Ye Feng also warmly caters, this moment seems to have experienced countless centuries.

Whether it's now or before, whether it's real or virtual, Ye Feng has experienced too many women. In the end, she found that the woman who loved her most was always by her side.

After kissing for a moment, Dixie slowly pushed away Ye Feng and said, "go to bed early today! Let's make a detailed plan tomorrow! "

Finish saying Dixi Si to turn round to want to leave, leaf Feng but a to hold Dixi Si's hand, make an effort to pull, again will Dixi Si embrace in the bosom way, "where are you going?"

Where else can we go? Of course, go back to rest! I'm tired all day today. Let's have a rest early! "

But Ye Feng hugged Dixie's waist and said, "you forget what zhuomus said in the video phone just now? He told me not to leave your sight for a moment, but you and I have promised! "

Dixi Si's face slightly moves to see to leaf Feng way, "a moment all don't leave?"? What do you want? "

Ye Feng shrugged with a smile and said, "I don't want to do anything. You know me. I'm not the kind of man you imagine! I just want to promise again! I don't want to forget what I just said! "

Dixie wants to get rid of Ye Feng, and says, "you are not the kind of man I imagined, so there is no such man in the world! Come on

Ye Feng still hugged Dixie's waist and said, "now you have only two choices, either you stay, or I'll go with you and go to your room. Anyway, I said that if I don't leave your sight tonight, I must do it!"

"You're just a rascal," Dixie muttered. "Is that how you hook up with other women?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I don't remember!"

Dixie frowned, "you just hooked up with one yesterday, so soon you don't remember?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I only remember you now. I remember when we were young, we walked all the way. I remember your kindness to me and your silent waiting for me. I'm fond of playing in the first half of my life. In the second half of my life, I just want to play with you alone!"

When he heard the second half of the sentence, he immediately clenched his fist and beat Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "who's playing with you?"

But Ye Feng looked at Dixie, and then a tone live Dixie, and then stretched out his hand to hold the legs of Dixie, will her to hold up, put on the bed.

Dixie feeling bad, quickly want to break free, but Ye Feng but where will easily let her leave? It's dead on her.

After kissing for a long time, Dixie beat Ye Feng and said, "I can't breathe!"

Looking at the look of Dixi Jiao panting, Ye Feng can't help laughing, "you are so beautiful tonight!"

Dixie's face turned red and looked at Ye Feng, then said, "how many women have you said this to?"

Ye Feng turned over and lay on the bed and said, "I never talk to them about this. Maybe I don't respect them too much, but it's a fact. They can't compare with you!"

"You really don't respect them, and you don't respect me," she snorted

But Ye Feng said, "no matter what, I'll only be you for the rest of my life!"

Dixie continued to snort coldly, "do you think so? Don't ask me if I want to? "

Ye Feng takes a look at Dixie, and then turns over and lies on Dixie. "In this case, I can only give myself to you tonight..."

"Don't mess about!" cried Dixie at once

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's not up to you anymore..." Then he jumped on it. A breeze blows outside the shovel of

, and the sky outside Rio De Janeiro is still shining. Several people in the woods behind the starry sky are digging holes with spades.

Soon the pit was dug, and several people carried Hades' body and threw it in.

Standing in front of the pit, I took a look at Hades in the pit. A few people were all sighing. They were living companions before, and now they are going to sleep here.

Several people, whether sincere or false, stood in the pit avant-garde Hades prayed for a few words, then hastily covered the soil and began to bury.

After the busy, a few people are not interested in drinking any more, so they go back to their rooms to have a rest.

The next morning, when Ye Feng opened his eyes, he saw that Dixie was no longer by his side. He immediately looked around for fear that everything happened was false.

However, after seeing that everything in the room had not changed, he took a long sigh of relief, then picked up a cigarette and lit it, lying on the bed smoking.

At this time, I heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom on one side. I think Dixie is taking a bath in it.

Think of last night and Dixie night gentle, did not expect Dixie so many years really have been waiting for himself, unexpectedly did not have any man to touch.

Ye Feng can't help but smile happily. Compared with Dixie's loyalty to himself, his debauchery is nothing but dregs.After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng immediately gets up and goes to the bathroom and pushes the door in.

Inside the Dixie is taking a bath, see Ye Feng suddenly broke in, immediately yelled, "what do you do?"

But Ye Feng walked into the shower, hugged Dixie and said, "of course, we took a bath together. Last night, we were sweating profusely. If we don't wash, won't we really become stinky men?"

Dixie wants to push Ye Feng out, but Ye Feng doesn't pay attention to her. She just hugs her tightly and helps her take a bath. "After we retire, we live such a life every day. Do you think it's beautiful?"

Hearing the words, Dixie couldn't help but be shocked. Thinking of Ye Feng's fierce appearance last night, he shook his head and said, "every day? I don't want it! Do you want to kill me? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "I'm talking about life. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Dixie blushed and said, "I'm talking about life, too. What do you think?"

See Dixie unexpectedly also have a coquettish side, Ye Feng immediately and kiss Dixie, two people in the bathroom and lingering round.

When they wash thoroughly, they find that Dixie's mobile phone has been ringing for a long time.

Wearing a bath towel, Dixie immediately took a look at his mobile phone and said, "it's dromus!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help a wrinkly way, "with the task ahead, he can't so often call!"

Dixie nodded and wrapped the towel. Then she got through the video phone and said, "I was taking a bath just now. I didn't hear you!"

Dromus nodded and asked coldly, "where's Hades? Why don't you answer the phone all the time? "

Dixie Si and Ye Feng can't help but move when they hear the speech. Dixie Si immediately said, "I don't know. I just got up. Maybe he went out without a mobile phone?"

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