Soon the car drove all the way to the airport in Rio de Janeiro, but instead of going directly to the airport, it stopped at a nearby hotel.

Ye Feng saw one eye, see thousand color bee walk to get off the car, can't help but say to her, "you won't be so impatient, now want to sleep me?"

Thousand color bee immediately facial expression side, stare a leaf maple way, "I can't you so color, moreover even if I want, also want you to cooperate to just go!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "since you don't want to sleep with me, bring me here. Do you want me to watch you sleep with others?"

"Sleep! I know how to sleep Qianse bee immediately said, "I've heard about your lechery for a long time. I didn't expect you to be so lechery. I'm here to contact people, so that we can leave Brazil easily!"

Ye Feng Oh, after a stretch, a lazy way, "that you go to contact it, I squint in the car for a while!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, after seeing a leaf maple, directly walked into the hotel, didn't say a word with leaf maple.

Ye Feng is staring at the door of the hotel to see, the thousand color bee, put himself a person to stay here, is relying on the hands of holding Dixie, so have no fear?

He thought about getting out of the car, and then walked to the side of the hotel. Looking through the window, he saw that qianse bee had really followed a man into a room on the first floor.

After identifying the room, Ye Feng immediately went to the window behind the room, leaned against the window and lit a cigarette with a roller lighter.

Then the voice of the thousand color bee came from the room and said, "are all the things I want ready?"

Then came a man's voice, in Brazilian Portuguese accented English, saying, "ready. When are you leaving?"

Thousand color bee sighed, "Dante Emma, that fool, died too fast, completely disrupted our plan, now we need to re deploy it, tomorrow!"

The man's voice was startled and said, "what are you talking about? Dante Emma is dead? "

Thousand color bee nodded and said, "I told him not to go and come according to my plan. He didn't listen to my advice and died in the hands of Satan. It's not unjust!"

The man said, "Satan!"

At this time, Ye Feng slowly spit out a mouthful of smoke, knocked on the window and said, "don't call me if you have nothing, I'm smoking!"

The thousand color bee in the house and the man smell speech, the facial expression is all a change, that man is more instinct took out a gun from under the pillow.

But qianse bee stopped him. He went to the window, opened the bed, looked at Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing here? Are you really afraid of me sleeping with others? "

Before Ye Feng spoke, thousand color bee immediately added, "you can rest assured that I won't go to other people's bed casually before I sleep to you!"

Ye Feng sneered, looked inside the room and said, "I'm sorry to kill Dante Emma and destroy your plans. But if you want to kill Rizhao, you have to hurry up. I don't have so much time to spend with you on preparation!"

The man in the room sneered and said, "do you think Rizhao is an ordinary person? I don't have more time to prepare. Did you go to die? "

Ye Feng directly turned over from the window, but still sitting on the windowsill, smoking cigarettes, looking at the humanitarianism in the house, "you are right, if you want to go, you have to spend more time to prepare!"

Then he shook his head and said, "it's not right. If you want to go, no matter how much you prepare, it's useless. You'd better die!"

Thinking about it, he immediately vetoed, "it's still wrong. You shouldn't have the idea of killing him at all!"

The man Shua ground stood up from the bedside, a gun in hand pointed to Ye Feng's head immediately and said, "I also want to see whether the name of Satan is blown out, or is it really the same as it is!"

Thousand color bee hasn't wanted to stop it, but Ye Feng looked at the man and said, "what do you think of your comparison with Dante Emma?"

The man's face was moving. He thought he was not Dante Emma's opponent. Ye Feng was obviously telling himself that since he could even kill Dante Emma, it was not easy to kill himself?

The thousand color bee immediately said, "well, anyway, we are all on the same boat now..."

But Ye Feng said immediately, "I didn't say that. I can help you kill Rizhao, but the only person who can go is me. At most, I can't manage any more people."

Qianse bee said, "don't worry. He won't go with us. He just helps us prepare for the preliminary work."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Oh, it's just a logistics personnel. Go and do what the logistics personnel should do. Don't always shake around in front of my gun rack!"

The man hears speech a startle, thousand color bee also a face surprised way, "gun shelf?"? What a gun rack

But Ye Feng tut tut tongue way, "you don't want to sleep me, in my eyes, you this kind of woman is to fight. Gun gun shelf, but also depends on my mood gun shelf!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion is also a sink, but the man a little can't help, immediately toward Ye Feng rushed in the past, "shit, really when what..."But others have not come to Ye Feng, Ye Feng has kicked in the crotch of the man, the man did not react, fell to the ground.

Ye Feng a face of disdain jumped from the windowsill, two feet on the ground pistol clip a jump, the gun has to Ye Feng's hand.

Then he jumped on the bed, fell on the bed and said, "since it's tomorrow, I'll live here tonight first!"

Thousand color bee stares at Ye Feng to see for a long time, she originally in the heart of a belly of gas, unexpectedly describe oneself as gun shelf.

But then I thought, starting from showing my true face, when did Ye Feng say his favorite words?

After taking a deep breath, qianse Feng said, "if you want to sleep, you can go to the next room. I want to talk with him here about something!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "people, once you lie down, you will be lazy to move. If you don't mind, you can change your room. If you don't want to change it, you can talk about it here. I don't care!"

The man then slowly climbed up from the ground, angrily looked at Ye Feng.

Thousand color bee then stares at leaf maple to see after a long time way, "we change a room!"

Ye Feng shrugged, then slightly closed his eyes and said, "whatever!"

The thousand color bee immediately made a wink at the man and motioned him to go out with him.

The man reluctantly followed the thousand color bee to go out, angrily way, "this guy, really want to kill him!"

But the thousand color bee sneered, "kill him? Can you kill him? Even if you can, after you kill him, will you go to Rizhao instead of him? "

The man immediately no longer said a word.

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