Ye Feng stares at the beauty in front of her for a long time. Then she puts down her gun and says, "what you hide is so deep. You don't just want to cheat me so easily, do you?"

Beauty see Ye Feng put down the gun, the face also changed a lot of relaxed, after all, was Satan pointed at with a gun, who will be nervous.

Ye Feng saw that the beauty didn't speak, then said, "in my impression, the only one who can make the art of easy appearance perfect is the thousand color bee!"

After a while, she said, "it's worthy of Satan. I've never met you before. This is the first time. Can you recognize me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "in this business, if the market is not clear, I think I should die long ago. I don't have to wait until now!"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, qianse bee came close to Ye Feng, reached out and stroked Ye Feng's face, "if a good man like you dies, how much fun will the world lose?"

Ye Feng seized the hand of thousand color bee, sneered, "this world, without who, will not lose much fun!"

Thousand color bee smiles and shrugs, then retracts his hand, turns around and says, "you want Dixie, it's very simple!"

Ye Feng simply said a word, "say!"

Thousand color bee immediately said, "help us to kill a person, and then you take Dixie to leave!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion can't help but move a way, "so say, you are not the person of zhuomus?"

But the thousand color bee immediately said, "if I was from dromus, would you not know?"

At this point, the thousand color bee immediately said, "I know you want to retire. As long as you kill this man, we can help you get rid of dromus!"

After a while of pondering, Ye Feng said, "it sounds very attractive!"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "of course, I believe there are few people in the world who can say that they can fight against the summit League!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "not much indeed!"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "so, you think about it!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I want to talk to Dixie first!"

Qianse bee then took out his mobile phone and made a video call. Soon, Dixie appeared in the video call.

After Ye Feng took the mobile phone, he asked Dixie, "are you ok?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "it's OK for the time being!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "don't try to resist. They won't hurt you. I'll pick you up in a while."

Did they use me to coerce you into doing something? Don't promise them, I'm fine! "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "no, it's just the debt that I owed before. It's time to pay it back. Don't worry, no problem!"

When Dixie wants to say something else, Ye Feng hangs up directly and gives his mobile phone to qianse bee.

Thousand color bee took the mobile phone and said, "you're right. We don't want to hurt Dixie Now you promised us? "

Ye Feng this time but see to thousand color bee way, "want to kill what person, with your ability, still need me to hand?"

Qianse bee immediately said with a smile, "you have to do it, because this person is the top 1 in the world's top mercenary ranking, Rizhao!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but frown, oneself in this ranking is ten thousand years old two, has been pressed by this person called sunshine.

However, I've only heard the name of Rizhao. I've never seen it. I don't even know whether it's a man or a woman or whether it's always rare.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say a word, qianse Feng immediately said with a smile, "you've been ranked second all the time. Although there are rumors, in fact, your ability is far higher than sunshine, but you're helpless. The ranking is just like that. Are you depressed? Now your chance has come. As long as you kill Rizhao, you are top 1! "

But Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "how, do you think that a person who wants to retire with all his heart will still feel how important Top1 is?"

Thousand color bee immediately said with a smile, "retire in top2, until you die, your final conclusion is top2, but if you kill Rizhao, then retire again, how can you be Top1?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not interested in whether I'm top2 or Top1. What I'm curious about is, why do you want to kill Rizhao?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "you don't have to worry about this. You just need to answer me whether you accept or refuse."

Ye Feng said, "even if I accept it, it's useless. In this world, I'm afraid there won't be too many people who can know Rizhao's real identity. At least I don't know anything about him!"

Thousand color bee immediately said, "of course we know this, we also know, you peak alliance these people have been looking up the information of Rizhao, but still know nothing."

Hearing the words, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the thousand color bee and said, "look at your appearance and listen to your tone. Do you have information about sunshine?"The thousand color bee immediately said, "of course, if there is no news of him, we dare not come to you!"

Ye Feng eyebrows move way, "it seems that you waste a lot of heart ah!"

Thousand color bee smiles and shrugs, "it depends on whether Satan is interested or not!"

Ye Feng asked directly, "just give me the information directly!"

Thousand color bee immediately said, "I am the data, I will participate in the whole process with you! You should be tired today. Have a good rest. We will start tomorrow

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you want to act with me?"

The thousand color bee then threw a Mei eye way toward the leaf maple, "how? Are you not welcome? "

But Ye Feng sneered and said, "the needle behind the wasp's tail is the most poisonous woman's heart! These ten words should be the most suitable for your evaluation, right? There is such a woman with me, don't you think? "

But the thousand color bee said with a smile, "it must be that Satan has some misunderstanding about me. Although I am called thousand color bee, I have no thorns!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "what kind of bee is there without thorns?"

The thousand color bee's face slightly moves a way, "I hear that Satan adult to the beautiful woman, always is to refuse!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "this point, what you said is good, but the premise is also very important. You have to be a beautiful woman!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a change way, "you mean, I am not beautiful?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "people have different opinions about beauty. It's just a subjective impression. Why care so much?"

Say Ye Feng walked toward the front way, "don't waste time, don't want to find a place to rest?"

The thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng's back and hummed coldly, "I don't believe I can't take you!"

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