The bright spot behind the ship always keeps a certain distance from their ship, neither far nor near.

Thousand color bee heart next move, secret way Star Hui they didn't pay much attention, may be because they put all their attention on themselves and Ye Feng, so will such negligence.

At this time, Ye Feng patted the thousand color bee on the shoulder and said, "so don't think much about anything now. After landing on the island, everything will be known."

Thousand color bee no longer speak, and Ye Feng at this time back to the cabin, sitting behind the star, thousand color bee see, also followed Ye Feng sat in.

Xinghui does not speak, has been driving the boat toward the front, Ye Feng is just sitting in the back looking at do not speak.

And the thousand color bee didn't sleep in the afternoon, so it was almost sleepy at this time. Unexpectedly, it unconsciously leaned on Ye Feng's shoulder and fell asleep.

When the thousand color bee wakes up again, it finds itself lying on two stools and covered with a blanket.

Thousand color bee immediately sat up and looked around, but saw that Xinghui was still sailing, but Ye Feng didn't know where to go, and the sky outside was bright.

Thousand color bee can't help thinking that last night, he seemed to lean on Ye Feng's shoulder to doze, and then fell asleep unconsciously.

She then stretched a stretch and asked Xinghui, "where's Satan?"

Star Hui just cold hum a, didn't answer thousand color bee, seem to still have opinion to her.

Seeing this, qianse bee didn't say anything. She walked out of the cabin directly. At this time, she saw that Ye Feng was smoking on one side of the cabin, and her eyes were still staring at the back of the boat.

The thousand color bee walked toward Ye Feng, then also looked at the back of the boat, but saw that there was a yacht following not far away, and his heart could not help but move.

Ye Feng then flicked the ash, toward the thousand color bee way, "wake up?"

The thousand color bee says to Ye Feng, "did you sleep last night? Get up so early again today? Would you like to have a rest first? "

But Ye Feng said, "I slept a lot yesterday afternoon, and now I don't feel sleepy at all!"

The thousand color bee says to Ye Feng at this time, "this yacht follows behind, sooner or later will be discovered by Xinghui's people, and I don't know if it will change again at that time!"

Ye Feng is toward thousand color bee affirmation tunnel however, "won't discover of!"

Thousand color bee but a face surprised looking at leaf maple way, "won't discover? Why are you so sure? "

Ye Feng pointed to the front of the boat and said, "look!"

As soon as qianse bee looked over there, his heart suddenly moved, because on the sea not far from the front of the ship, there was a large white fog, which seemed to be boundless.

Once the ship entered the fog, not to mention the yacht behind, I was afraid that even if the thousand color bee was standing close to Ye Feng, it might not be able to see where Ye Feng was.

At this time, Ye Feng said to the thousand color bee, "once you enter the fog, it's very difficult for the yacht behind to keep up!"

The thousand color bee nodded and said, "this fog is really strange. It's cloudless and clear. Why do good people have fog clusters? Once the boat goes in, it's a question whether it can go out or not! "

But Ye Feng knocked on the head of the thousand color bee and said, "the ship depends on the compass, not the eyes. As long as the compass doesn't fail, let alone the fog, even if it's a total solar eclipse, it can run normally!"

The thousand color bee suddenly realized that she didn't know much about the ship, but she also knew that although the ship could continue to run by the compass, the yacht behind would be blind. After all, they couldn't track other ships by the compass.

Ye Feng this time, but suddenly toward thousand color bee way, "you don't have to worry about your boss will follow lost!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help facial expression move a way, "so big fog, still can't follow to lose?"? How is that possible? "

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "I don't know if you are really stupid or fake stupid. Since your boss can follow us all the way until we get on the boat, she always follows us. What does that mean?"

Thousand color bee smell speech for a while ponder, immediately facial expression move, suddenly thought of what, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "we have a tracker?"

Ye Feng snapped his fingers and said, "yes, since we have a tracker, your boss can locate the ship with it. How can she lose it?"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help nodding, "this pour is also!"

Ye Feng then stretched a stretch, toward the thousand color bee way, "after a while into the fog, there is really nothing to do, you might as well go to sleep!"

Thousand color bee but even busy way, "I just wake up, still sleep?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you don't make up your energy now. After landing on the island for a while, I'm afraid you don't have enough energy. No matter. Since you don't sleep, you can watch and I'll go to sleep for a while!"

Thousand color bee can't stop nodding, "yes, after landing on the island, your energy is the most important, you go to rest, I'll help you watch!"Ye Feng sneered and said, "yesterday afternoon, you said the same thing, but what happened? We're trapped in the cabin! "

Qianse bee said with an embarrassed smile, "yesterday afternoon was an accident. I fell asleep later. Today I won't be. I just woke up. I won't be sleepy again!"

Ye Feng shrugged toward the cockpit and said, "I hope so!"

When Ye Feng entered the cockpit, half of the ship had already entered the fog. Even there were some fog filaments floating in the cockpit.

When Ye Feng saw that Xinghui was still sailing, he couldn't help saying to Xinghui, "no wonder how many people can't find sunshine. It turns out that the island is hiding in this fog. No wonder!"

Xinghui didn't say a word. After qianse bee came in, he sat on the side of Ye Feng and patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he could sleep.

But Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "how can I sleep when you sit here?"

But the thousand color bee immediately said, "you can sleep on my shoulder. I didn't sleep like that last night?"

When he said this, there was a sweet feeling in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

Ye Feng can't help but say to the thousand color bee, "you took advantage of me last night, and now you want to take advantage of me? Don't dream. Get up. I'll sleep on the stool myself

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately stare Ye Feng one eye, but still stand up, let Ye Feng lie down.

See Ye Feng sleep on the stool of two pieces put together, thousand color bee immediately glared at Ye Feng, this guy will only kill himself.

But at this time, the fog was getting bigger and bigger, and gradually the whole cabin was very wet. Qianse bee immediately went to close the cockpit door, which blocked the fog outside the cockpit.

Qianse Feng then went to the side of Xinghui and watched him driving the boat. He didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. He couldn't help saying to him, "you don't have to be angry with me. I don't know that my boss and your master are married!"

Xinghui glanced at the queen bee, and then said, "don't talk about this nonsense. You can go to the island today, and then your wish will come true. What kind of sarcasm do you have to say?"

The thousand color bee sighed slightly, "in fact, in the final analysis, this is also the housework of sunshine and moon shadow. The rest of us are outsiders, I am also an outsider, and you are just an outsider!"

Xinghui hummed coldly, "your boss may treat you as an outsider, but my master never treats me as an outsider, and I never treat my master as an outsider!"

Thousand color bee immediately cold hum a way, "to, to, to! Your master is the best

Then, seeing that Xinghui didn't say a word, he immediately sneered, "since your master is so good, why does his wife Yueying try to kill him?"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, he suddenly stopped talking and his face turned red. He couldn't say a word.

Seeing this, qianse Feng can't help but smile at Xinghui. "So, your master may not be perfect. No one is perfect. Everyone has a side that others don't know. Maybe he is good to you, but not to his wife!"

However, Xinghui immediately yelled at qianse bee, "it's impossible. My master and my hostess always respect each other like guests. It's impossible..."

Thousand color bee sneers a way, "between husband and wife's matter, how do you an outsider know?"? Perhaps in front of outsiders, they are gods and lovers, but when there is no one, their hatred is as deep as the sea? "

Xinghui wanted to retort a few words, but found that he could not say it. Just as qianse bee said, how much can he know about the relationship between the master and his wife?

Seeing that Xinghui didn't say a word, qianse Feng said, "by the way, how long have you been with your master?"

Xinghui looked at the thousand color bee and said, "why? Want to know me? "

Thousand color bee shrugs a way however, "don't misunderstand, you can't think I like you?"? You must not have this kind of idea. I just watch you sail here alone. It's boring. So I'll find a topic to chat with you. I warn you, don't think too much of me! "

Xinghui couldn't help but look at the thousand color bee and said, "you're really thick skinned. No wonder Satan doesn't like you!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face suddenly changed and she said angrily, "what are you talking about? I have the guts to say it again. "

Before Xinghui was said by the thousand color bee, she was very sullen. At this time, when she saw that she had hit the pain of the thousand color bee, she couldn't help but smile and say, "how? Was I right? I'm just telling you the truth. If you don't look at your own weight and Satan's weight, how can he like you? "

Qianse Feng pointed to Xinghui and yelled, "I warn you, don't talk nonsense. It's Miss Ben who doesn't like him. He still thinks about Miss Ben! Hum

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