Ye Feng didn't think much for the time being. He went to see if the things that should have been in the safe were still there. After opening the safe, he saw that there was nothing in it.

Ye Feng see so, the heart can't help but move, it seems that everything has changed, completely different from his previous experience.

Butterfly effect should be like this, everything starts from killing Hades. No, to be exact, it starts from fainting in the hotel in the morning.

Originally last time, I solved the problem under the hands of Franco in the hotel. The task was finished last night. It was because of my sudden fainting that everything was changing imperceptibly.

At this time, Ye Feng checks the door of the dark grid. After a long time, he doesn't move. At this time, he hears a rustle in his ear.

He immediately wanted to use a headset to contact with Dixie. He didn't want to have no signal all the time. He couldn't help feeling a little worried. He didn't know if there was something wrong with Dixie.

It is reasonable to say that the other side of Dixie belongs to the logistics personnel, hiding in a hidden place outside the forest. Generally speaking, there is no problem.

What's more, Dixie and several people on her side have good skills. Even if something goes wrong, it should not be too difficult to deal with it.

In all previous actions, there has never been such a problem. Once there is such a problem, it means that there must be an irreversible accident on the side of Dixie.

Ye Feng is thinking about it, but then he sees the door of the dark grid suddenly opened, but there is an iron railing door outside, although you can see the situation outside, but still can't leave.

Ye Feng went to the iron railing and looked at the situation outside. At this time, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from one side. Listening to the sound of footsteps, there was more than one person, and they were all wearing military boots.

After a while, several people in military uniform had already come to the iron gate of the dark grid. One of the leaders stood there looking at Ye Feng and said with a sneer, "Satan?"

As soon as Ye Feng saw the man, he suddenly changed his face. This man was no other than Hades. But when he thought about it carefully, Hades had been solved by himself last night.

If you don't know anything before and see a person who looks like Hades suddenly standing in front of you, you must think Hades is back from the dead.

But Ye Feng knew that Hades had a twin brother, and he immediately regained his cool face and hummed, "Dante Emma?"

Don't want that person to listen to Ye Feng so after saying, suddenly complexion move a way, "you unexpectedly know who I am?"

Ye Feng actually took advantage of what he had done before. Otherwise, he would not know this. But he pretended to be calm and said, "is it difficult to know this?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma sneered and said, "Satan is Satan in the end. It's really more powerful than I thought!"

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "seeing you here, you must have come to take my life?"

Dante Emma shrugged. "Isn't that strange? When you killed Hades last night, didn't you think that someone would take revenge on him? "

Ye Feng is not talking. After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, Dante Emma immediately picks up the gun and says to Ye Feng's head, "but to tell you the truth, I don't feel surprised about Hades's death at all. On the contrary, it's you who can tolerate him. Until now, I feel strange!"

Ye Feng sneered, "according to what you said, I should have killed him long ago?"

Dante Emma shrugged again. "I don't know what you think. Anyway, if there was such a thing in my staff who was against me everywhere, I would not be able to bear it for a long time."

Ye Feng stared at Dante Emma for a moment, then sighed, "so, you didn't come to kill me this time to avenge Hades!"

"Revenge?" Dante Emma sneered and said, "although I am twin brother with him, to tell you the truth, I have no feelings with him. The only use he has for me is his existence. I can live in the dark all the time! Now that he's dead, I have to go to the light. It's nothing to me but that! "

Then Dante Emma opened the safety of the pistol and continued to say, "Hades has been thinking of surpassing you, but it's impossible for him in his life. This wish can only be fulfilled by me as a brother."

Dante Emma said and immediately asked Ye Feng, "I know you die in my hands, you must not be reconciled, so before you die, what will you wish? If I can do it, I will try my best to help you complete it! Including murder

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "you don't have to kill people. I just want to know the plot between you and dromus!"

Dante Emma's face moved slightly again. "I said that you've been tolerating Hades without touching him. This time you killed him suddenly, it must be because you found something! I guessed it right

Ye Feng sneered and said, "my retirement really makes zhuomus fidgety. Do you have to get rid of me?"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "sometimes, I really sympathize with you. I have one of the best abilities in the world, but I have a childish head. In our business, I didn't retire from the beginning. The only way to retire is to sleep. You have done so many things for dromus over the years, and you know so many things. A real person You can't let go of your thinking! I can't imagine that you didn't think of this. It seems that I overestimate you too! "After listening to what Dante Emma said, Ye Feng sighed, "I mistakenly thought that dromus would be different, but he was no different from others!"

Dante Emma sighed, "next life or don't be so capable, so capable, the brain must keep up with it!"

At this point, Dante Emma immediately shrugged and said, "in that case..."

Before he finished, there was a gunshot. Dante Emma's face suddenly changed and said, "what's the matter? Isn't everyone in control? "

A man downstairs said, "it's Dixie!"

Dante Emma was surprised and said, "how can it be? Isn't Dixie under our control? "

The man downstairs said immediately, "I can't be wrong. It's Dixie, and she seems to have changed her clothes!"

But Ye Feng's heart moves. According to what Dante Emma said, Dixie has been controlled by them, and here Dixie appears again, and the clothes are not the same? Is it the Dixie who came back with himself from essf?

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