There was a group of soldiers outside the gate, each holding an AK47. In the direction of aiming at the gate of the castle, there were still snipers in a corner.

Ye Feng went to the side of the door, smashed the door mirror with the butt of his gun, picked up the broken glass on the ground and threw it out.

Dixi see also learn Ye Feng's appearance, will be on the ground of the glass to throw out, instantly from those broken mirrors will see the outside situation clearly.

Ye Feng and Dixi looked at each other, nodded, and they rushed out from the gate of the castle. As soon as they came out, the Gunners outside had opened fire on them.

However, Ye Feng and Dixie have completely mastered the location of these shooters. After they came out, they saw the pistol trigger in their hands and the gunfire flying wildly.

Ye Feng and Dixie cooperate perfectly. They shoot at different angles and avoid the bullets of those people.

Just for a moment, a few AK47 shooters outside the door had fallen to the ground, but Ye Feng had a glimpse of the light, and there was a little reflection at a certain angle.

He immediately pulled Dixie to lie down. As soon as they got down, they heard a bang. It was the sound of a sniper rifle.

Ye Feng and Dixie looked at each other, the two immediately ran towards the sniper shooter's location.

While they were running, they also crossed each other's routes. For a while, Ye Feng was on the left, and for a while, Dixie was on the left. They were walking towards the man like snakes.

The sniper aimed at Ye Feng and Dixie, and watched them sway around. They were so fast that they couldn't catch them at all.

The sniper even gave up his sniper rifle and took out his pistol. However, when he just took out his pistol, Ye Feng and Dixie put two pistols on his head at the same time.

The man immediately threw away his pistol, raised his hand and said, "I surrender!"

Ye Feng just said not to accept, immediately pulled the trigger, the other instant fell to the ground.

Seeing this, she said to Ye Feng, "you should keep a living!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's meaningless. It must be zhuomus. Now even if he doesn't come to me, I'm going to go to the island to find him!"

As soon as she heard this, she couldn't help looking and said, "are you going back to the island?"

Ye Feng nodded, then looked at the front of the Dixie way, "by the way, you are from the eisf?"

But, with a shrug of her shoulders, she said, "isn't it a little late to ask me this question until now?"

Ye Feng surprised tunnel, "another you are still being held, we have to go to save her!"

"There's no need to save her," said Dixie

The leaf maple smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "what meaning?"

Dixie said, "with what you know about her, will she be caught so easily by Dante Emma?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart is a move, Zheng Zheng ground saw a di Xi Si way, "you mean, she is intentional?"

"I mean, she may be pretending to be me!"

Ye Feng can't help but ponder when he hears the speech. He looks at Dixie in a daze. He hasn't spoken for a long time.

Then Dixie stood up and said, "if we want to go back to the island, we must be fully prepared!"

Ye Feng did not speak, but staring at the front of the Dixie see a moment.

But Dixi Si surprised to see a leaf maple way, "how?"

Ye Feng then asked Dixie, "after you come back, are you in Brazil?"

"It's not the time to say that," said Dickens. "We need to get out of here first. Maybe the people of dromus will come again soon!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK, let's leave now!"

When Dixie turns around to leave, Ye Feng immediately points his gun at the back of Dixie's head.

As soon as she took two steps, she stopped and said, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you are not Dixie at all!"

But Dixie immediately said, "how can I not be Dixie?"

as like as two peas, Disis took her gun and walked over to the back of her hand. Then she said, "you are right, Disis's skills should not be easily overpowered. But if a person with her looks like she will lose her hand when contrary to expectation."

"Dixi Si smell speech brow a wrinkly way," you mean, she is I catch? "

Ye Feng said immediately, "do you know where Elsie is?"

After taking a deep breath, he said, "of course..."

Ye Feng immediately asked Dixie, "where?"

Dixie looked at Yefeng and said, "isn't it a street in Brazil? Or a bar? I don't remember much! "

Ye Feng immediately opens the insurance of the pistol and says to Dixie, "you are not Dixie at all!"As soon as she heard this, her face moved slightly, and then she gasped, "well, I admit, I'm not her!"

When she said this, she pulled a piece of skin from the other side of her neck and then lifted it up. Her whole face was peeled off by her. It turned out that she was wearing a human skin mask.

But "Dixie", who showed her true face, was still a beauty. She looked at Ye Feng with enchanting eyes and said, "I thought I could keep it from you all the time, but I didn't expect that you would see through so soon. Satan is Satan in the end!"

But Ye Feng looked at the beauty in front of her and said, "who are you? Why do you pretend to be Dickens

The beauty shrugged her shoulders and said, "I wanted to play a play with Dante Emma. Even if you can solve all the problems, my last chance is to pretend to be Dixie!"

But Ye Feng said, "but there is a real Dixie over there..."

"That's right!" The beauty shrugged her shoulders and said, "the world is real, fake and real. As long as she dies, I'll be real."

Speaking of this, he looked at Ye Feng with regret and said, "people say that Satan is romantic. I just got to know you. Before I had a chance to understand, I was exposed by you. It's really boring!"

But Ye Feng said to each other, "whose are you? Dante Emma? Or dromus? "

That beauty toward leaf maple mysterious smile after way, "you can guess!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "I don't have the leisure to guess riddles with you!"

But the beauty said with a smile, "you will be interested. Don't you forget that the real Dixie is still in our hands?"

After hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at the beauty and said, "so, after Dante Emma died, everything here has been taken over by you?"

Beauty toward Ye Feng a smile way, "right, now start, by me take over!"

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