Big belly just showed half a foot, Ye Feng immediately began to wriggle toward him.

But wait for big belly just stepped out of that moment, Ye Feng face is a move, out of where is big belly, clearly is one of his men.

But at this time, the man is already carrying a gun and aiming at the thousand color bee. That is to say, if ye Feng doesn't move his hand, the thousand color bee is running forward with his back to this side. He may be shot.

But if ye Feng's hand, that is to say, to tell the big belly Xinghui who has not yet come down, he will hide behind this, which is tantamount to exposing himself.

Once you expose yourself, Xinghui will be on guard. If you want to cheat him, it will be even more difficult.

What's more, a few people at the other end are coming down from the building at this time. If they don't decide on their own side, they won't even have the chance to make a choice.

Finally, Ye Feng clenched his teeth and chose to ignore the big belly. Sure enough, the big belly has already started shooting at the thousand color bee.

But fortunately, the shooting method of the goods is general, thousand color bee is still running in the East, and the goods are not hit by several shots.

Thousand color bee there looked back, see Ye Feng hide behind that person unexpectedly didn't start, the facial expression suddenly a change, continue to run toward the front.

And the voice of big belly came from the corridor, "what's the situation? Did you hit it? "

The goods immediately said, "the woman, ran too fast, missed!"

"Waste!" Big belly immediately cold hum a, then rushed down, took out the pistol and aimed at the thousand color bee.

Ye Feng just bet on big belly. His shooting is not bad, but he doesn't dare to bet on big belly. After all, he is Rizhao's assistant and his shooting is certainly not bad.

What's more, Ye Feng and others are the appearance of big belly. Now he has stood in front of himself. If he doesn't start now, when will he wait?

Ye Feng in big belly ready to shoot the moment, step forward, with a gun to his neck, way, "put down the gun!"

Big belly complexion suddenly move, he is afraid of the following have their own unexpected situation, his careful, did not expect or the way of Ye Feng.

But he knows who Ye Feng is, and he knows how powerful Ye Feng is. Now his life is in Ye Feng's hands. He doesn't dare to take any risks and make fun of his life.

Big belly immediately lost his gun, then raised his hands and said, "you are still powerful! I'm very careful, but I can't guess that you'll wait for me to come out here, regardless of the girl's life or death! "

But Ye Feng sneered, "what do I have to do with her? What does her life and death have to do with me? "

Thousand color bee stopped at this time, looked back at Ye Feng and big belly, saw that big belly had been controlled by Ye Feng, and then came back with a gun.

Just in front of Ye Feng and big belly, thousand color bee immediately said to Ye Feng, "did you make a mistake? Just now that guy shot at me, you didn't care? Do you know if he hits me with one shot, I'll die! "

Ye Feng just shrugged his shoulders and said, "if it's not like this, how can Xinghui easily believe it?"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face suddenly moved. Then she looked at her belly and said, "are you the assistant of sunshine, Xinghui?"

Big belly sneer, then toward Ye Feng and thousand color bee way, "you kill me now, in short, as long as I live, it is absolutely impossible to take you to the island!"

Ye Feng reminded Xinghui, "don't forget, when you talk to Rizhao on the phone, how did Rizhao talk to you?"

Xinghui immediately said, "I don't need to remind you. Of course I know, but I also know that the master asked me to take you to the island because he was worried about my danger and didn't want me to die in your hands. That's why he said that. The more the master is like this, the more I won't take you to the island!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. This star is really stubborn. It seems that he has confirmed the principle of death. Even death will not take them to the island.

And at this time, a few people have rushed down the corridor behind Ye Feng. When he saw this situation, he was stunned.

And thousand color bee is immediately toward that side shot, several people over there to force back to the corridor, they also dare not fight back, after all, big belly is still in the hands of Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng pushed Xinghui and said, "go to the deck!"

Xinghui immediately raised his hand on the deck, Ye Feng immediately let Xinghui order all his men to the cabin.

Xinghui also completely according to Ye Feng's command to do, let his men all under the cabin.

When Xinghui, Yefeng and qianse queen bee were left on the deck, Xinghui said, "I said, I will never go to the island. You should die. If you want to kill, don't delay!"

Qianse bee went up and pointed the butt of the gun at Xinghui's head. Then the muzzle of the gun stood against Xinghui's skull and said, "do you want to go to the island or not?"

Xinghui sneered, "as Rizhao's assistant, I expected to die for him long ago. Don't ink, just shoot, don't talk with me!"The thousand color bee immediately opened a gun on the leg of Star Hui and said, "don't think I really dare not kill you! I'm not him

Ye Feng didn't expect that qianse bee would suddenly start to attack Xinghui. She couldn't help looking at her, but didn't say a word.

Xinghui sneered and said, "now I won't say another word! If you want to kill it, kill it

The thousand color bee immediately says to the head of the accurate Star Hui, "can you sail?"

Xinghui slightly closed his eyes, completely a look of death.

Thousand color bee that appearance really want to pull the trigger, Ye Feng see this, immediately put out his hand to hold thousand color bee hand gun way, "Hey, you really killed him, no one took us to the island!"

Of course, qianse Feng knows that her purpose is nothing more than to scare Xinghui, but seeing Xinghui like this, she also knows that no matter what she does, she can't force Xinghui to submit.

Thousand color bee at this time can't help but put away gun, toward leaf maple way, "I certainly know, but what method, you say!"

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee and the star, and then sighed, "you two are in charge of each other, but do you know that the master behind you two actually has a great connection!"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at Ye Feng, "what do you mean?"

Thousand color bee is also a face surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "Hey, what do you say? What's the relationship between my boss and Rizhao? "

Ye Feng this time toward the star way, "the island should only have your master sunshine, your hostess moon shadow is not in?"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, she said, "my hostess has been dead for many years!"

Ye Feng smell speech but immediately sneer a way, "died for many years?"? It's just that you don't know! "

As soon as Xinghui heard this, her face suddenly changed. "What do you mean by that? Is she still alive?"

Ye Feng did not answer Xinghui, but looked at qianse Feng and said, "is your boss a woman?"

Thousand color bee shrugs a way, "is a woman again how?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "is there a beauty mole in her eyebrow?"

On hearing this, the faces of qianse bee and Xinghui all moved. Qianse bee immediately said, "how do you know? Have you met him? "

But Xinghui said to Yefeng, "you're bullshit! Do you want to tell me that it's my hostess moon shadow who sent you to kill my master this time? "

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean my boss is Rizhao's wife Yueying? How is that possible? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "sometimes things in this world are so wonderful! That's how dramatic it is

Xinghui even said, "it's impossible. You're lying. My hostess has been dead for many years, and even if she doesn't die, she can't kill my master. Do you want to cheat me with such a low-level lie?"

But Ye Feng lit a flue, "is it a lie? You can ask your master Rizhao. Just because he knows that the people who come to him are sent by the moon shadow, he will let you take us to the island. Do you think he is really worried about your safety? How naive

Xinghui's face was quiet and changed. She even forgot the gunshot wound on her leg and could not feel the pain at all.

And thousand color bee at this time toward leaf maple way, "you already know my boss is moon shadow?"

But Ye Feng said, "what's so strange about this? In this world, although Rizhao's name is loud, it has been ranked first for many years, and there are many people who want to challenge him, but not many people really dare to take action, let alone Rizhao's life!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a deep puff of his cigarette and continued, "there is only one person in the world who hates Rizhao and wants his life, that is moon shadow!"

Xinghui immediately said, "it's impossible. My master and hostess have always been very kind. My hostess was injured in an operation and then died. My master has been thinking about her for so many years. How can they be enemies?"

The thousand color bee can't help but say to Ye Feng, "what he said is right. Sunshine and moon shadow are well-known as a couple of immortals. They are all well-known. How can my boss be moon shadow? How can moon shadow want sunshine's life?"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and says, "what I know is not so perfect as what you hear. Rizhao and Yueying were originally brothers and sisters, and they have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time. Although they are married, they have been fighting secretly for so many years, but outsiders don't know it!"

Xinghui still didn't believe it. He said to Yefeng, "it's impossible. I don't believe it!"

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