This scene was beyond everyone's expectation, and Hades didn't seem to think of it. What's more, Satan couldn't avoid it at all.

Just in an instant, Hades was shot in the middle of his brow and fell to the ground. Others stood up one after another.

Standing on the balcony of the second floor is also a Leng, she did not seem to think of Ye Feng will suddenly hit hardis.

At this time, Ye Feng still sat in his seat and poured himself a glass of beer with a bucket. Then he called on all the people, "all sit down and drink!"

Those people were already instinctively going to take out the gun, but listening to Ye Feng's words, they were all in the same place, sitting or taking out the gun.

Now Hades is suddenly killed by Ye Feng. They are not in the mood to sit down and drink, but they really want to take out their guns. Their guns are not as fast as Ye Feng.

After drinking a mouthful of beer, Ye Feng picked up a fork on one side, forked a piece of barbecue, put it in his mouth, chewed it for a long time before swallowing it. Then he told the people, "if you want to know why I killed him, just sit down!"

When they heard this, they looked at each other and sat down.

Dixie also came down from the second floor at this time. She went to check Hades, and was hit by Ye Feng. There must be no way out.

After Ye Feng took a look at Dixie, he said, "why does Franco know what hotel I'm in?"

Everyone didn't speak, but Dixie said, "he's the boss of the Mafia in Brazil. It shouldn't be difficult to find out what hotel you are in?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "that's right. Unfortunately, Franco is the boss of the slum. This is the west side. Hades ordered the room for me!"

Dixie frowned, and Ye Feng's words were obvious. Today, Ye Feng's place was found by the people of Franco. Ye Feng said it was Hades, which must be right.

One of his subordinates said to Ye Feng, "Captain, we will believe what you say, but Hades is the vice captain after all. If you kill him like this, we are worried that you can't explain to zhuomus!"

Ye Feng took another sip of beer and then said, "I'll explain myself there. This matter has nothing to do with you. If there's any problem, I won't drag you down!"

But Dixie said, "it's not a matter of procrastination. It's a matter of tomorrow's task. We'll kill our own people first. It seems that..."

But Ye Feng said, "if Hades doesn't die, tomorrow's mission can't succeed!"

Everyone a listen to this words all can't help a dismay, half believe half doubt ground see to leaf Feng.

Ye Feng is looking at all humanity, "so many years, I take you out to do things, have you ever pit?"

People could not help shaking their heads when they heard the speech. Some even said, "the team leader has never cheated us, and he always takes the lead in every task. At most, we are just taking cover!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "so many years, have I ever made a mistake in judgment?"

All the people immediately shook their heads and said, "not once!"

Ye Feng just nodded, "so you think I kill Hades, right or wrong?"

All of them hesitated, but someone immediately supported Ye Feng, "since the captain said Hades should die, then he must die!"

When others heard this, they began to echo, "yes, that's right. The captain won't pit us. Hades must have taken the other party's money!"

Another person said, "well, Hades has always been dissatisfied with the team leader, which is well known. Just now, he spoke in a strange way. He complained more than once on our side because the team leader delayed the task!"

At this time, everyone began to say that Hades was not, but Dixie just listened and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. She knew that things were not as simple as Ye Feng said.

Since Ye Feng said that this mission is a pit, this matter has not become so simple.

Ye Feng took a look at Dixie, then took his glass and said to all the people, "tomorrow's task will be smooth, without Hades, it will be even more smooth. I wish us a victory tomorrow and have a drink!"

All of them put up their wine glasses and clinked their glasses with Ye Feng. In fact, the negative impact of a dead Hades on them is not too big.

Originally, there was a mythical Satan in front of them, and there was a chasing Hades. When would they come out.

It's almost impossible for Satan to die, but without a rival like Hades, at least vice captain still has a chance to fight for the position.

After drinking a few more cups with the crowd, Ye Feng stood up and said, "deal with the body, you drink for a while, and have an early rest!"

Having said this, Ye Feng went into the villa. Seeing this, Dixie immediately ran after her and said, "why do you have to kill Hades?"

Ye Feng did not speak, until the second floor of the room, this just looked to Dixie way, "he betrayed me!"

Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's OK for you to cheat the people below, but you can't cheat me. Although Franco is the boss in the slum, it's still easy to find out what hotel you are in. Besides, if Franco really doesn't deal with the people in the west side, how can his people take you away from here?"Ye Feng sat on the bed, lit a cigarette and said, "doesn't he always look at me? In fact, I have long been unhappy with him. Instead of waiting to be killed, I'd better start first! You know, in our business, fame is more important than life. If I die in his hands, my fame will be ruined all my life! "

But Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "so, what you said to me before is true, not a joke. Tomorrow zhuomus will ask Hades to kill you?"

Yefeng listen to Dixie said, can't help looking at Dixie for a long time, this just a smile way, "I don't know how to answer you, as you said, you are not those guys downstairs, I can't cheat you, also don't want to cheat you!"

Dixi Si immediately pulled up Ye Feng and said, "in this case, we don't care what task we are going to do. We'll go all night tonight! If you leave Brazil, the farther you go, the better! "

Ye Feng shakes off Dixie's hand and says, "it's useless. You know the ability of organization. As long as we don't die and go to the ends of the earth, zhuomus will find us. Besides zhuomus, there are those guys who want to surpass me in the ranking list. They won't give up either. Only when I die, will they really be at ease! We are at ease, and so are they

But Dixie did not wrinkle a way, "you are dead, what kind of heart?"

Just finish saying but facial expression move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "you mean, you want to use tomorrow's task, feign death?"? And then retire? "

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "this is the only way!"

But Dixie toward Ye Feng way, "zhuomus is not so easy to cheat!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "there's no way. Do you think he will let me finish this task and retire? How many people in our business can retreat completely? Only the dead can keep secrets. Dromus can train countless people like me to come out

At this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and did not speak for a long time,

Ye Feng stepped forward and held Dixie in his arms and said, "believe me, this time we have to and can only do this. We will find a place where no one knows us afterwards and start again!"

Dixie originally struggled two times, trying to break away from Ye Feng, but listening to Ye Feng say so, immediately looked at Ye Feng, then hugged Ye Feng and kissed him.

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