Ye Feng did not speak any more, but looked at the sky outside the window. It was already sunset, and it was estimated that it would be dark soon.

Thousand color bee see Ye Feng didn't speak, cold hum a way, "I anyway now is the life to you, you want to die, I will accompany you to die together!"

Ye Feng is still silent, eyes just looking out of the window, thousand color bee can't help but lie on the bed looking at Ye Feng way, "what are you looking at?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "you've given me your life. Of course I'm responsible for your life!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she immediately turned down from the upper bunk, sat on the side of Ye Feng, followed Ye Feng's eyes and looked out of the window, "although I know you won't wait to die, but just looking out of the window, can you live?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word again. Qianse bee couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "we are on the same boat now. Don't hide everything in your heart. If you have anything, just tell me. I can help you!"

At this time, Ye Feng stood at the head of the window and looked out again. After looking around, he immediately drew back and fired a few shots at the top with a pistol.

The thousand color bee can't help but wonder, "what are you doing? Is there someone up there? "

Ye Feng did not answer, and continued to shoot above, until the bullets of a pistol were finished, which stopped shooting.

Thousand color bee see leaf maple so, can't help but low voice way, "what are you doing in the end?"

Ye Feng this just toward thousand color bee way, "don't ask, will know!"

The thousand color bee looks at Ye Feng in surprise, and doesn't know what to say. But the look in Ye Feng's eyes seems to be full of self-confidence, as if he has a plan in mind, and he is even more curious.

At this time, qianse bee suddenly heard a sound of footstep outside the door, and it seemed that someone was saying, "are these two guys fighting inside? Where else did the gunfire come from? "

Another said, "open it quickly. Maybe they will kill themselves if we don't do it!"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately understand Ye Feng's intention, in fact, he began to break the glass purpose, is not to climb out of the window, and that is not realistic.

It turns out that Ye Feng's intention at first was to let out the gunfire so that the people on the deck could hear it. And now she also understands why Ye Feng didn't do it at first. What he was waiting for was dark, so that the people on the deck could not see what happened below.

As expected, someone came here and began to prepare to open the door. As soon as the door opened, it was easy for her and Ye Feng to solve those who opened the door.

Think of here, thousand color bee already some completely can't restrain, and already ready, know that want a door to open, immediately rush up to solve these a few people.

Ye Feng is still calm, eyes still looking at the door, motionless.

But at this time, I didn't hear the sound of opening the door, but a voice from someone said, "don't rush to open the door. What if they deliberately lead us to open the door?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, the heart immediately a Lin, secretly scold a way, this is to be discovered by the other party?

Thinking of her, she can't help but look at Ye Feng on one side, but she still doesn't have any expression on her face at this time, completely calm.

The thousand color bee held her breath and prayed silently for each other to open the door quickly.

The door suddenly lost voice, but did not hear the footsteps of those people leave, make thousand color bee can't help but a little nervous.

After a long time, thousand color bee thought that the people outside the door had already left, just turned to say something to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately covered her mouth, made a silent look, motioned her not to speak.

Thousand color bee did not live after nodding, leaf maple this just released a hand.

Just at this time, a voice came out of the door and said, "it's been a long time. There's nothing inside. Is it dead?"

Another voice said, "I don't know. Why don't you ask the boss first and see what he means?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, the heart is more anxious, if want to ask that big belly of words, estimate and no play.

But at this time, a voice came from outside the door and said, "take a bet. You stand at the door and point your gun at the house. I'll open the door. No matter whether the people inside are alive or dead, you just shoot inside. Even if you're not dead, you'll be swept to death!"

Another voice immediately said with a smile, "yes, that's it. I don't believe that they can avoid the machine gun fire no matter how powerful they are?"

The thousand color bee's face suddenly moved. The door was so big. As soon as the door opened, the bullet would come in immediately. There was not much space in the cabin, so there was no place to hide.

Thinking of the thousand color bee immediately looking at Ye Feng, want to ask him what to do now, but Ye Feng's eyes are still staring at the door at this time, his face is still completely expressionless.

At this time, there was the sound of opening the door, the creaking sound of turning the metal.The thousand color bee knows that the other party is already opening the door. After a while, her most worried scene is about to appear. She unconsciously takes up her gun and points it at the door. She thinks that even if she can't rush out for a while, she will kill the two people at the door first. The big deal is to die together.

At this time, there was a crack on the door. It was obvious that the door had been opened.

Thousand color bee instantly held her breath and watched the iron door slowly pushed open. She squeezed the gun in her hand.

At the same time, Ye Feng jumped up and grabbed the top of the door frame with one hand. His legs had already kicked out towards the door.

Two people at the door were standing opposite the door, holding a machine gun in his hand. He pulled the trigger immediately.

But Ye Feng has arrived in front of him and kicked the machine gun in his hand. The machine gun instantly turned the muzzle and killed another companion hiding at the side of the door.

At the same time, Ye Feng has already fallen on the ground. He grabs the barrel of the man's machine gun in one hand, holds the pistol in the other hand, and hits the man's chin with a shot. Suddenly, the man's head spatters a pool of blood on the wall.

Thousand color bee is still holding a gun standing in the cabin at this time. The scene happened so fast that she didn't know what happened. Ye Feng has killed the guy at the door.

Ye Feng then took a look at the surrounding situation, looking back at the thousand color bee who was still in a daze, "what are you still doing? Do you really want to stay here all your life? "

After saying this, Ye Feng immediately went to the side of the aisle. Qianse bee came back to herself and immediately got out of the cabin. He took a look at the two people who fell on the ground. One of them was beaten into a sieve by a machine gun.

Soon after catching up with Ye Feng, they arrived at the edge of the corridor leading to the upper deck. However, there was a sound of footwork and a familiar voice, "grass, what are those two idiots doing?"

Qianse bee's heart suddenly moved, and it was big belly that was talking. Then he heard the footsteps coming closer and closer. It was obvious that big belly heard the sound of machine gun below, and he had brought people to check the situation.

Ye Feng and qianse Feng hide on both sides of the corridor, and soon they see their big belly coming down from the corridor. But when they are about to go to the bottom, they suddenly slow down.

And Ye Feng and thousand color bee also heard the sound of pistol loading, obviously big belly is not a fool, will not rashly rush out to die.

At this time, I heard the big belly say in a deep voice, "let the two brothers go down the corridor on the other side and have a look!"

Then I heard a burst of footwork and ran away. At this time, Ye Feng and qianse Feng could not hear any movement at all, and I didn't know if big belly was still on the corridor.

Ye Feng and qianse bee both held their breath and waited for their big belly to come down.

Time on such a minute of the past, Ye Feng immediately toward the opposite thousand color bee made a wink.

But thousand color bee didn't understand Ye Feng's meaning, also looked at Ye Feng with eyes, as if to ask him what he wanted.

Ye Feng sighs a little, and this thousand color bee really has no cooperation at all, what she should do now is to attract the attention of the corridor.

It's the best time for qianse bee to attract all the people there. Unfortunately, qianse bee doesn't understand its intention at all, and is still looking at itself with a pair of curious baby's eyes.

Ye Feng knows that this move can't cooperate with the thousand color bee. If Dixie is here, she will know what she means immediately with a look in her eyes.

At this time, Ye Feng felt a faint sound of footsteps in the distance behind him. He immediately looked back and saw that there was a corridor in the distance.

Just now, I heard from big belly that he asked his brother to come down from another corridor. It must be his brother who has arrived at that corridor.

If you let the people down there, there will be people in the corridor, and then he and qianse bee are likely to be attacked.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng knew that his time was running out, and immediately glanced at the thousand color bee. After taking a look at her, he immediately glanced at the corridor.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, qianse bee suddenly got a flash of inspiration, as if she understood Ye Feng's meaning. She ran behind and made a deliberate sound of footsteps.

With the thousand color bee's footstep sound, the side of the corridor suddenly also came the footstep sound, but listen to Ye Feng's ears, know each other or careful, dare not careless.

After all, big belly is not an ordinary person. After all, it is Rizhao's assistant. Is Rizhao's assistant who ranks first in the list generally competent? That's also a good hand.

Even if there is no sunshine, leaving sunshine alone is no worse than those guys on the list.

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