The thousand color bee stares at the leaf maple to see one eye, then slightly relieved a breath, see the leaf maple's appearance also know that he doesn't seem to be joking.

After all, Ye Feng is still sitting in the helicopter, motionless, totally indifferent.

Thousand color bee also can't, have to prepare by oneself, after all, they seek leaf maple to come, also really is to deal with sunshine.

At this time, the helicopter has begun to approach the top of the freighter, qianse bee immediately opened the door of the helicopter with a gun.

At this time, qianse bee has noticed that there are several big men on the freighter, with machine guns in their hands, facing the helicopter.

At this time, the pilot said to the thousand color bee, "the other side seems to be ready for a big fight with us!"

The thousand color bee takes a deep breath and says, "if you can keep the plane level with the freighter, I don't believe these guys. What can you do to us?"

Ye Feng stretched a stretch, also taking advantage of the plane's cabin doors are open, immediately lit a cigarette to smoke up.

But he glanced at the situation on the freighter. In fact, he could see that the freighter was supposed to be a private freighter. He didn't know where to go.

In these western countries, private property is more important than anything, so many countries allow people to hold guns to protect their rights and interests.

So it's not surprising that there will be shooters on such a private freighter.

But Ye Feng just glanced at it and found that the Gunners didn't look as simple as ordinary seamen. They had big arms and round waists. They seemed to be practitioners.

At this time, he asked the thousand color bee, "is this freighter going directly to Rizhao?"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, qianse Feng immediately said, "of course, Rizhao lives on her own private island. Every year, that is today, she will add some goods to the island. This ship is dedicated to deliver materials to Rizhao every year!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded and said, "do they know who they are sending materials to?"

With the machine gun in his hand, qianse bee began to aim at the Gunners on the freighter, and said to Ye Feng, "this is not clear, but since Rizhao believes them, they deliver materials to them all the year round, which shows that they are absolutely not ordinary people!"

Ye Feng nodded, continued to smoke cigarettes, did not say anything.

At this time, without waiting for qianse bee to shoot at the Gunners on the freighter, we saw that the gunfire had already sounded on the freighter, and the bullets had also hit the helicopter shell, making a "clang clang" sound.

The thousand color bee spat in the dark, immediately pulled the trigger and fired at the Gunners on the deck of the freighter.

Ye Feng can see that qianse bee's machine gun has been modified. The firepower looks very fierce. The power of the machine gun in his hand is comparable to that of Gatling.

Many containers on the deck of the freighter were immediately turned into Hornets' nests.

The thousand color bee continued to shoot at the deck and said to the pilot, "keep close!"

The pilot immediately controlled the helicopter and began to overtake gradually. The deck position of the freighter moved past very slowly.

At this time, there was also a shuttle bullet flying over the deck, all hitting near the hatch, almost hitting the thousand color bee at the hatch.

The thousand color bee immediately drew back its body. After changing the cartridge clip, it immediately leaned out of its body and shot at the deck.

At this time, the helicopter was almost on the side of the deck. Qianse bee immediately picked up her bag and threw it on the deck. At the same time, she yelled to Ye Feng, "get ready to board!"

While talking, the thousand color bee has jumped out with a vigorous step and landed on the deck.

And Ye Feng will be a cigarette end throw, probe looked at a look, heard a few shots, immediately back, almost shot.

The thousand color bee on the freighter below immediately shot forward and covered Ye Feng. From time to time, he waved to Ye Feng to go down.

At this time, Ye Feng came out again and took a look at the situation below. He didn't want the thousand color bee to look like a girl. He really started. He was no worse than their men.

Ye Feng took a deep breath. At this time, he heard the sound of "Kuang Kuang". The glass of the helicopter's front door had been broken.

And the aircraft suddenly snorted, lying there motionless, apparently shot dead, and the helicopter fuselage began to spin.

That is at the same time, did not wait for Ye Feng reaction, suddenly heard "whoosh" to a sound, Ye Feng immediately heart under a Lin.

He couldn't be more familiar with the sound. Without thinking about it, he rushed out and jumped out, but the angle was not right, so he could only reach out and catch the edge of the freighter.

At the same time, there was a loud bang. The helicopter behind him had been blown into debris and began to fall down into the sea in the flames.

The sound just now was the sound of the rocket launcher. Although I don't know where it was launched, the experienced Ye Feng still recognized it and jumped out at this critical moment.Ye Feng grabs at the side of the boat and starts to climb up, but the gunfire on the deck continues.

When Ye Feng climbed up, he just saw a corner of the warehouse behind qianse bee. A man with a gun was rushing towards her.

Ye Feng quickly took out the pistol, facing that side is a few guns, that person just raised the muzzle, did not have time to shoot, already fell on the ground.

After Ye Feng turned over and jumped into the deck, he immediately held a gun in both hands and went to qianse bee to meet her. At the same time, his gun kept pulling the trigger. Without pulling it, a man fell down in the corner of those warehouses.

Thousand color bee at this time and leaf maple back to back, toward leaf maple smile a way, "you don't hand?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "when you feed the shark, who can I find to take me to Rizhao?"

But the thousand color bee still said with a smile, "you don't want me to die, is it so difficult to speak? It's no shame to say it

Ye Feng cold hum a, what words also didn't say, hand pistol still toward strange corner shot, those who hide in the dark, even already feel oneself hide very good, but still hit Ye Feng's bullet.

Just at this time, I heard someone shout, "stop Cease fire... "

Suddenly, the gunfire in the corner of other warehouses stopped, while Ye Feng and qianse Feng still stood back-to-back, although the trigger in their hands was no longer pulled, but the muzzle of the gun did not fall.

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