Ye Feng heard Xinghui say so, can't help a shrug, "believe it or not is your business, but I said, you want to verify the best way is to give your master Rizhao call to ask!"

At this time, qianse bee also said to Xinghui, "don't you hurry to call?"

After a while of hesitation, Xinghui picked up her mobile phone and dialed Rizhao's number. After a while, she heard Rizhao's voice on the phone.

Xinghui immediately asked Rizhao, "master, is the hostess still alive?"

Rizhao's voice did not appear as unexpected as Xinghui's imagination, but calmly asked Xinghui, "how do you know this?"

Originally, the sound of Rizhao was very calm, and Xinghui felt a little surprised. After listening to Rizhao's words, Xinghui was even more shocked. This means that Rizhao has admitted that the shadow of the moon is not dead.

Xinghui could not help but wonder, "master? Do you mean that the hostess is not dead? "

Rizhao then said to Xinghui, "it seems that Satan told you this, right? He is so much more powerful than I thought. I didn't expect that he would know about it! "

Xinghui immediately asked Rizhao, "master, since the hostess is not dead, why did you say she was dead, and why did she want someone to kill you..."

Rizhao didn't explain too much, but said to Xinghui faintly, "you don't need to know too much, just bring Satan to the island!"

After Rizhao said this, he immediately hung up the phone, while Xinghui was in a daze listening to the busy beep on the phone.

When Xinghui was on the phone, qianse bee was listening all the time. She also heard that Rizhao knew that his boss was his wife Yueying.

Thousand color bee can't help muttering, "my boss is really moon shadow. Why does she want to kill her husband? What's the feud between them? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "if you want to know, you will naturally know when you see sunshine after landing on the island!"

Said Ye Feng also toward the star, "I believe your master has told you how to do it?"

After a moment of hesitation, Xinghui nodded and said, "OK, I'll take you to the island!"

Ye Feng hears speech, this just nodded a way, "this is right, originally have nothing to do with you of matter, must make of so troublesome, still hurt oneself, much not cost-effective, do you say?"

Speaking, Ye Feng also went to help Xinghui check the injury, and then took out a dagger to help Xinghui take the bullet out of his leg, and finally bandaged the wound with a cloth.

Xinghui limped to the cockpit and took an anti-inflammatory drug. Then she started to restart the long stopped ship and continued to move towards the island.

Ye Feng and qianse bee are also sitting in the cockpit. Qianse bee then asks Ye Feng, "you must know what happened in those years, otherwise how can you know that my boss is Yueying?"

Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "please don't so gossip!"

Thousand color bee see from leaf maple this side don't ask what, again toward Star Hui way, "do you really don't know the matter between your male and female host?"

Xinghui shook his head and said, "I don't know. A few years ago, they went on a mission together. That mission didn't bring me. When I came back, there was only my master. I didn't see the hostess. At that time, the master said that the hostess was dead! Then my master retired to the island and washed his hands thoroughly, never mentioning it again! After that, no one asked about it again! "

Thousand color bee asks Star Hui way again, "you have no good spirit, ask your master more?"

Xinghui shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, if the master wants to say it, he will naturally say, what do I have to ask so many questions to do?"

Thousand color bee can't help murmuring, "you are really No curiosity at all? "

Ye Feng reminds thousand color bee way, "you should know our line, the most taboo is curiosity, the more you know, the less good it is!"

The thousand color bee shrugged and said, "now there is no one else. I just ask casually. You really think I am interested in their affairs. I'm just angry. Since it's the grudge between them, why don't you do it yourself and ask me to come to you?"

Ye Feng hears speech for a while ponder, also didn't say what, finally look to Star Hui way, "you mentioned sunshine's body before, sunshine exactly how?"

But Xinghui's face moved and said, "my master is in good health. What can I have?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "if your master's body is OK, you will try every means to prevent me from landing on the island, just because you know your master's body is not my opponent!"

Xinghui listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately moved his heart. After looking at Ye Feng, he sighed again, "after that mission came back, the owner was injured, and the injury has not been thorough. There are sequelae!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but nod a way, "so sunshine gold basin wash hands to retreat, also because of this injury!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she immediately said, "I knew that. I'll do it myself. What else do you want to do?"

But Ye Feng said, "I believe even your boss doesn't know about Rizhao's injury, otherwise don't talk about me, even you and she don't need to call, she will come in person!"Xinghui sneered and said, "if you think my master is injured, that is, any role can bully him, you are too fanciful. For a role like you, even if my master is injured, it is not difficult to solve you, let alone me!"

Thousand color bee can't help staring at Xinghui, but she knows that Xinghui is telling the truth. Without Ye Feng's help, she might have been killed on the ship, and she can't have the chance to go to the island to see Rizhao.

At this time, Xinghui looked at Ye Feng and said, "Satan, since you know that my master is injured, and you also know that this is a private matter between my master and his wife, I believe that with your reputation, you will not be invincible, will you?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "I don't know for the moment, I won't make any guarantee! We'll wait until we get to the island and see the sunshine! "

At this time, qianse bee said to Xinghui, "it seems that your master has been hurt a lot, otherwise you won't be so worried!"

Xinghui snorted coldly, and didn't speak any more. To tell you the truth, if Rizhao hadn't asked him to take Satan to the island twice, he would not have set sail.

But now that it was too late to say anything, he could only keep silent.

Thousand color bee after pondering for a while, made a wink toward the leaf maple, then got up and walked to the cockpit outside.

Ye Feng knew that qianse bee wanted to go out with her, so he stood up and went out, "what do you do?"

At this time, qianse bee whispered to Ye Feng, "anyway, my boss told me that my task is to supervise you to kill Rizhao. You can't be compassionate because of Rizhao's injury. What's the principle?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow slightly a frown ground looking at thousand color bee way, "you mean, call me no matter sunshine whether hurt, saw him or want to kill him?"

The thousand color bee immediately said in a deep voice, "of course, what's the purpose of our landing on the island? Isn't it just to kill him? "

Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "you don't care about your boss?"

The thousand color bee immediately said, "I don't care if she is the boss of Rizhao. She told us to kill Rizhao. We just do it. I don't ask anything else!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you have to, I don't care, but I'm afraid you will be angry by your boss in the future!"

Thousand color bee smell speech don't understand a way, "vent anger?"? Why are you angry with me? She is the one who asked me to kill Rizhao. I did what he told me, and I was angry with her? "

Ye Feng reminded qianse Feng, "no matter what deep hatred they have, it's the couple after all. How do you know if your boss will regret it after Zhao died that day?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, qianse bee can't help hesitating for a while, thinking that Ye Feng's words are reasonable. Maybe the boss is just angry for a while. When the anger is gone, if he regrets it, he will become the object of anger.

Think of here thousand color bee can't help but toward leaf maple say, "that how to do?"? If she just wants to kill Rizhao and we don't do it, I'll have bad luck. "

Ye Feng said to the thousand color bee, "that's why I said, wait until I see the sunshine!"

Said Ye Feng also whispered, "maybe to the island, we do not need to do it?"

But the thousand color bee frowned and said, "don't we need to do it?"

At this time, Ye Feng pointed to the back of the boat and said, "look over there!"

The thousand color bee smelled speech and immediately looked over there, but saw that there seemed to be a bright spot on the sea. His face suddenly moved and said, "what's that?"

"That's a yacht!" Ye Feng then toward thousand color bee way, "and that yacht since we embarked on the ship, has been keeping a certain distance behind!"

"Yacht?" Thousand color bee smell speech facial expression is a move again, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "who?"

Say haven't waited for Ye Feng to reply, seem to understand what, facial expression suddenly a change, low voice way, "my boss?"

Ye Feng at this time toward the thousand color bee put up a thumb way, "finally smart for a while!"

But the thousand color bee was surprised and said, "she has been following us all the time? What's her purpose? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "after landing on the island, I'll know. Maybe he just wants us to stand in the front, or to be a ghost for her. Her purpose is to see the sunshine for herself!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, qianse bee's face suddenly moved. After pondering for a long time, she didn't speak any more, but her eyes were staring at the bright spot in the distance behind her!

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