Dante Emma stood in the same place, looking at it in surprise, immediately took out her cell phone, dialed a video phone and said, "where's Dixie?"

The other side was originally a man, and immediately turned the picture, but saw that the video had been aimed at a car, but saw that Dixie and several men were even tied hands and feet to control.

Seeing this scene, Dante Emma frowned and asked the man downstairs, "are you wrong?"

The man downstairs said hurriedly, "I don't know Dixie. How can I be wrong?"

"Hell Dante Emma frowned more tightly, then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing? Is it true that Dixie is also a twin

Ye Feng didn't speak. After seeing Dante Emma for confirmation, he was more sure that another Dixie should be the one who came back.

Thinking that he had not spoken yet, he heard another gunshot downstairs, followed by several gunshots.

Jingge takes advantage of Dante Emma's distraction, and then reaches out to take the gun from his waist. However, Dante Emma immediately puts the gun against Ye Feng's head, and reaches in to disarm the gun from his waist.

Dante Emma sneered at Ye Feng, and then they immediately walked towards the railing, and at the same time, they yelled to the downstairs, "catch me alive, I want to see, how can there be two Dickies!"

Ye Feng see in the eye, see those guys already don't care about themselves, immediately checked the iron railings in the door, noticed that there is a lock on one side.

By this time, Dante Emma had reached the edge of the corridor, holding a gun and looking downstairs, but listening to the sound of gunfire downstairs, a vigorous figure was flashing downstairs.

But after each shot, one of Dante Emma's men fell to the ground. Dante Emma immediately fired several shots downstairs.

After a few shots, he suddenly realized something and immediately turned his head to one of his subordinates and said, "don't follow me. Go and see Satan!"

One of the men immediately went back to the door of the dark grid, looking at Ye Feng, and occasionally looked back at the situation of Dante Emma.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, at this time the foot slowly moved toward that side a few times, wait for that person to see to oneself of time don't move, a turn head immediately move.

When the man found that Ye Feng had been too close to him, he was about to raise his gun and yell at Ye Feng. He caught his arm and pulled him to the iron railing.

As soon as the man hit the iron railing, Ye Feng grabbed his hair with his other hand and pulled it hard to hit the iron railing. He immediately knocked the man unconscious and took the gun in his hand.

Dante Emma is concentrating on the downstairs. When she hears a strange noise behind her, she immediately moves. As soon as she looks back, she sees her hands fall on the ground at the gate of the dark grid, and Ye Feng is about to point his gun at them.

He immediately yelled, let everyone avoid at the same time, oneself a jump body, fast toward a direction to fly to rush past, at the same time the gun in the hand also toward Ye Feng there open.

Ye Feng just in an instant, will corridor railing there, a few Dante Emma's men are down, at the same time raise a gun toward Dante Emma, but see Dante Emma immediately up and ran away.

You can't shoot without seeing Dante Emma. Ye Feng can only hold a gun and shoot at the lock outside the iron railing. He shoots several shots in one face. Several bullet holes are punched in the outside of the lock, but he just can't open it.

And at this time, Ye Feng saw a black not slip lost things are along the ground, rolling towards the direction of the dark grid.

Ye Feng's face suddenly changed. He immediately pulled the door in the dark grid. As soon as he pulled it, he heard a loud bang. Suddenly, a wave of air came, and the two doors in the dark grid were blown out directly.

And Ye Feng's whole body took off with that door plank, directly fell heavily on the wall, his head was dizzy, and he didn't recover for a long time.

When he was a little more conscious, he immediately looked to the door, only to see that the wall there was about to collapse, but the iron railing that had been blocking him was also on the verge of collapse.

Ye Feng immediately got up, went to the iron railing, raised his foot to kick, the iron railing was immediately kicked out by Ye Feng.

Just ready to rush out, listen to a gunshot, Ye Feng also didn't think much, immediately a avoid body to avoid, suddenly one side of the wall appeared a bullet hole.

Ye Feng knows that Dante Emma must have been aiming at her side. At this moment, all the lights in the whole castle suddenly went out, and it was dark in front of her eyes.

At the same time, Ye Feng heard the sound of something rolling on the ground, and his heart suddenly awed. Naturally, he knew that Dante Emma must have thrown a grenade again.

Ye Feng didn't want to think about it. He immediately recognized a direction and rushed out. As soon as he started to run, there was a gun sound. At the same time, there was a loud bang behind him. Suddenly, there was another wave.

Ye Feng's whole body was directly pushed by the waves and flew up. He suddenly felt weightlessness. When he reacted, his body immediately began to fall and hit the railing.Ye Feng suddenly realized that he was blown up by a grenade and flew out of the corridor on the second floor. He began to fall to the first floor.

That is, at the same time, Ye Feng immediately stretched out his hand, subconsciously grabbed forward, immediately grasped a pillar of the railing, suddenly his shoulder fell and sank, and his whole body was selected in the air.

At the same time, there were successive gunshots downstairs. When each gunshot rang out, there was a brief brilliance.

Ye Feng hung on the railing, looking toward the first floor, with the light on the end, to judge whether those people are Dixie.

He holds the railing in one hand and the gun in the other. Every time the light comes on, he pulls the trigger. Even if Dixie doesn't hit the other side, Ye Feng can kill the other side.

Dante Emma on the second floor also saw people shooting from time to time on the side of the railing. He did not fall downstairs until Ye Feng. He immediately approached Ye Feng, and his gun was always aimed at that side.

As long as you can see Ye Feng a little bit, Dante Emma can shoot. Now he has some regrets in his mind. How many chances did he have to shut Ye Feng in the dark grid at that time? Why did he talk so much nonsense with him and give him the chance to escape?

Now, isn't this all asking for trouble? At that time, he was directly solved by one shot. Where did these afterwords come from?

But now it's too late to regret. Ye Feng has come out. Dante Emma knows that once Satan gets out of trouble, it's like a tiger going down the mountain. If he wants to have such an opportunity, he can only be favored by heaven.

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