Although Ye Feng can't see Dante Emma's mobile phone screen, Ye Feng can still recognize that the voice is Dixie's.

But Ye Feng didn't bother about it. After all, he had already made a plan that Dante Emma would blackmail him at any time.

At this time, Dante Emma's mobile video is on, but it becomes the only light in the dark.

Ye Feng immediately turned over his bunker and quickly moved towards it. The speed was as quick as a cheetah.

Dante Emma is still watching the video, and Dixie is harassed by his men. Ye Feng is behind him.

Without waiting for Dante Emma to react, Ye Feng's muzzle has been on the back of his head.

Dante Emma suddenly heart under a Lin, originally thought to find the capital to blackmail Ye Feng, did not expect to become a factor of Ye Feng counter.

Ye Feng didn't wait for Dante Emma to raise a gun. He immediately went to grab the gun and mobile phone in his hand.

Dante Emma immediately sneered and said, "if you kill me now, Dixie will not be better..."

Ye Feng took a look at the mobile phone, and then handed it to him, "you first let them stop, everything is easy to say!"

Dante Emma hesitated and said to the phone, "stop for a while!"

As soon as Ye Feng listens to Dante Emma, he immediately takes his cell phone and hangs up.

Dante Emma frowned. As soon as she looked back, she heard Ye Feng say, "thank you!"

Then there was a shot, and Ye Feng waved to Dante Emma, "see you next life!"

Dante Emma never dreamed that Ye Feng would shoot so decisively this time. She didn't even say a word of nonsense to herself.

After Dante Emma fell to the ground, Ye Feng squatted down and fired three shots at Dante Emma's heart, which pushed Dante Emma's body directly from the second floor to the first floor.

Then Ye Feng yelled downstairs, "Dante Emma is dead! If you don't want to die, surrender! "

The people downstairs heard that something fell on the ground of the first floor on the second floor. At this time, they were all flustered when they heard what Ye Feng said.

After all, Dante Emma is their leader. Originally, they were under Dante Emma's command. Now that the odd one died, they immediately lost their heads.

someone even used a flashlight to shine light on the direction of Dante Emma's fall. However, after confirming that Dante Emma really died, they immediately turned off the flashlight to prevent Ye Feng and Dixie from finding him Where are you from.

Ye Feng then continued, "now you are going to the gate of the castle. When you open the gate, you can come and go freely. As Satan said, let bygones be bygones! I'm sure I won't do anything to you, but you are stubborn, and Dante Emma is your end! "

The people downstairs began to hesitate. After all, once they started to move, they would take the initiative to expose their position to Ye Feng and Dixie.

What's more, once the door is opened and the light outside shines in, they will have nowhere to hide, which is exactly the living target for Ye Feng and Dixie to shoot.

But Ye Feng has just promised them in the name of Satan that as long as they leave, let bygones be bygones.

Although some people are still hesitant, some still believe what Ye Feng said. After all, the name of Satan is in the circle, which is the guarantee of credibility.

At this time, someone shouts to Ye Feng upstairs, "Satan, I believe what you said. I'm going out now. Don't shoot!"

Ye Feng leaned against the railings on the second floor, but simply said a good word, and there was no need to say anything else.

The man came out from behind a post, dropped his gun on the ground, and then turned to the door.

Everyone is staring at him. If he is killed by Ye Feng, the rest will know that he is cheated by Ye Feng.

Although the man believed in Ye Feng's personality, he was also afraid. After all, he was gambling on Ye Feng's reputation with his own life.

But until the man came to the door and held the two handles of the door, he felt a little more secure.

When the man pulled the door open, a light outside slowly opened with the crack of the door, and it became bigger and bigger, everyone was relieved.

However, as long as this person is not really safe, the hearts of all people in the castle will not be completely put down. We still have to wait for that person to leave.

When all the doors were opened, many people who were hiding on the first floor had no place to hide. Of course, there was also Dixie hiding behind a pillar on the first floor. At this time, his whereabouts were almost exposed.

The man stood at the door and took a deep breath. At this time, he walked out with great strides. It was only ten meters away from the gate that he ran away.

Others saw that Ye Feng on the second floor didn't shoot. They all started to come out from behind the post, put down their guns and walked towards the door.

Ye Feng also let them leave, his purpose is not to kill them, after all, these guys are just small, killing can not solve the fundamental problem.After a crowd came to the door, someone looked back at the direction of the second floor. It seemed that they were thanking Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded to the man in the dark, and he didn't care whether the man saw it or not.

And after all of them went out, Ye Feng and Dixie were completely relieved.

Although it is not difficult to deal with these people, it also takes them a lot of time.

But at this time, suddenly heard outside a burst of machine gun fire sounds, Ye Feng lying on the floor toward the door.

But see that group just went out of the people, instantly fell to the ground, one by one on the body was hit by machine gun, just like the hornet nest.

Ye Feng heart immediately a Lin, it seems that the outside has been controlled, perhaps already know the situation in the castle.

Ye Feng immediately ran from the second floor to the first floor, and soon met with Dixie.

Dixie immediately toward Ye Feng way, "it seems that the outside has been controlled, we want to go out, or to face danger!"

But Ye Feng nodded to Dixie and said, "what's the danger? We haven't seen this scene for so many years?"

When she heard the words, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng, and then nodded, "what do you want to do? I'll stay with you

Ye Feng immediately replaced the cartridge clip with a new one. At the same time, he took a look at Dixie and said in a deep voice, "get out!"

After hearing the words, Dixie took a deep breath, nodded and immediately replaced his gun with a new clip. After the supplement, he took a look at Ye Feng and said, "kill out!"

Ye Feng and Dixie looked at each other, and after seeing the firmness in each other's eyes, they nodded and walked towards the door at the same time.

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