Ye Feng listened to Dante Emma's words, frowned and said, "you mean, you don't want to work for zhuomus?"

Dante Emma said immediately, "how do you understand that? Anyway, calm down. Now let's put down our guns together, and I'll go my way. You cross your log bridge!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "good! Then I'll count to one, two, three, and we'll shoot together! "

Dante Emma immediately nodded, "OK!"

Ye Feng began to count down, "one Two Three... "

But when Ye Feng counts to three, Dante Emma not only doesn't have a pistol, but also pushes the gun to Ye Feng's chest.

It happens that Ye Feng doesn't have a pistol either. The pistol in his hand is still facing Dante Emma's skull. If it's not like this, I'm afraid Dante Emma has already shot instead of pushing against her chest.

Dante Emma obviously did not expect, Ye Feng did not take back the gun.

But he immediately sneered and said, "it seems that you don't intend to stop the gun at all!"

Ye Feng is also a sneer way, "this is each other, you are not the same?"? It seems that there is no trust between us at all! "

Dante Emma took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "I'll count this time. After three, we'll take the gun together. This is the last chance!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "what's the difference between your counting and my counting? But I don't care if you want to! "

Dante Emma moved the corner of her eye and immediately said, "one..."

And Ye Feng just heard one at the same time, the body immediately to one side, the gun in the hand also immediately pulled the trigger.

And Dante Emma also in a moment side opened the head, the gun in the hand also pulled the trigger.

In fact, when Dante Emma talks, the corner of his eyes starts to move. Ye Feng has already expected that Dante Emma must be planning to do it on the count of one.

Ye Feng didn't expose Dante Emma. At the same time, he also knows that there are only two results between him and Dante Emma. One is that one of them must die, and the other is that they both die here. There will be no third result.

So what Dante Emma started to say was all nonsense, just to kill herself by surprise.

However, Ye Feng is not a fool, a look already know what Dante Emma is thinking.

What's more, Ye Feng himself has this idea. How could he be calculated by Dante Emma?

Both of them fired a shot, but after Ye Feng's body tilted ahead of time, he was still shot in the arm. He was wiped by Dante Emma's bullet and shot a blood hole on the outside of his arm.

But Dante Emma side, although also side head to avoid Ye Feng's fatal blow, but still in Ye Feng a shot.

He in the side of the head of the moment, just Ye Feng shot, a shot to his ear to most, immediately blood from the head side of the flow down, the whole shoulder is blood.

Although Ye Feng and Dante Emma are injured, they both know that when they are alive or dead, if they feel a little pain, they may be half slow and be preempted by each other.

So neither of them cared about where they were hurt. As long as they had a breath, the first goal was to knock down the other.

As long as the other party is dead, he has plenty of time to check his wound, but now, his action is a little slow, he may die on the spot.

Two people each fired a gun, at the same time, two people are injured, also know each other in their own shot, but not enough to be fatal.

At the same time, each of them turned over, at the same time, they avoided the other's second lethal attack, and each found a shelter to hide.

Before entering the bunker, the two men fired several shots in the direction of each other's escape at the same time. No matter whether they hit or not, they would go out with one bullet first.

After each other's good, they pay attention to where they are injured, but now is still not the best time to check and bandage the wound. Maybe the next second, the other side will rush towards them.

Ye Feng hid, immediately touched his injured arm, another hand holding the gun, holding more tightly.

Dante Emma touched her ear and felt a pain like a cone. He knew what was going on. He felt hurt and sticky. He put it on his mouth and licked it with his tongue, smelling of blood.

Dante Emma knew that she had lost half an ear. At this time, her heart became more angry. She immediately put on a bullet clip and said angrily to Ye Feng, "Satan, is that all you can do? You didn't hit me in the head. Is the shooting a step back? At your level, you should be straight in the middle of the brow! "

Ye Feng knows that Dante Emma is going to be crazy, but he doesn't say a word. He understands that Dante Emma is to stimulate her to speak, so as to find her own position.

At this time, there was a fierce gunshot from downstairs. Dante Emma frowned. He was close to the railing. At this time, he looked down from the side of his head, and his heart was cold.

Then Dante Emma took out her cell phone and said to Ye Feng, "Satan, do you remember that there is a Dixie in my hand outside?"Ye Feng a listen to this, the heart can't help but move, before has been worried about Dante Emma will think of it, so he was anxious to move.

I didn't expect that Dante Emma finally reflected it, but if you think about it carefully, it will happen sooner or later.

The reason why Dante Emma didn't think of it for a moment was that there was another Dixie here, so that he forgot for a moment.

As long as a little calm, can think of it, so Ye Feng heart is not unexpected.

Dante Emma sneered and said, "Satan, do you think you'll be ok if you don't talk? I'm going to let that side cut off her ears first! "

During the conversation, Dante Emma began to make a video call, and deliberately set the audio mode to let Ye Feng listen to the voice inside and say, "I want you to regret what you have done!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time. He knew that Dante Emma had been knocked off an ear by himself. His resentment could not be dispelled for the time being, so he had to find an outlet.

He then said to Dante Emma, "I've knocked out your ears. If you want revenge, you can knock out my ears by your ability. I'm waiting for you here."

Dante Emma sneered. "You think I'll let her go if you say that? Don't dream. None of you want to leave today. First she, then you

Just then, a person's voice rang out in the video and said, "Dante? What's the matter? "

Dante said with a sneer, "where's Dixie? Let me hear something first!"

In the video immediately came a woman's stuffy hum, but I can hear that she is trying not to let herself make a sound.

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