Ye Feng did not speak, but staring at the belly for a moment.

Big belly shrugged his shoulders and said, "since you know who I am, you should know that I will never let you land on the island easily, let alone on the premise that I know who you are, I will not let you land on the island smoothly."

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if you don't go to the island, don't you? For me, I don't really care at all! "

Big belly a listen to this words, can't help surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "don't you want to ascend the island?"

Listen to his tone obviously not very believe, but listen to Ye Feng continue to shrug, "you know, I'm not going to find your boss, is the situation, if really can't land on the island, and I have nothing to do!"

Big belly smell speech eyebrow immediately a wrinkly, immediately stare at Ye Feng to see for a long time later, this just nodded a way, "it seems that or that woman's problem, I go to solve that woman..."

Finish saying this words, big belly is about to leave immediately, Ye Feng took out a pistol however, on the hand a turn a way, "you can not ascend the island, but want to disadvantageous to her, must ask the gun in my hand first!"

Big belly a listen to this, can't help staring at Ye Feng to see a moment later way, "since you and she are not the same person, and unwilling to work for her, I go to kill her, is to help you, why do you want to help her?"

But Ye Feng hummed coldly, "how? Do you think even Rizhao has some scruples about me, I can't kill such a woman? Shall I wait until you come to help me? "

Big belly a listen to this, complexion suddenly move, think Ye Feng's words, feel is not without reason.

Yes, Satan's name even his master, Rizhao, has to extend his thumb when he hears it. How can he not even solve this little girl?

Think of here, big belly seems to understand what, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "is it you have what important people in their hands?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "this is the problem between them and me. You don't need to ask more."

Big belly listen to Ye Feng say so, immediately a burst of ponder, finally slightly sighed, "your business, I can ignore, but I said, I will never let the ship on the island login!"

Ye Feng looked at his belly and said, "you should also know that the supplies on the island are just like this once a year. The island must be short of supplies. If you spend them with us on the sea, do you want to spend all the supplies on the island before landing on the island?"

Big belly a listen to this words, heart immediately move, Ye Feng said right.

They only supply once a year on the island. If they don't land on the island for a long time, people on the island will soon have no supplies.

So if the big belly really needs to be consumed with Ye Feng, not to mention that the materials on the ship are enough for them to stay at sea for a few days, it depends on how long the people on the island can last.

Thinking of this, big belly frowned slightly and said, "you're right, so I have to kill that woman!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you must do this, and I can't help it, but you know I won't let you succeed, so we are deadlocked here now, and no one can help it!"

Big belly smell speech is also a while pondering, in fact, he certainly understand Ye Feng's meaning.

Now Ye Feng has a handle in the hands of qianse bee, so he won't sit back and watch qianse bee be killed, because he's worried about qianse bee's meaning, and he won't be able to find anyone to contact there again,

but after all, big belly is Rizhao's assistant Xinghui. He is responsible for Rizhao's safety and will never let anyone land on the island to do anything harmful to Rizhao.

And big belly also knows that he will never be Ye Feng's opponent, so it is almost impossible for him to kill qianse bee, let alone Ye Feng.

What's more, every time the supplies on the island have to be used to see the bottom, they will go out to the mainland for replenishment. However, the people on the island can't afford to spend so much, so they have to land on the island within the specified time.

In this way, it entered a dead cycle rhythm, big belly can't kill Ye Feng and qianse bee, and he can't take Ye Feng and qianse bee to the island, but the people on the island have to wait for them to land on the island.

When Ye Feng saw the big belly in a crisis, he said to the big belly, "since it's so difficult to choose, why don't you call Rizhao and ask Rizhao what he thinks? Maybe he can give you a solution? "

Big belly listen to Ye Feng so a say, heart can't help but move, Ye Feng said is right, if you can't solve this, it can only go to trouble sunshine.

In fact, it's not that big belly didn't expect to call Rizhao. He's just used to solving this problem by himself and trying not to give Rizhao any trouble.

But in the past, I met a small role of three or four, this time I met Satan, and the nature was totally different.

Think of here, big belly or some hesitation, secretly want to give Rizhao call.

Having been an assistant to Rizhao for so many years, he is used to not asking for Rizhao when he has something to do. If he asks for Rizhao, is he saying that he has no value at all.But if you don't call Rizhao now, you can't solve it completely. Sooner or later, Rizhao will know about it.

Ye Feng see big belly is still hesitating, immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's normal that things can't be solved. After all, no matter how capable people are, they are not omnipotent. I believe Rizhao must have something he can't do, but if he can't do it, he has to be brave. That's the big problem!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, he immediately took a deep breath. He still took out his mobile phone and called Rizhao, "boss, there's something wrong. I've met Satan

On the phone, a man's voice said, "Satan? Are you sure? "

Big belly immediately nodded, "should not be wrong!"

The man on the phone said, "I also expected that one day, he would come to me, but I didn't expect so soon!"

Big belly immediately asked him, "boss, what should I do now? I know I'm definitely not his opponent, but I can't take him to the island... "

But the man on the phone sighed, "you don't have to do this. Whoever should come will come sooner or later. It's hard to avoid. Satan and I will meet sooner or later. Take him to the island!"

Big belly immediately said, "but, boss, your body..."

The man on the phone immediately said, "these are not problems. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. Take him to the island. I'll solve my own problems by myself."

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