As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face could not help but move, "is there another nickname for moon shadow? Never heard of it

Xinghui didn't wait for Ye Feng to speak at this time. She immediately said to qianse bee, "she has another nickname, qianzhen bee!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face could not help but move and murmured, "qianzhen bee?" Said also surprised to leaf maple cast to query eyes.

However, Ye Feng nodded to the thousand color bee, completely agreed with the saying of Xinghui, "that's right, it's one word different from your nickname!"

The thousand color bee hears the words and feels awe inspiring. The moon shadow is actually called the thousand needle bee. The reason why he is called the thousand color bee is that he has excellent disguise skills and can change into anyone, so he uses the thousand color bee.

But the moon shadow is actually called the thousand needle bee, which should be to explain that there are tens of thousands of means of the moon shadow, and each means is just like the poisonous needle of a wasp.

At this time, the thousand color bee came back and said to the star, "I see. Are you worried about the shadow of the moon tormenting the sunshine? He's been tortured to death? "

Xinghui could not help nodding and said, "yes, the hostess is famous because of her torture means. It's very easy to catch a person, but it's absolutely not easy to get the information from them. So the hostess's means are very good, which makes her famous in the industry. But it's also because of her means that she makes her famous She's not on top 10! "

Ye Feng then shrugged with a smile and said, "the top 10 ranking, in fact, is just a non professional ranking in the industry. However, I still want to say that on the means of extorting confessions and torturing people, if there is a ranking, moon shadow can definitely rank first, even Rizhao has to stand aside!"

Xinghui nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "that's why I have such a wonderful request. I hope you can win me!"

Ye Feng looked at Xinghui thoughtfully, then nodded and said, "OK, I promise you, if moon shadow wants to use these means to sunshine, I will stop her!"

After hearing this, Xinghui nodded to Ye Feng and said, "thank you, Satan!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "don't thank me. I went to the island to deal with sunshine. Instead, you thank me, which makes me feel very strange!"

Xinghui sighed, "in fact, I've figured out that it's inevitable for the host to be the first in the top 10 for such a long time. Moreover, over the years, he has indeed faced these challenges and tests. For him, maybe it's nothing at all. It's my worry!"

Qianse bee said to Xinghui, "the reason why you worry too much is because of sunshine's ill health."

Xinghui could not help nodding and said, "that's right! I don't need to worry about it at all if the host is healthy! "

Ye Feng patted Xinghui on the shoulder and said, "it's meaningless to worry about it. In fact, you should learn from your master Rizhao and adjust your attitude. Maybe you can become Rizhao's successor in the future."

As soon as Xinghui heard this, her face could not help but move and said in surprise, "I? Be the successor of the master? Don't laugh

But Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "I never laugh, although the tone I speak seems to be joking! But I'm serious! "

But Xinghui shook his head and said, "the master once said that my qualifications are limited. I have reached the peak under my qualifications. I can't make any further progress!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't agree with your master on this point. Let's not say whether you have reached the upper limit of qualification. In my opinion, qualification can make up for your incompetence. As long as you work hard the day after tomorrow, there is no goal you can't achieve!"

But qianse bee looks at Ye Feng dubiously, then stares at Xinghui, and finally looks at his big belly. He can't help laughing and says, "I believe there will be such a day, but do you want to get rid of your big belly first?"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, he immediately pulled out a pillow from his clothes and threw it to the ground. "It's just a disguise I made after I left the island for the convenience of replenishing goods on the mainland!"

Said big belly will also be their own whiskers also to remove, actually an instant younger than ten years old.

The thousand color bee can't help but eyebrow move. After all, she is an expert in transvestite. She didn't see that Xinghui's big belly and beard are fake.

Xinghui saw the thousand color bee looking at himself in surprise, and immediately said with a smile, "these are just insect carving tricks!"

The thousand color bee immediately glanced at Xinghui and knew that he was deliberately showing off to himself. Although he was not satisfied, he was very surprised. Although Xinghui's disguise technique was simple, it just added a belly and pasted some beards, but the technique was very skillful, and he didn't see it at all.

Ye Feng noticed the expression of the thousand color bee at this time, and immediately said with a smile, "this is called" there are mountains outside the mountains, there are people outside the people! "

Xinghui smiles at qianse bee again. After all, he looks about three or five years older than qianse bee after removing his big belly and beard.However, Xinghui suddenly thought of something and immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "thousand color bee's face changing technique is the best in the world..."

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, Star Hui actually boast oneself, can't help a proud shrug.

Don't want to this time, Xinghui but continue toward Ye Feng said, "but even she didn't see my disguise, how do you know I am Xinghui?"? This point, I really did not understand! I didn't even fight you before you recognized me

But Ye Feng said to Xinghui, "just now if I gave it to qianse bee, now I also give it to you. There are mountains outside the mountain, and there are people outside the people!"

Xinghui could not help frowning and said, "is there a mountain outside the mountain? Is there someone out there? What do you mean

Ye Feng immediately said, "you have to ask qianse bee about this."

Thousand color bee smell speech also can't help a surprised way, "I? Ask me what? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "just tell me, when you disguise in front of me, do I see any flaws?"

Thousand color bee a listen to this words, immediately heart next move, immediately ring oneself camouflage Dixi Si, be Ye Feng to see through of matter, the facial expression immediately move, cold hum a, didn't speak.

But Ye Feng said to Xinghui, "thousand color bees can't see through you, doesn't mean I can't see through you!"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, he immediately understood what was going on.

Ye Feng continued, "a delivery captain, even to make up, but also made up a lie that he used to be a killer. There are flaws in the disguise, and there are flaws in the words. Is it not easy to recognize your original identity?"

Xinghui frowned and said, "even so, we haven't met, or even had no intersection at all. At most, you just prove that I'm easy-looking and lying. Why can you guess that I'm Xinghui all of a sudden?"

Ye Feng then said with a mysterious smile, "Well! To tell you the truth, I have several suspicious objects in my heart. It happens that Xinghui is the first one. I just admit it when I say it. I don't want to say that I just admit it when I say it casually! "

As soon as Xinghui heard this, he was shocked.

But the thousand color bee laughs at one side and says, "how did it come out, ha ha..."

Xinghui's face turned red and white. She coughed awkwardly and said nothing more.

At this time, Xinghui took a look at the fog around him. It seemed that there were some signs of weakening. He immediately said to Ye Feng and qianse Feng, "we're going to land on the island soon. Let's go back to the cockpit!"

Xinghui said and went into the cockpit, but qianse bee and Ye Feng looked back at the boat, only to see that the irregular halo behind still exists, indicating that the boat behind should follow.

Ye Feng then walked into the cockpit and said to Chao Xinghui, "after landing on the island, you and qianse bee will not go up!"

Thousand color bee just walked into the cockpit, a listen to this words, can't help toward Ye Feng way, "why?"

Xinghui also frowned and said, "how is this possible? I'll definitely go to the island and protect my master! "

Ye Feng said to Xinghui, "your master's doom this time can't be avoided. I advise you not to go to the island. It's better to take this opportunity to leave here and start a new life. I think you two are a good match!"

The Star Hui hears a speech stunned, Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf maple.

As soon as qianse bee heard this, he immediately said, "what's your eye? Which eye do you see that I'm a good match with him?"

But Ye Feng pointed to his eyes and said, "my left eye is a match, and my right eye is a match. Two eyes are a match. I won't go wrong!"

The thousand color bee immediately spat a few more voices, "the ghost just matches him. If I want to match you, I will match you too. Don't mess with the mandarin duck spectrum. You think you can get rid of me in this way!"

At this time, Xinghui also said to Yefeng, "I appreciate your kindness, but it's my duty to protect the owner's safety. It's another matter whether I can protect it or not, but I have to go to the island, even if I know I'm going to die!"

Ye Feng listened to Xinghui's words and couldn't help staring at Xinghui for a while. Finally, he shook his head.

But qianse bee said to Ye Feng, "I've never seen such a stupid and loyal man. Since he wants to go to the island to die, you just let him go. What else can you advise?"

Ye Feng couldn't help nodding and said, "I shouldn't persuade you!"

At this time, Xinghui went to the driver's wheel, looked at the front, and suddenly said, "I can see the island already!"

As soon as Ye Feng and Qian se Feng heard this, they immediately went to the two sides of Xinghui and looked ahead. But in the fog ahead, a huge dark shadow loomed, which should be the island where Rizhao lived in seclusion.

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