But Ye Feng said with a smile, "what else do you want me to say? Isn't that obvious enough? "

Big belly looks at Ye Feng in surprise, smoking a cigar in his mouth, but his eyes stare at Ye Feng for a long time, and he doesn't speak, as if he is slowly looking at Ye Feng in front of him.

But Ye Feng said to his big belly, "you don't have to look. It seems that I won't change my appearance!"

Big belly but cold hum a way, "can see, you are really unusual."

Ye Feng is toward big belly a sneer way, "that is to say, you admit what I said?"

The big belly frowned and then said with a smile, "you don't want to say that I'm the one on the island, do you?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "according to what you said, how could an ordinary killer have heard of his name? And challenge him on the island? Even if what you said was true, how did you find the island without you sailing to deliver the goods? "

Big belly suddenly complexion move a way, "is that why you doubt me?"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "I've heard about it for a long time. Will you trust other people easily on the island? He only believes two people in the world. One is his wife Yueying, and the other is his assistant Xinghui! How could he give such an important thing as freight to people outside the island so easily? Of course, we should give it to our most trusted assistant Xinghui! "

Big belly listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "who are you in the end?"? You can't know him so well. There are not many people in the world who can know things around him! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you are right. There are not many people in the world who know things around him, but I am one of them!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he suddenly said, "are you Satan?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders toward his big belly and said, "it seems that you have heard of me?"

Big belly even said, "I heard him mention you. It seems that he is right. If there are people in the world who can take his life, you are one, and maybe the only one!"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet, and his big belly immediately said, "when I heard him mention you, it felt like he was referring to a good friend for many years, so I always thought Satan was an old man, at least a middle-aged man. I didn't expect you to be so young! And I didn't expect that you would go to the island to kill Jean! "

Ye Feng sighed, "I also have no way, the person who wants to take his life is not me, I am forced helpless!"

Big belly brow slightly move tunnel, "you mean, with you on the boat that woman?"

Ye Feng is noncommittal way, "no matter who, I have not seen him for a long time, did not expect that he actually hid in the island!"

Big belly immediately pulled out the pistol, instantly stood against Ye Feng's head and said, "since you are Satan, I can't let you go to the island!"

Ye Feng looked at the big belly and said, "you also said that he told you that if anyone else could kill him in the world, it would be me. If you believe him completely, you should be very clear that you can't be my opponent at all. I want to kill you, it's just a matter of an instant!"

Big belly listen to Ye Feng said, hesitated, or put down the gun, this just toward Ye Feng said, "why? Is that woman pushing you? I'll kill her... "

Ye Feng immediately said, "it's no use killing her. I'll go to the island just like killing her, because the person who really wants me to go to the island is not her. She is just an executor at most!"

Big belly immediately said, "even if it's not him, I can at least catch her to ask, who in the end, so want his life!"

Ye Feng patted his belly on the shoulder and said, "since Rizhao has told you that anyone who wants to land on the island can take him, I believe Rizhao has already made this psychological preparation! Unless you make it up! "

On hearing this, big belly said with a slight movement, "I really made it up, because every time someone finds out here and wants to land on the island, I always say that!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly. He wanted to ask big belly why he did it, but he suddenly understood and nodded to him. "I understand. You want to relax their vigilance, and then solve them before they land on the island, and help Rizhao solve the problem on the sea. So I was wondering just now, we boarded the ship, killed a lot of you, and you lived there But let it be? It turned out that he was really harboring evil intentions and wanted to deal with us secretly! "

Big belly smell speech immediately nodded, "yes, I am ready to do so, but you found my identity, I have nothing to say! You can kill me, but never expect to land on the island! "

But Ye Feng said to his big belly, "of course, I know that you won't send us to the island easily. Even if I don't kill you, I don't expect to go to the island now, because you never want to let us go up, and you don't care whether I'm forced or voluntary. As long as someone wants to hurt the photo, you won't agree!"

Big belly a listen to Ye Feng this words, immediately nod a way, "not bad! I would rather die with you on board than let you land on the island! Don't say I didn't know your identity before, but now I know your true identity, it's even more impossible! "After lighting a cigarette again, Ye Feng said to his belly, "why don't you contact Rizhao? Maybe you asked him to know that he would promise me to land on the island! "

Big belly immediately said, "no, I will never let him have any risk, I will never take any danger to the island, I will not allow this kind of thing to happen!"

Ye Feng took a puff of smoke and looked at the belly. Then he shook his head and patted it on the shoulder. "Rizhao, with an assistant like you, should have no regrets in this life!"

Big belly then said to Ye Feng, "every time he mentions you, it's like talking about friends, so you should be friends with him. If not, at least you'll cherish each other. Can't you not go to the island?"

Ye Feng slightly frowned at his belly and said, "Xinghui, I can understand you for the sake of sunshine, but I also have my own difficulties. Of course, I don't need your understanding, but what I want to tell you is that I will go to the island! I will meet you in Rizhao, and you can't stop me at all! "

Big belly immediately said, "I'm the only one on the whole boat who knows how to go on the sea. No one can get on the island without me, and even if I die at sea, I won't go there!"

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