At this time, the ship began to accelerate toward the direction of the shadow in front, and soon felt that the fog outside was lighter. At this time, we could vaguely see a huge island in front of us.

Strange to say, the closer the ship is to the island in front, the lighter the fog around the ship. When the ship stops at the port of the island, it is found that there is still some fog above the island, but there is no fog below.

After the ship berthed, Xinghui immediately began to ask people to unload the goods. He got off the ship with Jingge and qianse bee. As he walked forward from the port, Xinghui also looked back at the sea.

However, when it was strange, the ship that had been following did not appear nearby. Xinghui frowned and said, "is this ship lost in the fog at the last moment?"

Ye Feng took a look and didn't speak. At this time, a car came and stopped at the port. Then a man in black came down and stood beside the car and said to them, "master, let's meet you!"

Seeing this, Xinghui immediately walked past. When he got to the car, he turned back and said to Ye Feng and qianse Feng, "you two, get on the bus?"

Ye Feng nodded, then walked past, thousand color bee see also immediately followed up.

After Ye Feng and qianse Feng got on the bus, Xinghui got into the co driver's seat. The car began to drive along the Harbor Road, and finally got out of the harbor and began to drive up the mountain road.

Looking at the mountains outside the car window, surrounded by fog, it's like a fairyland in the world. Ye Feng can't help but say, "Rizhao really knows how to find a place. I've found such an island to live in seclusion!"

At this time, the thousand color bee said to Ye Feng, "if you like it, you can live in seclusion here in the future!"

But Ye Feng took a look at the thousand color bee and said, "you are reminding me to occupy the magpie nest!"

At this time, Xinghui said, "if you can live in peace with my master, you must really live in seclusion here. I believe the master will not only agree, but also be very happy. After all, someone will accompany you!"

Ye Feng did not speak, looked around, slightly closed his eyes and said, "I'll squint for a while, and remember to call me when I get there!"

At this time, the thousand color bee closed its eyes and said, "I'll have a rest, too!"

Xinghui looked back at Yefeng and qianse bee, and didn't speak.

Soon the car drove all the way up the hillside. After the car stopped, Xinghui came back to wake Ye Feng and qianse Fengdao, "here you are

Ye Feng opened his eyes and took a look, but saw a western style castle in front of the car. However, after getting off the car, he found that there was only half a western style castle.

That is to say, in fact, only the front half of the castle is a castle, while the back is directly connected to the whole mountain. It is obvious that someone intentionally got through the mountain and decorated it with the appearance of a castle outside.

After getting off the car, Xinghui leads Ye Feng to the door. Qianse Feng can't help but ask, "your master is too powerful. How can you do such a big project here?"

Xinghui shook his head and said, "in fact, these had existed before my master came up, but there was no one on the island at that time, so my master chose to settle down here!"

After pushing open the gate of the castle, I found that there was a splendid hall behind, and a spacious corridor was not far away, leading directly to the upper floor.

At the entrance of the corridor on the upper floor, a person in a wheelchair was looking at the bottom.

Xinghui has been leading Ye Feng and qianse Feng up the corridor until the top floor. The person in the wheelchair takes a look at Ye Feng and says, "brother Satan, I haven't seen you for many years!"

Ye Feng actually recognized this man when he was at the bottom of the building. He was Rizhao, who was famous in those years. He didn't want to look pale now, and he was sitting in a wheelchair. He was just an old man in his old age.

At this time, Ye Feng went to Rizhao and looked at him. Then he said, "brother Rizhao, I haven't seen you for many years. How can you be so old?"

Qianse bee didn't expect that Ye Feng and Rizhao were brothers. His face suddenly moved, but he didn't speak much.

Rizhao sighed at this time, "it's a long story, but I'm so much better now that I know that brother Satan is here. It's just that my legs and feet are not very convenient. I can't meet him at the port in person. What a shame!"

But Ye Feng said to Rizhao, "brother Rizhao is so polite. I know I'm going to see him on the island. I'm too excited to sleep! It's not until now that I see brother Rizhao with my own eyes that I'm completely relieved! "

Thousand color bee and Star Hui can't help but look at Ye Feng. They are both in the dark. This guy is really lying and doesn't make a draft. He has been sleeping for several nights in bed. On the way here just now, he took a nap in the car. What he said is that he can't sleep at all?

Rizhao smiles. When he presses the button on the wheelchair, the wheelchair starts to turn around automatically. Then he drives slowly towards the front and says, "I've specially prepared a dinner for brother Satan. Please come here!"

Ye Feng then followed in the past and said, "brother Rizhao is so polite!"When they said that, they came to a wall. The sunlight twisted on a lamp beside the wall, and the wall immediately cracked. Then they slowly moved to one side and came out, revealing a door behind which there was a unique cave.

When Ye Feng and Rizhao went in, they saw a Western-style dining table. It was the kind of big dining table used by the ancient barons. It was several meters long. If they sat on two sides, one side would talk, and the other might not be able to hear.

However, there are not many dishes on such a big table, and they all look like Chinese food. Rizhao directly moves the wheelchair to the side of the table and greets Ye Feng, "brother Satan, come here!"

Ye Feng walked over and sat on the side of Rizhao. Rizhao then looked at the thousand color bee and said, "this beauty, come and sit with me too!"

Thousand color bee smell speech this just walked past, sit in leaf maple's side.

Rizhao immediately began to ask Xinghui to help Ye Feng and qianse bee, and specially opened a bottle of rare red wine.

Ye Feng and Rizhao push the cup to change the cup. After a few cups, they are chatting all over the world. They are just like old friends who have seen each other for a long time.

The thousand color bee can't help but frown and look at the sunshine and say, "do you know that we are here to kill you and treat us like this?"

Rizhao Wen Yan put away the smile on his face, and then sighed, "after so many years in this business, of course, he knows his own ending. People like us are either on the way to kill or waiting to be killed. How can we really retire? The real retreat is death! I've been waiting for this day for a long time! "

Ye Feng can't help clapping, "brother Rizhao is really open-minded. If it's me, it's impossible to have such a mind!"

Rizhao said with a smile, "that's because you are not my age, brother Satan. When you are my age, you should understand my state of mind at this time!"

Ye Feng then said to Rizhao, "I remember the last time I met Rizhao elder brother, my elder brother and sister-in-law still made me envy the immortal Meijuan. Why haven't I seen them for just a few years, but my elder brother and sister-in-law can't live with each other?"

Rizhao said with a slight sigh, "the so-called fairies are nothing more than the illusion of deceiving others, but sometimes they play more and lose themselves quickly!"

After drinking a mouthful of wine, Ye Feng said, "how can I say that?"

Rizhao also drank a glass of wine, and then sighed, "Yueying and I were not the same people. When we got married, it was because I wanted to help Yueying. At that time, she was chased by her enemies. Only by marrying me could she survive!"

Thousand color bee smell speech but don't understand a way, "so say, you are not only her husband, or her life-saving benefactor, she should be grateful just right, why now become want you to die?"

After drinking a mouthful of wine, Rizhao said, "to tell you the truth, when she was chased by her enemies, everything was just a play arranged by me!"

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion immediately move a way, "you arrange of a play?"

Rizhao nodded and said, "when I met her once, I couldn't forget it all the time, so I deliberately set up such a heroic situation to save the United States. That's why I cheated her. Moreover, I didn't want to get married at that time, I just wanted to..."

Then he said with a smile to Ye Feng, "brother Satan, you and I are all in the same way. You should know what I mean!"

Ye Feng laughed and nodded, "understand, understand, when chasing a woman, don't wash all the costs, and don't care about the consequences!"

Rizhao couldn't help nodding and said, "yes, she was still young and vigorous at that time. She just wanted to kiss Fangze and then go to different places. I didn't expect that she would really fall in love with me and just want to marry me!"

Speaking of this, Rizhao sighed, "at that time, I had a heavy heart to play. I didn't play enough. Where did I want to get married? But in the end, I couldn't beat her and married her! "

Ye Feng then nodded and said, "the romantic sunshine finally married the moon shadow, which was also a beautiful thing in those years!"

Rizhao sighed, "the mistake is that I married her. If I didn't marry her, there wouldn't be so many things!"

The thousand color bee immediately asked, "why? Shouldn't it be a happy ending when your prodigal son goes back to marry her? "

Rizhao took a look at the thousand color bee and said, "the mistake is that she and I are not the same kind of people at all, so the tragedy has long been doomed!"

Thousand color bee smell speech can't help a surprised, Zheng Zheng ground looking at sunshine, obviously didn't quite understand his meaning.

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