Ye Feng said at this time, "brother Rizhao, don't mention the sad things in the past. Now you say that my sister-in-law wants me to kill you. What should I do?"

As soon as Xinghui heard this, his face suddenly moved. He didn't expect that Ye Feng would suddenly mention it at this time. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng immediately.

He has already thought well, as long as Ye Feng starts, although he may not be Satan's opponent, he should try his best to protect his master.

Thousand color bee is also a face surprised looking at Ye Feng, this guy unexpectedly so frank? What's the point?

Don't want to sunshine this time a little sigh way, "I and the moon between things, didn't expect to alarm Satan brother, you come personally, I'm really sorry!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "don't feel sorry. You know, once we promise others, we must do what we say. I can't help it. I must forgive you."

Rizhao shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter. I understand what you said, but you can see that I'm like this now. You want to take my life, isn't it a matter of minutes? Why be in a hurry? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry at all. I'm just afraid of my wife's worry!"

Rizhao said with a smile, "don't worry about that. I've sent someone to meet her on the sea. I believe she will come soon!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately nod a way, "Oh? That's the best. What's the difference between your husband and wife? I'll make it clear to you face to face at that time, so as not to make it difficult for us outsiders! "

Sunshine is carrying a wine cup and Ye Feng clink a cup way, "understand, understand!"

After clinking glasses, Rizhao began to talk about how he met Ye Feng. They chatted and drank wine. There was no sign that Ye Feng might kill Rizhao at any time.

See the thousand color bee and Xinghui are a burst of wonder, do not know that Ye Feng this time to come, really is to see the long time not to meet old friends.

After a meal, Rizhao takes Ye Feng to the side of pianting for tea. Seeing this, qianse bee can't help but say to Xinghui, "is your master and Satan in such a good relationship?"

Xinghui shook his head and said, "I don't know. I just know that they know each other, but I didn't expect that they are so familiar!"

The thousand color bee can't help but be silent. Xinghui takes a look at the thousand color bee and says, "are you worried that Satan and my master are so familiar that he won't do it for a while?"

To tell you the truth, qianse bee still has this worry. If Satan and Rizhao are really old friends, it will be difficult to ask Ye Feng to do it again.

At this time, Xinghui's mobile phone rang. After he got through, his face moved. He immediately went to the sun and said, "master, hostess is coming!"

Sunshine smell speech, complexion slightly move a way, "take her to come over!" Then he gave it back to Ye Feng and continued to pour tea, "brother, since you've come here this time, you must stay on the island for a long time!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "in fact, this island is really good, I have some heart, want to stay here!"

On hearing this, Rizhao said with a smile, "resident? That's good. I'll ask Xinghui to clean up for you and leave you a room. You can stay here. In case I really die, you can also help me sweep the grave or something. Isn't that beautiful? "

Ye Feng smiles and drinks tea with a cup, but he doesn't say anything.

the thousand color bee is surprised to hear that the sunshine really looks so light on life and death?

And at this time, but see a few people in black with a woman came, the woman came, saw a thousand color bee.

Thousand color bee see that although the woman is nearly 40 years old, but moved to Xu Niang, charm, heart suddenly a Lin, this is her boss moon shadow.

The moon shadow took a look at the queen bee, and without saying anything, she walked directly towards Rizhao and Yefeng.

Rizhao looked at the shadow of the moon coming towards him. His face was also slightly moved. He put down his teacup and said, "shadow of the moon?"

Moon shadow is cold hum a way, "don't call of so intimate, I still like my former name thousand needle bee!"

Sunshine nodded and said, "how long have you been away from me? It's more than three years, isn't it? You look exactly the same

Moon shadow looked at the sunshine, his face moved slightly, but his mouth was still cold hum a way, "you look a lot older, it seems that God is still fair, the years of your destruction is not merciful ah!"

Rizhao then said to the moon, "sit down and talk."

Moon shadow is cold hum a way, "and you still have what to say!"

Speaking of this, Yueying looks at Ye Feng who is checking, "Satan, I asked you to come to the island, not to drink tea with him. I told you to kill him, don't you start?"

Ye Feng is not slow to drink a mouthful of tea, this just put down the cup, frown way, "now?"

The moon shadow immediately said, "not now, do you want to wait for the new year?"

But Ye Feng said, "madam, you should also see that brother Rizhao is very sick now. It's not the same as before. There's no difference between killing him and killing an old man on the roadside!"Moon shadow then cold hum a way, "I want you to come to kill, not pick a person to kill! Are you qualified to bargain? "

On hearing this, Ye Feng stood up and said to the sun, "brother Rizhao, it seems that there is no way out!"

But Rizhao said to Yefeng, "brother Satan, you can do it!"

But Ye Feng said to the moon, "if you want me to kill him, I'll see Dixie first."

Moon shadow smell speech face slightly move, immediately said, "you kill him first, I'll tell you where Dixie is, you directly go to pick her up, from now on double bed double habitat!"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "after I kill the sunshine? Do you think I'm stupid? If I kill Rizhao, you can tell me that Dixie is dead. Who can I argue with? "

Moon shadow said, "if that's the case, you can also kill me! I'm definitely not your opponent. What are you afraid of? But Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "in fact, Dixie is no longer in your hands!"

On hearing this, the moon shadow suddenly moved and said, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm still clear about Dixie's ability. At the beginning, it may be a carelessness, but afterwards, Dixie is definitely not the kind of person waiting to die. She's afraid she's already out of danger, so you won't let me see Dixie now!"

Moon shadow frowned slightly, staring at Ye Feng and said, "your imagination is really rich. You can try it. I'll take the life of Dixie with just one phone call!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to the moon shadow and said, "you can call me. I also want to see how you can kill someone who is not in your hands!"

The moon shadow stares at Ye Feng for a long time, then sighs slightly, but he hasn't spoken yet. Ye Feng immediately says, "madam, in fact, brother Rizhao is like this. It's easy for you to kill him. Why do you have to do it with me?"

Rizhao said to Ye Feng at this time, "because we had made a poison oath at the beginning. Although the husband and wife can't do it, they will never take each other's life. If they really want to kill each other, they can only borrow other's hands!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "a poison oath? Is the poison oath so effective now? Is it so binding on you all? "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng took a look at the moon shadow and said, "do you really want me to kill Rizhao?"

Moon shadow immediately nodded and said, "not bad!"

Without waiting for the shadow of the moon to fall, Ye Feng immediately comes to Rizhao. Then he reaches out and pinches Rizhao's neck. Suddenly Rizhao doesn't move.

Ye Feng's hand is too fast to prevent. Xinghui is stunned. At this time, he comes back and rushes towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't wait for Xinghui to come in front of him, and immediately kicked him out. Xinghui's head hit the wall directly, and suddenly fainted to the ground.

Thousand color bee also didn't expect Ye Feng will suddenly move, without warning killed sunshine.

Moon shadow is also a Leng, and then look at the wheelchair sunshine motionless, when the agent on the spot, staring at the sunshine, speechless.

Ye Feng shrugged at this time and said, "sister-in-law, now the sunshine is dead, should you let Dixie go?"

Moon shadow came back and said, "what you guessed before is right. Dixie ran away the day after we caught her. I don't have Dixie in my hand at all!"

At this time, the thousand color bee asked Ye Feng, "since you know that Dixie is not in our hands, you are not controlled by others at all, why should you promise to kill Rizhao?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "anyway, sunshine will die sooner or later, and it's better to die in my hands than in other people's hands."

With that, Ye Feng immediately looked at the moon shadow and said, "since your husband and wife want me to kill Rizhao by all means, if I don't know the current affairs, I have to fight to do it, then it's not enough friendship!"

On hearing this, the moon shadow suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean by that?"

Thousand color bee is also a face don't understand ground looking at leaf maple way, "what their husband and wife must you kill sunshine?"? What do you mean

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "for people like Rizhao, no one in the world can easily believe how to die. Only when they die in the hands of another person who may be able to kill them can people believe it! And that's who I am! "

Thousand color bee or a face surprised looking at leaf maple way, "what meaning? I still don't quite understand? You mean to kill the sunshine, not just the shadow of the moon? Is that what sunshine means? "

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