Xinghui seems to have some truth from qianse bee. If they have something to do with the ship behind them, they will hide directly in the ship behind them and follow their own ship all the time.

But when she thought about it carefully, she felt that it was full of loopholes. She immediately hummed to qianse fengleng, "if my hostess is on the boat behind, she should know that she needs to go through a fog area to return to the island. For the hostess who has no sailing experience, it is impossible to go back to the island by herself."

Ye Feng said, "didn't you say that your master lived in seclusion on this island after your hostess died?"

But Xinghui said immediately, "it's true, but this island, my master and hostess have lived on it for several times. It's only me and my master who can safely get on and leave the island."

Ye Feng suddenly nodded her head. Xinghui's words also solved a problem left by Ye Feng in her heart, that is, since the moon shadow is looking for sunshine, she can go back to the island by herself. Why do she have such twists and turns?

At this time, Xinghui immediately said to qianse bee, "and if there is no one on the ship, there will be no positioning system. The purpose of her letting you board the ship may not be to ask you to do anything, just to do a positioning. Put a tracker on your body, and she is on the ship behind you. No matter how big the fog is, they won't be lost!"

Thousand color bee heart next move, but on the mouth toward Star Hui cold hum a way, "are you stupid?"? She wants to put a positioning system. She just needs to put a positioning system in your cargo. Why should we take risks? "

When Xinghui heard qianse Feng say this, he suddenly felt a move. Yes, as long as you put a locator in any of the goods on their ship, you can solve this problem.

Seeing that Xinghui didn't speak, qianse Feng sneered, "in fact, you don't know your hostess at all. You're still pretending to know her. You're secretly speculating about her mind. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

But Xinghui hummed coldly, "maybe I guess it's wrong, but the hostess must be on the boat behind, otherwise who is so bold and dare to go into the fog with us, not afraid to get lost in the sea?"

As soon as qianse bee was about to speak, Ye Feng interrupted, "now let's make sure that our ship can safely land on the island, regardless of who is on the ship behind. As for whether the ship behind will land on the island with us, it's not a big problem in fact!"

Xinghui listen to Ye Feng so a say, can't help frowning at Ye Feng way, "the problem is not big? If there is a hostess on the boat behind, then she will certainly hurt her master after landing on the island! "

Thousand color bee sneers at once way, "say you stupid still don't admit?"? As we all know, if there is anyone else in the world who can hurt your master, it is only Satan. Instead of worrying about Satan, you worry about your hostess? "

Xinghui's face moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Ye Feng said at this time, "if I'm not wrong, now sunshine because of body injury, I'm afraid even thousand color bee you, can hurt him!"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, her face moved again.

Thousand color bee sees in the eye, sneer, immediately but toward Star Hui way, "that you need not worry more, since your host has been injured, anyone can hurt him, so is we hurt him, or your hostess hurt him, what difference?"

But Xinghui immediately took a look at Ye Feng, and then said, "if it's Satan, he won't win. Taking advantage of my master's physical discomfort, he'll force a killer, but my hostess won't necessarily!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help but see hungry a leaf maple, immediately toward Star Hui way, "you so sure?"

Ye Feng didn't wait for Xinghui to speak. He immediately said to Xinghui, "don't praise me too much. I don't have the sense of loyalty you said! People who really know me will not say that about me. They all know that I am a person who will do anything to achieve my goal! "

But Xinghui immediately said, "to deal with others, you may be the kind of unscrupulous person you say, but to deal with Rizhao, you won't!"

The thousand color bee didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak, immediately asked Xinghui, "why don't you know the sunshine?"

Xinghui immediately said, "because my master's ranking is above Satan. If he killed my master in this way and won the first place, then his first place will only be a joke and won't be respected by others!"

Thousand color bee listen to Star Hui so say, heart immediately move, feel Star Hui say also have some truth.

After all, it's been a long time since Satan was on the top secret service list in the world.

Qianse bee doesn't know whether Ye Feng's real state of mind is what Xinghui said. She can only judge others by herself.

If you are a Satan, you will not be killed by sunshine all the year round, but you will not be killed by sunshine when you have no fighting power or when you are sick. What's the meaning of such a first?

Ye Feng didn't speak all the time. At this time, he sneered at Xinghui and said, "you don't have to wear a high hat for me. Although what you said is reasonable, killing Rizhao in this way will make me the first. It's really meaningless, but don't forget that besides the ranking problem, there is also a dangerous problem!"Xinghui and qianse bee listen to Ye Feng say, immediately is a frown to look at Ye Feng way, "dangerous problem?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "yes, sunshine is not dead now. I can say that in this world, the only one who is worried that someone might kill me is who?"

Xinghui smell speech immediately toward Ye Feng said, "is my master!"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, but if your master Rizhao dies, will I have no worries from now on, and don't worry about the Rizhao before me, which will pose any threat to me?"

Xinghui listen to Ye Feng say, suddenly face a change, as Ye Feng said, it's all right, sunshine is Ye Feng's threat, if sunshine a death, Ye Feng can really rest easy.

Thousand color bee smell speech but toward leaf maple way, "so say, you will kill sunshine after landing the island?"

As soon as Xinghui hears this, he immediately looks at Ye Feng, which is exactly what he is worried about.

But Ye Feng shrugged, "I'm just giving an example. It doesn't mean that I will kill Rizhao after landing on the island! Of course, it doesn't mean I won't do it! What's the specific situation? I'll wait until I see the sunshine after I go to the island! "

Xinghui looks at Ye Feng with a deep thought. He is in a bit of a dilemma at this time. He knows that letting Ye Feng land on the island will put his master Rizhao in danger, but he has to let Ye Feng land on the island. After all, this is not only his master Rizhao's order, but also the most important reason. That is, no one can kill Ye Feng on this ship. If you want to do it yourself If you do, it will only be a result, that is, all the men on board will die because of their own decision.

Qianse bee didn't speak either. Now she hopes the moon shadow is on the boat behind, and she doesn't want the moon shadow on the boat behind.

The hope is that once you land on the island, there will be a good play to watch. After all, you are the immortal couple once admired by all the people in the lake. If the moon shadow does not land on the island, even if you encounter sunshine, sunshine may not tell them why he and his wife's moon shadow fall into this field.

The reason why she didn't want it was that once the moon shadow landed on the island, her role seemed to be dispensable. She wasn't worried that the moon shadow would kill people, but after all, her sense of existence was much lower, and even Ye Feng might not be able to do it at that time.

At this time, Xinghui stared at Ye Feng for a long time and sighed. Then he said to Ye Feng, "Satan, can I ask you a favor?"

"Oh?" Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Xinghui, "what's up? You may say it, but I don't promise to do it! "

But Xinghui immediately said to Yefeng, "if I have to, the boat behind is really my hostess. I know I may not be able to stop her..."

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but also a wrinkle to look at the star way, "you don't want me to help you block her? I can do it, but why should I do it? "

But Xinghui shook his head and said, "it's not this. It's another request. If my hostess really wants to kill her, he won't fight back with my understanding of her! So please do it before my hostess... "

Ye Feng and qianse Fengwen can't help but feel a move. Ye Feng thought that Xinghui would ask for something, but he didn't expect that Xinghui would ask to kill Rizhao before the moon shadow started?

Ye Feng thought and immediately said to Xinghui, "I don't promise to do anything!"

Xinghui sighed, "I know, I just hope you do!"

But the thousand color bee curiously asked Xinghui, "why do you have such a wonderful request? If your master must die, why don't you let him die in the hands of your mistress? "

Xinghui sighed again, "I'm not worried that my hostess will kill my master. What I'm worried about is that she won't kill me..."

Thousand color bee smell speech brow a wrinkly, more curious, "won't kill?"? Isn't that what you want? You ask Ye Feng to kill him instead? What's the brain damage requirement? "

But before Xinghui spoke, Ye Feng said to qianse Feng, "because Yueying is famous, it's because of her means of torture. Before she married Rizhao, Yueying was not called Yueying, but had another nickname!"

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