Ye Feng went to the cab, but saw big belly was sitting inside smoking a cigar, he immediately walked in and said, "what do you call it?"

Big belly see Ye Feng and thousand color bee came in, suddenly face move, quickly get up a way, "the cockpit is not everyone can come in!"

Speak between big belly drive two people out of the cockpit, to the door, toward Ye Feng way, "look for me what?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged, "Oh, nothing, just want to say hello to you!"

Big belly immediately said, "if you want to make up with me, you don't have to. I don't know anything about the island. You don't want to get anything out of my mouth!"

The thousand color bee's face moved and said, "you must know a lot about things on the island after you have been running for so many years!"

Big belly immediately said, "you're right. I've been sailing for so many years, and I've only been on this channel. I've been out of the sea once a year. It's for the island!"

With a sneer, big belly said, "but why do I only use me on the island for so many years? That's because I can keep my mouth shut. I can't say a word about many things I shouldn't say! So, I advise you not to make up your mind from me! "

As soon as qianse bee was about to say something, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "I don't want to ask you about anything on the island. I just want to ask about things outside the island. This should be no problem!"

Big belly smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkle, surprised to see a leaf maple way, "outside the island thing?"? What can I do outside the island? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I can see that you should be more than a boatman before, right?"

Big belly took a look at Ye Feng and said, "yes, I used to be a killer, and I've been on the island, and I want to find the man you're looking for. Because I've heard that he's very powerful, so if I want to challenge him, I can become famous!"

But the thousand color bee immediately said, "don't you say that for so many years, I've only seen those who landed on the island, but haven't seen those who left the island?"

"That's right!" Big belly immediately said, "that's true, but I may be an exception."

The thousand color bee immediately asked, "Why are you the exception? What happened to you on the island? Why didn't he kill you? "

Big belly frowned and said, "it's about the island. Didn't you just say that, don't you ask about the island?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, we don't ask, this is between you and him, but I believe, since he doesn't kill you, there must be his reason!"

Thousand color bee said, "so after you survived, you started the business of running boats, and only once a year, that is to help him deliver the goods and repay him for not killing?"

Big belly smoking cigars, light smoke, said, "the past few years, a lot of things have been blurred, I do not want to think about, whether it is on the island or outside the island, a lot of things have passed!"

After Ye Feng lit a cigarette, he asked big belly, "you said before, besides us, in previous years, some people would try to get on the boat, just to get on the island?"

Big belly said, "even if I'm such a bad killer, I wanted to go to the island. What's so strange about so many people going to the island to look for him?"

Ye Feng then a smile way, "so say of words, you have seen many people, many things?"

Big belly but a sneer way, "see of many go, what strange person all have!"

Ye Feng said, "the sea is long. I don't know when it will arrive. It's better to say two interesting things to pass the time!"

But qianse bee whispered to Ye Feng, "what do you want to chat with him about? He doesn't even mention the island. What else is there to talk about? "

But Ye Feng said to the thousand color bee, "if you don't want to listen, just go and stroll by yourself. Don't hinder me from chatting with others!"

The thousand color bee stares at Ye Feng immediately, and reminds him that it is helpful for them to inquire about things on the island.

Ye Feng doesn't ask about the island here. He talks about these meaningless things. He doesn't know what's the use.

Big belly said, "there are not many interesting things, but there are disputes where there are people. It's nothing more than human nature."

Speaking of this, big belly immediately said, "let me just say one of the most human things. Maybe five years ago, or four years ago, I can't remember the exact time. At that time, two people disguised as our crew boarded the ship. Not long after the ship was launched, we found them. Of course, we didn't drive them down. After all, once our ship sailed, we couldn't go back !”

Ye Feng immediately asked, "why can't you look back?"

Big belly immediately said, "I have to get to the island at a certain time. I dare not delay!"

Ye Feng then asked, "don't you just send the ship a few days in advance?"

Big belly immediately said, "no, it must be the specified time to ship, the specified time to land on the island, one day early or one day late."

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "so strange?"Big belly but some impatient way, "you in the end listen or not, keep on going!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately say, "you continue to say!"

Big belly looked at Ye Feng impatiently, smoked a cigar, and then said, "at that time, they were found by us, and we didn't do anything to them, so they stayed on the ship, but they started to argue!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "haven't you landed on the island yet? What's the point? "

Big belly sneered, "it's funny that they haven't even landed on the island. They don't even see the people on the island. They don't know what happened on the island. What happened after they killed the people on the island!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "after killing people, what is the dispute?"

Big belly immediately said, "what's the name of the people on the island? You must know that killing him is a chance to become famous. Isn't that why you're here? So they are arguing about who killed the people on the island when they die! "

Ye Feng smell speech suddenly way, "Oh, what they fight for is a name, want to take credit alone?"

Big belly nodded and said, "that's right, so they didn't go to the island yet, so they fought for this. Later, I don't know why, they didn't appear for two days. When we found them, they had already died. They were fighting for this, so they both died on the ship. Do you think it's funny?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "it's really funny, but what's more funny is that they don't know the person they are looking for is actually on the ship! You said how unjust they died

Big belly a listen to this words, the facial expression immediately moves a way, "what do you say? What's on the boat? "

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