At noon, Ye Feng and Dixie just get up, Dixie can't help but say to Ye Feng, "if there's any action tonight, will you toss with me for a night and a morning?"

Ye Feng can't help but white one eye, di Xi Si way, "you just want time, don't say these with me, now satisfied just say these with me, isn't some too late?"

Dixie blushed and didn't say anything. She got up and took a bath, and left the room with Ye Feng.

After a simple meal with those subordinates, a group of people are ready to set out towards the location of the task.

Although there is no Hades, a lot of things will be done by Dixie, but in this way, Ye Feng is relieved.

If Hades is still there, he will definitely arrange some unexpected situations on the route of retreat. Now Dixie is in full charge, and he will become much safer.

But even so, Ye Feng dare not take it lightly. Since zhuomus dares to let this task continue without Hades, it shows that he must have other arrangements.

The location of the mission is in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, an ancient castle in the forest, there are many military guards on the road.

However, in Ye Feng's view, it's no problem at all. It's easy to pass the defense line. The most important thing is that it's the forest. No matter how tight the defense line is, it's impossible to control the whole defense line.

The real defense line is near the castle. The smaller the area, the better the defense.

Dixie didn't go into the forest with Ye Feng. She and some of her subordinates were outside the forest to prepare for the logistics. Ye Feng took a group of people into the deep forest.

When they saw that the castle was in front of them, Ye Feng began to prepare for ambush. Once they were ready, they couldn't move any more. They had to wait until it was dark before they could start to move.

Everyone was dressed in camouflage clothes, lying on the ground motionless, observing the surrounding environment, waiting for the arrival of night.

But this time for Ye Feng, has been familiar with, this is his second time.

If he didn't kill Hades, he knew that he would be safe before he could succeed.

But now that Hades is dead, Ye Feng can't guarantee whether zhuomus has changed his original plan.

So in his subconscious, Ye Feng has already taken it as his first visit. Not only that, but also he has to be on guard against whether there are Hades or zhuomus among his subordinates.

However, seeing that dromus called to ask Dixie today, he did not expect that, otherwise dromus would know that Hades was dead.

If dromus knows that he killed Hades, he will doubt whether he has known his plan to clear up. In that case, dromus is most likely to cancel the operation.

After all, with Ye Feng's understanding of zhuomus, he never does anything uncertain. Zhuomus also knows Ye Feng very well. He knows how dangerous he will be once he knows it.

Since the mission continues, it means that dromus should not know about Hades' death.

As time goes by, the night gradually falls. In Ye Feng's earphone, Dixie's voice says, "you can act immediately. Be careful!"

Ye Feng then toward Dixi Si way, "don't worry, you also protect yourself outside!"

With these words, Ye Feng immediately made several marching orders to his subordinates, indicating that all of them began to march towards the castle.

Taking advantage of the night, a group of people began to move forward quickly. Even if they met the garrison of the ancient castle, they were going to cut the mess and solve it as soon as possible. They used knives and guns as much as possible, so as not to cause noise and disturb the nearby garrison.

After solving some garrison problems, they soon arrived at the wall of the castle. In Ye Feng's impression, there were monitoring devices all around the wall.

When they were refitting against the wall, Ye Feng looked at the nearby camera and found that it was no longer on, indicating that Dixie had done a good job of backup work to help him solve the problems on his way forward.

Ye Feng then made a few gestures, several soldiers immediately squatted on the ground, let the companion step on their body on the wall, to the wall immediately reached out to the companion to drag up.

After entering the wall of the castle, the first thing to do is to find a shelter, hide and observe the situation around.

After finding that there were no changes around, they divided into two teams and began to march towards the gate of the castle.

However, there are four soldiers on the other side of the gate, who are standing there ready to go. Ye Feng remembers that there is another patrol in the courtyard of the castle.

Ye Feng motioned to all his subordinates not to act rashly for the time being, waiting for the presence of the patrol, because they just came in and didn't know the time of the last patrol.

Once they go out rashly and meet the patrolman, they have to fight head-on. They can only wait for the patrolman to show up before they leave. At least they can ensure that the patrolman will not show up again in a short time.

Soon, the patrol of more than a dozen soldiers appeared, came to the gate from one side, stopped to talk with several soldiers in Portuguese, and then quickly left.After the patrol soldiers left, Ye Feng immediately gestured his men to approach the gate, but he didn't need to send out all of them. Just a few of them went over, quickly solved the guard at the gate with a knife, dragged their bodies back, put on their clothes, and stood there to camouflage and guard.

After they are ready, Ye Feng and others rush in, open the gate of the castle and rush in.

Last time Ye Feng came, in fact, no one lived in the castle, but some ordinary soldiers were on duty here.

Ye Feng remembers that the thing they were looking for was in the mural hidden safe behind the desk in a room on the right side of the second floor of the castle. After they got it, they could go back the same way.

If the accident, this action will be as easy as last time, Ye Feng immediately ordered his men to start to the second floor, soon found the room.

Other soldiers outside to help Ye Feng sentry, Ye Feng a person into the office, to find them this time to the task.

Soon after pressing the consciousness in Ye Feng's mind, Ye Feng finds the mural behind the desk. After taking the mural, he starts the button in the dark grid and sees the safe in the dark grid.

But when Ye Feng just walked into the dark grid, he heard a mechanical sound, and the dark grid was closed quickly, which was not encountered last time.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, secret way this is not Zhuo Mu Si set the trap?

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