The next morning, as soon as Ye Feng woke up, he heard a sound coming from outside. When he listened carefully, it was the sound of the helicopter's spiral wings.

Ye Feng immediately got up to the window to have a look, but saw a camouflage military helicopter landing slowly on the grass behind the hotel.

The thousand color bee has already walked towards the helicopter, and seems to be comparing with the pilot of the helicopter. After all, the sound of the wings is too loud to communicate.

Ye Feng went to take a shower first, and found some changed clothes in the wardrobe, which must have been left by the man before.

The man's body is obviously a yard bigger than himself, so after Ye Feng put on his clothes, he was obviously a little too loose.

After Ye Feng changed his clothes, the sound of the helicopter wings outside had stopped completely. Ye Feng went to the back window to see that the helicopter was still there, but qianse bee and the pilot of the helicopter were no longer there.

When Ye Feng opened the door and went out, he saw the thousand color bee and the helicopter pilot sitting outside the kitchen eating.

Seeing Ye Feng up, qianse bee waved to him and said, "are you awake? I wanted you to sleep more! "

Ye Feng didn't talk much. After sitting down, qianse bee and the kitchen asked for a sandwich, a fried steak and some fruit salad.

Qianse bee said to Ye Feng, "after eating, we are ready to leave. There will be no Chinese food this morning. You can make do with it!"

Ye Feng said nothing, picked up the knife and fork and began to eat, but his eyes looked at the pilot sitting on one side, looking tough.

At first glance, it's the physique of a person who has been exercising for a long time. There is a murderous look in his eyes. He must be a veteran or something.

When the pilot saw Ye Feng looking at him, he immediately nodded to him, and then he just buried himself in eating.

After eating, Ye Feng raised his head and asked the thousand color bee sitting opposite him, "shall we go by helicopter?"

The thousand color bee nodded and said, "let's go to the high seas first, and then take a boat from the sea!"

She ate slowly, chewing and looking at Ye Feng, "don't worry, I won't sell you!"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and said, "I don't care. If I can sell it at a good price, it's OK!"

Thousand color bee is toward leaf maple way, "you go to my room, there are some weapons and equipment, you choose some of their own hand!"

Ye Feng nodded, did not speak, but with a cigarette in his mouth, went directly to the door of qianse bee's room.

The door was unlocked and opened as soon as it was turned. After entering, I saw that there were military travel bags with weapons everywhere.

However, there is a travel bag with some women's clothes. It must have been changed by qianse bee in the morning.

Ye Feng picked up a submachine gun, with the muzzle of the clothes to one side, only to open the zipper of the travel bag below, which is a pistol and grenade and so on.

Ye Feng picked two handguns and pinned them to his waist. He also took a Swiss Army knife and a dagger. At the same time, he found a clip belt and filled it with three grenades.

When everything is ready, put down the waist clothes, originally loose clothes, but now it seems just right.

At this time, qianse bee and the pilot also came in. As soon as qianse bee saw the clothes on the bed, her face changed. She quickly picked up the clothes and threw them into the wardrobe.

The pilot also chose some equipment, but he seems to like large equipment such as machine guns.

After all the people are equipped, the thousand color bee asks Ye Feng, "what else do you need to add?"

Ye Feng shook his head, directly from the window more out of the way, "don't waste time, let's go!"

Thousand color bee and pilot see, unexpectedly also followed Ye Feng to go out directly from the window.

To the helicopter, the pilot sat in the cab, Ye Feng is sitting in the back row.

Thousand color bee also carrying a bag of equipment thrown into the helicopter's airport, this was on the helicopter.

After Ye Feng took a look, he said to qianse bee, "you have a lot of equipment!"

The thousand color bee then said to be prepared, and then signaled that the aircraft began to take off.

Soon the helicopter began to restart, and the sound of the wings suddenly filled everyone's ears.

Qianse bee takes a headset and hands it to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng took it with him, he listened to the thousand color bee saying, "it may take an hour to fly. You can have a rest first!"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no! I slept all afternoon and all night yesterday, and I had a good night's sleep! "

The thousand color bee nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, we soon saw that the helicopter had passed by the statue of Christ in Monte Cristo, and then flew towards the sea.

The pilot said, "God bless you!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "God? If God can help us, we won't be needed! "

The pilot didn't say a word, but the thousand color bee said with a smile, "yes, if God can bless him, Satan will lose his job!"Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders. At this time, he saw that the helicopter had been moving forward on the sea, and soon the coastline behind gradually disappeared.

After a while, Ye Feng saw a freighter on the sea not far away, heading south.

Thousand color bee reminds Ye Feng, "that's the freighter. We'll land later, but the process of landing may be a little troublesome!"

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "trouble?"

The thousand color bee sighed, "that is to say, we landed without permission from each other!"

Ye Feng suddenly said, "you are going to board the ship by force!"

Thousand color bee way, "have no way of matter! We were going to sneak in! "

Just then, the pilot reminded the two people, "the people on the deck of the freighter have found us, and the freighter is trying to get in touch with us!"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "come in!"

The pilot immediately switched on the radio and said, "we request to land!"

But the other side said, "we are a freighter. We don't have an apron. It's not far from the coast. If your plane fails, you can fly back and refuse to land!"

The pilot sneered and said, "there's no way. We don't have enough oil to support us. We can only land when we go back."

But the other side immediately said, "said, refused to land, refused to land!"

The pilot hung up directly. Chao qianse bee and Ye Feng said, "communication failed. It seems that we can only rely on ourselves! Get ready to land! "

Qianse bee immediately took out a machine gun from his travel bag and began to load it. "There's no way to do that, as expected!"

Said also toward Ye Feng said, "you do not prepare?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm only responsible for dealing with Rizhao. You can handle such trifles!"

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