At this time, a Brazilian belly slowly came out from the back of the warehouse, hands still on the head, said he did not have a gun.

Ye Feng and thousand color bee's muzzle also aimed at the Brazilian belly, but saw that the belly came and said, "do you know whose boat this is?"

The thousand color bee sneered and said, "I don't know whose boat it is. Are we in such a hurry to get up?"

Big belly smell speech complexion slightly move a way, "so say, you are aimed at the people on the island?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "that's right, just go to find him! Is that all right? "

Big belly didn't answer the thousand color bee's words, but he turned back and clapped his hands, and said to the people, "everyone put away their guns, they went to the island to die, there's no need to stop them!"

Other people hiding behind the warehouse also came out one after another. Their guns began to unload, and they began to rescue their injured partners.

But thousand color bee and leaf maple are still standing on the deck, the muzzle of the gun in the hand is facing those people.

Big belly came up to them and said, "don't be nervous. We are just delivery men. The reason why we will stop you from boarding the ship is because we think you are robbers. Since you don't intend to rob us, you won't stop us from going to the island, so there is no contradiction between us! Put away the gun

But the thousand color bee frowned and said, "will you take us?"

Big belly shrugged his shoulders and said, "every few years, there are people like you who want to go to the island to find people, but they either sneak on the ship, or disguise as crew members, or gunners. It's the first time I've seen people like you who want to go on the ship by force!"

Speaking of this, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "but to be honest, I've only seen the people who landed on the island go up, but I've never seen them leave. And the people on the island are still looking for us to deliver goods every year. That's enough to explain everything, isn't it?"

At this time, Ye Feng put down his gun, put it away, and lit a flue. "So, we are not the first people to go to the island?"

Big belly also found a cigar and said, "of course not, but you can rest assured that before landing on the island, you will be safe. People on the island once said that if someone asks to land on the island, let's not be embarrassed! Try to send it

He took a look at Ye Feng and qianse Feng and said, "even let us treat the people who are going to land on the island as VIP guests, but according to my own personal guess, maybe this is the last time!"

Big belly said, smoking a cigar and walking toward the cockpit, his mouth also toward Ye Feng and qianse Feng, "good luck, my friend!"

Looking at the big belly walking away, and other people on the ship don't seem to take them seriously, qianse bee and Ye Feng can't help looking at each other.

Thousand color bee can't help but say, "we've been preparing for such a long time. If we knew this was the case, we might as well have boarded the ship before we set sail."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "who knows how you do the preparatory work? It's a piece of shit

Thousand color bee listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help a burst of depression, after all, what Ye Feng said is good, said their preparation work is not good, that is equivalent to a professional in the total denial of all their efforts.

Ye Feng walked to the side of the deck with a cigarette in his mouth, watching the freighter still advancing at full speed, and the helicopter wreckage that fell into the sea had already been thrown away, which was not very clear from a distance.

When people pass by from time to time, his eyes are very strange. But Ye Feng can understand that after all, when they boarded the ship, they made too much noise and hurt a lot of other people. It is estimated that many of them died.

If the other party doesn't come to them immediately, it means that they have already restrained their emotions.

However, although there is no danger for the time being, Ye Feng is always on the alert, and his scolding of qianse bee is not unreasonable.

The lack of preparatory work in the early stage has led to the present situation. Although the other party said that they wanted to send them to the island, their revenge has been settled when they boarded the ship. Who knows what they think?

At this time, qianse bee seems to feel that the surrounding atmosphere is not right. After taking a look at Ye Feng, she immediately goes over and stands on Ye Feng's side and says, "they seem to be looking at us!"

Ye Feng appeared to be speechless and said, "if they killed more than ten of your companions and injured a group of you, would you just let it go?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "you mean, they still remember to hate us?"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette, vomit completely on the face of thousand color bee way, "really don't know you this intelligence quotient head, is how can hang on the neck so long?"

Thousand color bee at this time in the heart unhappy tunnel, "yes, compared with you, we are not professional enough, but we also do a lot of work!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "compared with me, I'm not professional enough? Compared with anyone else, you are scum. I don't know that you are the only people who want to go to Rizhao? I really don't understand you, who gives you confidence! "Thousand color bee has not uttered a word, at this time looking at the vast ocean, also no longer say anything with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng this time but toward thousand color bee way, "if you regret now still have time, I can take in leave this ship!"

But the thousand color bee looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "leave? How do I leave? "

But Ye Feng said, "you don't have to worry about it. It's not easy for people like you to live to get on the island. What's more, you don't know what's going on on on the island. If you suddenly feel that the world is still beautiful and don't want to die like this, you still have a chance!"

But qianse bee shook his head and said, "you look down on me too much. Since I have come, I have no way back!"

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the thousand color bee, nodded and said, "I admire your Stupid

With that, Ye Feng walked towards the cockpit. Qian se Feng stood in the same place and looked at Ye Feng. He immediately followed him and asked, "where are you going?"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "from now on, look more, talk less, ask less!"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "why?"

Ye Feng immediately stopped and turned back to stare at the thousand color bee, "why? To live

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately a Leng, stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just nodded a way, "good, now all listen to you, what you say is what!"

After staring at the thousand color bee for a long time, Ye Feng sighs helplessly, shakes his head, and continues to walk toward the cab. The thousand color bee immediately follows up, and now he doesn't say a word.

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