Ye Feng is thinking about it. At this time, he feels that a shadow in front of him is moving towards him. As soon as he raises his gun, he sees that the man's shoulder has reached his side.

Ye Feng was about to start, but he heard the man say it was me in a low voice. When he heard this, his heart was suddenly awed. It was Dixie who was talking.

But completely can't see each other's face, and at this time Ye Feng a bellyful of questions, want to ask clear Dixie Si, but now is not the time.

At this time, Dixie whispered to Ye Feng, "let's try to get up to the second floor and kill Dante Emma first, or we'll never leave here!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, he now also has this meaning, but they now as long as a move, immediately will become others live target.

Dixie immediately whispered to Ye Feng, "I'll cover you, you try to go upstairs!"

Ye Feng nodded, if it is a person, not only to guard against the first floor of the shooter, but also against the second floor of Dante Emma.

But now if Dixie helps himself, then he can rest assured to give his back to Dixie and concentrate on only dealing with Dante Emma upstairs.

Ye Feng then took a deep breath, then checked the gun in his hand, nodded to Dixie, immediately rushed out with a brisk step, and ran towards the corridor.

At the same time, Dixie immediately fired a few shots in the direction behind Ye Feng, but she didn't find someone coming up.

But now in this dark environment, I can't see clearly the actions of the people hiding in the dark, so I have to shoot a few shots at random to prevent someone from trying to come up.

While Ye Feng is galloping, Dante Emma on the second floor has already started to aim at that side and fired several shots in succession.

But Ye Feng is also in the lightning flint, jump to dodge, with a strong body, to avoid Dante Emma's several shots.

At the same time, the gun in Ye Feng's hand also began to aim at Dante Emma. After all, if Dante Emma shoots first, he will expose his trace first.

When Ye Feng shoots at Dante Emma, Dante Emma seems to have realized this and has already changed the place. He has long expected that Ye Feng will find his own position because of his shooting.

Ye Feng fired several shots in a row, but he also quickly went up to the second floor, and immediately found a shelter, hiding behind the shelter.

At the same time, there was a lot of gunfire downstairs. I don't know whether it was Dixie shooting at Dante Emma's men, or Dante Emma's men shooting at Dixie, or both sides shooting.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng heard Dante Emma's voice not far away and said, "Satan, I advise you to give up your arms and surrender. It's meaningless for you and me to spend time here!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but also a sneer way, "really don't have any meaning, so I come to you now, we two die a, this problem solved!"

Dante Emma was just about to speak. Ye Feng had aimed at the other side and fired several shots in succession. He didn't give Dante Emma a chance to speak at all.

At the same time of shooting, Ye Feng also made rapid progress towards Dante Emma.

Dante Emma seems to realize that Ye Feng is coming towards her. She immediately sticks out her gun from behind the bunker and shoots Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has long expected that Dante Emma will fight back. At this time, he runs to and fro, quickly avoids Dante Emma's bullet, and accelerates to Dante Emma.

Before Dante Emma can recover, Ye Feng has jumped in front of him, and the muzzle of the gun is on Dante Emma's head.

However, at the same time, the gun in Dante Emma's hand also touched Ye Feng's chest. The muzzle of the two men's guns almost aimed at each other at the same time.

All of a sudden, the whole situation fell into a deadlock. Dante Emma sneered and said, "if you have seed, shoot. The big deal is to die together!"

Ye Feng knows that if it's anyone downstairs, and he and himself aim at each other at the same time, he will shoot immediately, and those people may not react.

But Dante Emma is different from those people after all. Although she seems to have a gun to Dante Emma, and Dante Emma's gun to her chest, she takes advantage of herself.

But with Dante Emma's ability, even if he took the lead in shooting him in the head, he would instinctively pull the trigger and fire several shots at his chest.

Even if she can kill Dante Emma, Dante Emma can kill herself in this moment.

On the contrary, for Dante Emma, the same is true. If he dares to shoot Ye Feng, Ye Feng can pull the trigger at the first time and kill him.

Two people immediately fell into a deadlock, one can not fight the other.

Ye Feng see in the eye, at this time sneer a way, "or we count one two three, and then shoot together?"? Don't you want to die together? "

Dante Emma took a deep breath and snorted, "well, you start counting! It doesn't matter to me! The big deal is death

Ye Feng sneered and said, "OK, I'll start counting. Don't shake your hands..."Dante Emma also sneered, "shake what? Don't be nervous! "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "one..."

Dante Emma's heart suddenly moved and instinctively swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Ye Feng continued, "two..."

Dante Emma felt that she had difficulty breathing. Before Ye Feng counted three more times, she immediately said, "wait a minute!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "what are you waiting for? Are you scared? "

Dante Emma also argued, "I'm not afraid, I'm just not ready!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "I'm not afraid. What are you going to prepare? Is it necessary to prepare for death? "

Dante Emma said immediately, "is there no other solution?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "yes, now let your people quit, you send us out of here, we are safe, you are safe!"

Dante Emma said immediately, "it's impossible. You're safe. I'll never be safe!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "since this is the case, we will all die together!"

But Dante Emma sneered, "I'm not afraid of death. I think it's not worth it for you or me to die like this!"

Ye Feng sneered, "dead are dead, what is worth it, you have what good nostalgia?"

Dante Emma took a deep breath and said, "now let's put away our guns. What can we say? Let's talk peacefully!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "what's the use of this meaningless procrastination for you? Finally, if I want to leave and you want to keep me, we must fight to death. We are destined to be antagonistic! "

Dante Emma said immediately, "it's meaningful. I don't want your life. You and I don't have any hatred. What you hate is dromus. If you want revenge, you should find him!"

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