Ye Feng shrugged and looked at the thousand color bee. Then he looked at the moon shadow and said, "am I right?"

The moon shadow looked at Ye Feng, then shrugged, "I don't know what you mean!"

But Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "what do I mean? If you don't understand, I believe there will be no other people in the world who understand!"

The moon shadow stares at Ye Feng, but the thousand color bee says to Ye Feng, "I don't understand what you mean!"

At this time, Ye Feng went to Rizhao's body, and then pulled his hair on Rizhao's head. He didn't want his gray hair to be taken down directly by Ye Feng, revealing a bald head.

The thousand color bee can't help but move when she sees this. Unexpectedly, Rizhao is a bald head?

The moon shadow complexion is also tiny move, stare at leaf maple to see for a long time, the facial expression passes through several changes, but didn't say a word.

At this time, Xinghui's face also changed greatly, looking at Ye Feng and Rizhao. He could not help saying, "Cheng San?"

Ye Feng immediately toward the star way, "it seems that you recognize him?"

Xinghui frowned slightly and went to Yefeng and Rizhao, straightened Cheng San's head, looked at it carefully and said, "this is Cheng San!"

The moon shadow immediately said to Xinghui, "Xinghui, don't talk nonsense..."

But Ye Feng immediately plans to say, "so, is this person you know?"

Xinghui nodded and said, "he's the master's housekeeper Cheng San. He joked with the master before, saying that Cheng San is a bit like the master. He's the owner of the bareheaded version. How can he be him? And the master? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at the ugly moon shadow and said, "if you want to know where your master is, I'm afraid you have to ask your hostess!"

Hearing this, Xinghui could not help looking at the moon shadow in surprise, "hostess..."

At this time, the moon shadow looked slightly at Ye Feng and said, "how did you find out?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "from the first time I saw him, I noticed it!"

Moon shadow immediately said, "it's impossible. He looks like sunshine. After my make-up, I don't even recognize the stars that I get along with him day and night. How can you recognize them at the first sight?"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "maybe it's because I haven't seen sunshine for a long time. After seeing his gray hair at first sight, I can't help but be attracted by his gray hair. It's hard not to pay more attention to his hair, and Xinghui won't pay attention to these details because he gets along with sunshine day and night!"

Moon shadow listen to Ye Feng so a say, but face move, feel Ye Feng say some truth.

, as like as two peas, I really had my hair grey. So in order to make Cheng three look like sunshine, they made a special hairstyle that was exactly the same as sunshine, to Cheng three.

At that time, in order not to let people find out what he was wearing, he put the most effort into his hair, but Ye Feng found the clue from his hair.

But at this time, Ye Feng said, "but at this time, I just think there is something wrong with Rizhao's hair. I didn't find that he is a fake Rizhao. I didn't even think about it in this way!"

Moon shadow immediately asked, "when did you find out that he was not sunshine?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "when he made friends with me, he deliberately said some scenes I knew before. To tell you the truth, I have forgotten some scenes, and he remembered them clearly. It must be someone who told him to remember them well..."

The thousand color bee interrupts Ye Feng's words immediately, "this also can only prove, the memory of sunshine is better than you, why do you doubt?"

But Ye Feng looked at the thousand color bee and said, "if I were separated from you now, how many years later, what would you say to me?"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she immediately fell into a deep meditation. After thinking for a long time, she said, "maybe it's to say hello, to ask how are you doing, to ask you..."

Ye Feng did not wait for the thousand color bee to finish, immediately nodded, "yes, the basic social etiquette should be like this. He must first ask the other party how it is, and then follow the topic before chatting. But when he comes up, he will first tell me something about the past, and I don't know whether it is to deepen friendship with me or what, if a person deliberately wants to say something to you At that time, there will be flaws in it! "

But Xinghui immediately said to the moon, "mistress, where's my master?"

Yueying didn't speak. She just looked at Ye Feng in front of her and began to laugh. She began to applaud and said, "it's really Satan. This kind of pediatric trick really can't deceive you!"

Qianse bee looks at the moon shadow in bewilderment. That is to say, the moon shadow has admitted that everything Ye Feng said is correct. This is indeed a trick of Rizhao and the moon shadow.

The thousand color bee couldn't help looking at the moon shadow and said, "why? Why did you and your wife play such a role? "

The shadow of the moon looked at Ye Feng, but said nothing more.But Ye Feng said at this time, "if I guess correctly, your plan is like this. At first, because the island you live on is no longer so hidden, but the sunshine is getting old!"

On hearing this, moon shadow looks at Ye Feng slightly, as if what Ye Feng says is exactly what she thinks.

Ye Feng continued, "if it goes on like this, Rizhao will one day be unable to cope with the challengers or even enemies who are attracted by Rizhao, so they must plan and implement the plan before Rizhao is really old."

At this point, Ye Feng continued to say, "Rizhao's reputation is equal to the scars and stubborn diseases on his body after so many years of career. He should even feel that he is getting worse day by day, and he can never return to the peak again!"

Ye Feng then lit a cigarette and took a deep breath of it. Then he continued slowly, "so, they come up with a way to cheat people all over the world. They have to cheat people on the island, even the closest person in Rizhao, that is you..."

Ye Feng said here, immediately looked at the side of the star, star suddenly a Leng way, "I?"

"Not bad!" Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's you. If he can cheat you, who else won't be cheated? If I guess correctly, Cheng San has been missing for a long time, right

On hearing this, moon shadow's face suddenly moved.

Xinghui immediately said, "he has been missing for nearly half a year. We all think that he can't stand the life on the island, so he secretly left the island or died somewhere on the island."

Ye Feng continued, "from the day when he disappeared, do you think that time period is also the time when your master and your hostess quarreled the most?"

After hearing the words, Xinghui pondered for a while, then closed his eyes slightly to meditate for a moment. Then he nodded and said, "yes, at that time, the relationship between the host and the hostess had not been harmonious. It was like this for the next two or three months, and then the host said that the hostess was dead..."

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately bit the cigarette end and clapped, "it's really a clever plan. First say that the moon shadow is dead, and then design a fake sunshine. Even if you want to go back to seclusion, leave a fake sunshine as a cover, this is also a great plan!"

At this time, the thousand color bee immediately asked Ye Feng, "so why do they try to find you to kill Rizhao?"

Ye Feng immediately took a cigarette and said, "this is the core part of their plan. As I said before, Rizhao is old and doesn't want to have any disputes with the people in the river and lake. We want to really retire and wash our hands. But we all know that it's unrealistic to really get rid of it completely. Even if you make up your mind, there will always be others To influence your plan! So they can only pretend to be dead, let Yueying die first, and let her go to find me outside the island by the way. After all, people like Rizhao have to pay attention to the way of death. If they die for no reason, ordinary people can be cheated, but there will be people who will not be cheated. What should we do then? "

The moon shadow listens to Ye Feng say so, immediately the facial expression passes through several changes, and all these all see in the eyes of thousand color bee and Star Hui.

Ye Feng continued to say at this time, "the only way is to let Rizhao die in the hands of a convincing person! And the best candidate for this person is me. After all, I'm always under the sunshine. It's reasonable to kill him! But they also know that if I look at Rizhao's old age, I won't do it. So Yueying plans to kidnap Dixie first, and try to use Dixie to threaten me and force me to kill Rizhao, who has no ability to fight back, so it won't cause me too much doubt! What a perfect plan

But after staring at Ye Feng for a moment, the thousand color bee said, "but what you said is all your speculation out of thin air? How do you say it as if you were fully involved in their plan? "

Ye Feng shrugged to see a thousand color bee way, "you look at the expression of the moon shadow now, you know if I have said wrong!"

Thousand color bee smell speech to see to the moon shadow, but see her face after several changes, then said, "so now, where is sunshine?"

Xinghui can't help but look at the shadow of the moon, and then asked, "yes, hostess, where is the master?"

Yueying did not answer the questions of Xinghui and qianse bee. Instead, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "our plan is not perfect. Is there any flaw?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "the biggest flaw is that you want to follow!"

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