When Ye Feng and qianse Feng leave the castle, they deliberately pass by the place where Dixie should be. The cars over there have been driven away.

So Dixie must have been kidnapped by qianse bee, and he also knew that it was useless to take qianse bee.

Since qianse bee dares to appear in front of her, she must have expected that she might be held by herself.

So the thousand color bee is exchanging her own life for the life of Dixie. That's why she is so bold and fearless.

Ye Feng can only sigh a little, there is nothing more than fear of death, there is no fear of relying on it.

Soon arrived at the car prepared by qianse bee, Ye Feng got on the car and sat on the co pilot, lit a cigarette and smoked leisurely while waiting for qianse bee.

He didn't know where qianse bee would take him. Of course, he had to sit here and wait for qianse bee to drive.

Thousand color bee came over, sat in the driver's seat, looked at Ye Feng and said, "you're not afraid that I'll get angry and kill Dixie?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are not willing!"

But the thousand color bee frowned and said, "I'm not familiar with her, and I'm not you. What I'm not willing to do, and I don't have to pity jade!"

But Ye Feng said, "I don't mean you don't want her, but you don't want me!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but smile, but still frown way, "I don't want you, but I kill her and don't want you to have any connection?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you should be very clear. If you kill her, I will kill you!"

Thousand color bee doesn't understand a way, "that I also should be to give up my own life just right!"

"No!" Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "if you are that kind of person who can't give up life, you won't come to contact me!"

The thousand color bee immediately said with a smile, "you know me very well, so since I can give up my life, what can I give up?"

Ye Feng took a puff of smoke and vomited slowly toward the face of the thousand color bee. "If you kill Dixie, I will definitely kill you. If you die, you will never see me again. Of course, I can't bear it!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but a consternation, Zheng Zheng ground saw a leaf Feng way, "still have you this kind of logic?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and stretched his waist and said, "is that right? You know best in your heart that there is no meaning to explain in front of me!"

The thousand color bee hummed coldly at this time, "don't think how important you are, you may not have so great charm!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately put his hand around the thousand color bee and pulled her body to his side.

His whole face pasted on the face of the thousand color bee and said, "is there charm or not? Don't you know?"

Thousand color bee actually feel some blush, she certainly does not want to admit Ye Feng's charm, but her performance has completely betrayed herself.

When qianse bee looked at Ye Feng and even wanted to go up to kiss Ye Feng, Ye Feng pushed her away and said, "you'd better drive!"

Thousand color bee see, hate teeth itch tunnel, "Satan, you so to me, you so happy?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "although you know a lot about me and know that I have experienced many women in my life, there is one thing you don't know at all!"

The thousand color bee says immediately, "what? What don't I know? "

Ye Feng looked at qianse bee and said, "although I can't say that I completely refuse women who take the initiative, I naturally have antibodies against those women who think highly of themselves and want to hold me. Don't mention your beauty. It's just the middle level of the women I've played with. Even if you are beautiful, as long as you violate my taboo, I don't like it!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a Lin, she can't help but look to Ye Feng way, "I am only middle level?"

Ye Feng smell speech didn't expect thousand color bee care about is this point, can't help looking at her after a way, "well, may still be below midstream!"

The thousand color bee suddenly said angrily, "Satan Don't push your nose on your face... "

But Ye Feng shrugged, "I speak so straight, you don't mind!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Qian se Feng sneered and said, "I know you are just deliberately angry with me, so I won't be angry!"

But Ye Feng tut tut tongue way, "it seems that you really do not have a point of self-knowledge ah!"

Qianse bee frowned tightly, then immediately said, "it doesn't matter, I know you are deliberately angry with me, how do you say I won't be angry!"

Then thousand color bee also started the car and drove it out slowly.

Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee, then shook his head, smoked a cigarette and stopped talking.

Don't want to thousand color bee will drive the car not far, but will stop the car at the side of the road, turn to see Ye Feng.

Ye Feng can't help spitting a mouthful of smoke toward her and said, "what's the matter? Do you mind my words? "

"That's right!" Thousand color bee immediately said, "after I grow up, I dare not say I'm beautiful, but I can't be the kind of woman in your mouth! I'm confident... ""Not bad!" Ye Feng didn't wait for the thousand color bee to finish, and immediately nodded, "it's because of your self-confidence that you've added a lot of points. If you don't have this self-confidence, it's estimated that the midstream can't reach the stage of being able to see in the end!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately clench a fist toward the leaf maple body beat in the past, angry voice way, "I don't believe, have seen the man of my lineup in the past, which don't pour for my appearance?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe I always have higher requirements for women, or maybe all the men you meet are hungry!" Thousand color bee smell speech to stare leaf maple, already gas of speechless.

Ye Feng but a face doesn't matter a way, "I this person talk is like this, this next still have a period of time, I'm really afraid you can't stand it!"

The thousand color bee hears speech first is cold hum a, but immediately on thinking, immediately laughed again a way, "don't matter, as long as you don't matter, I also don't matter!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but look at the thousand color bee, and then said with a smile, "Oh, it seems that all kinds of poisons are almost invincible!"

As soon as qianse Feng shrugged, he immediately restarted the car and continued to drive in front of him! It won't be plain sailing. I should have expected that! "

Ye Feng listen to thousand color bee so a say, can't help but light vomit a smoke cloud, slightly close eyes, no longer speak, brain has begun to think about sunshine.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng didn't speak, she doesn't take the initiative to talk with Ye Feng now, although know may be Ye Feng deliberately make himself angry, but also don't take the initiative to be provoked.

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