to the bathroom.

The man named rafig looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you even dare to sleep with the woman of our boss? What courage

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly felt a pain in his brain, but he felt dizzy, as if he had been hit by a stick in the back of his head.

Suddenly feel a sour nose, hand a touch, incredibly full of blood, staring at his hand.

Rafig frowned and said, "it seems that you spent a lot last night..."

"Are you Raphael?" Ye Feng looks up at rafig and suddenly feels that the man is familiar with his face and name.

But soon in front of my eyes is a flash, suddenly plop down on the ground, directly fainted.

When Ye Feng opens his eyes again, he feels wet all over, but sees a fierce man standing in front of him with an empty basin.

Ye Feng just wanted to move, but found that his hands and feet were handcuffed, and his limbs were propped up on an iron shelf.

And the environment around is extremely dark, only a bonfire in front of us, bright and dark.

Before that sunshine sea view room has already disappeared, now I don't know where it is? But he's still naked.

In front of the fierce man glared at Ye Feng, immediately yelled, "rafig, this boy wake up!"

At this time, I saw a man walking out slowly in the dark. He was the one with curly hair and beard that he had seen before fainting, rafig.

Rafig was picking his nails with a Swiss Army knife in his hand. After he came to Ye Feng, he looked at him and said, "I'm awake at last! You can really sleep

Ye Feng then asked rafig, "is this Brazil?"

Rafig frowned and said, "are you confused? This is Brazil, of course

Ye Feng immediately asked rafig, "is your boss Franco?"

Rafig frowned more tightly, and immediately put the general's knife on Ye Feng's neck, "don't pretend to me!"

Ye Feng knew that rafig's saying this was acquiescence, and his subconscious gradually remembered it.

This is Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil. The curly hair in front of us is the hand of Brazilian underworld magnate Franco.

The brown beauty lying on her bed in the morning is Franco's mistress. If you remember correctly, the sea view room is an upscale hotel on the west side.

Yefeng should have just come here yesterday. In the evening, he went to a nearby bar, where he met Franco's mistress, and then took her to the hotel for a night's sleep.

The next day, that is, this morning, rafig appeared in the hotel, but Ye Feng remembers that when he was in the hotel, he flattened out these people and left.This time, he suddenly fainted and was brought to the place where it was not in the middle of winter.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng suddenly felt a pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw that rafig was making a cut in his chest with a Swiss Army knife.

Ye Feng frowned, looking at rafig, in his own impression, the goods should die in the morning of the hotel room.

Now I can still stand in front of myself and use a knife on myself, which is just a profit. But at this time, I am handcuffed and have no ability to fight back.

At this moment, when he heard a gunshot, rafig's face suddenly moved. He looked not far away and said in a loud voice, "who fired the gun?"

There was no answer, but rafig watched as one of his men fell to the ground with a groan near a tree.

Rafig's face changed, immediately ran to Ye Feng's side, immediately took out the pistol, strangled Ye Feng's neck, put his head, and said in a loud voice, "who? Come out? "

At this time, a man came out of the darkness and stood in front of Ye Feng and rafig.

Ye Feng's face suddenly moved. A woman came out in front of her. It was Dixie.

But her appearance was not what she had seen in eisf, but what she should have been.

When they were at eisf, they were all reborn with the help of other people's bodies. Although later, they may start to look a little similar to their original appearance because of body fusion, there are still some differences.

But now in front of the Dixie, is Ye Feng's initial impression of Dixie, but Ye Feng's brow is a wrinkle, he now does not know this Dixie is always this world's Dixie, or just and his own from eisf together that Dixie.

Dixie is holding a gun in his hand. At this time, he is facing Ye Feng. His mouth coldly says to rafig, "you can live if you go now!"

As soon as rafig heard this, he immediately put his gun against Ye Feng's head and said, "you put down your gun now. I think you're a beauty..."

"Bang" to a sound, Dixie has fired, and then put away the gun toward Ye Feng came here.

But originally holding a gun to hold Ye Feng's head, rafig has no movement at this time. Although he still uses the gun to hold Ye Feng's head, there is a blood hole in his own head.

When Dixie came, he had already leaned back and fell to the ground in an instant.

Dixie immediately went over and found the key from rafig and untied the handcuffs on Ye Feng's hands and feet.

Ye Feng realized that he didn't wear anything at this time, and immediately went to take off the clothes on rafig and put them on.

At this time, Dixie took a look at Ye Feng and said, "let's not mess with it, because you have been delayed!"

After Ye Feng put on his clothes, he tentatively asked Dixie, "what action?"

"Dixi Si white leaf maple after one eye," you are really don't know, don't fake know? "

Ye Feng certainly knows that the purpose of their coming to Brazil this time is to carry out the last mission in his life.

However, he is more curious about whether this Dixie in front of him has experienced so many Dixie with himself.

As far as Ye Feng's observation of Dixie is concerned, it seems that she doesn't remember what happened before. Is the memory in her mind just a dream after she was ecstatic last night?

There's no espresso at all, there's no virtual space, and everything just happens in one's own dream?

Or is it that the virtual world exists, but Dixie does not come back?

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