Yefeng listen to sunshine so a say, can't help but toward him a smile way, "join hands?"

Rizhao then said to Ye Feng, "don't look at the pain of my life, but it's not that I'm going to fight with zhuomus naked!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding. In fact, now he knows his own situation and doesn't allow himself to have a choice.

And relatively speaking, it's the same for Rizhao. Dromus sent his fleet to attack the island.

Rizhao doesn't want to fight now, but is also forced to fight zhuomus, unless he directly tied himself to zhuomus.

But for Rizhao, the risk is no less than that of his direct fight against dromus, and once this happens, the risk is immediately in front of him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Rizhao, "OK, I'll join hands with brother Rizhao, but I'll take advantage of brother Rizhao!"

But Rizhao said with a smile, "we are friends, not to mention who takes advantage of whom! Don't feel guilty for leading dromus to the island. After all, if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't come! "

After listening to Rizhao's words, Ye Feng feels less guilty. Although it is true, if Rizhao doesn't admit it, no matter how hard he tries to defend himself, it doesn't make sense.

Rizhao now admits this, which is better than what he says.

Rizhao said to Ye Feng at this time, "brother Satan, come with me!"

Then Rizhao turned around and left here, taking Ye Feng, qianse bee, Xinghui and Yueying directly out of the castle and went to the side of the mountain.

Ye Feng saw that there was the oldest elevator here. After several people got up, they pulled the gate in the elevator and the elevator began to rise slowly.

Soon the elevator was higher than the castle, but it was still going up. Rizhao said to Ye Feng, "when you get to the top of the mountain, you can see all the mountains!"

Ye Feng did not speak, and soon felt that there was some fog around the elevator. After a while, he directly felt that the elevator had passed through the clouds and reached the sky. It seemed that all around was a vast white cloud.

But after a while, Ye Feng found that from his point of view down, those clouds look very thin, you can vaguely see the ground.

After a while, the elevator creaks and stops. Rizhao immediately opens the door of the elevator and takes Ye Feng and them out.

But not far away there is a concrete building, which looks like a blockhouse.

Rizhao takes Ye Feng and they enter the bunker, only to find that there are still many people here, and they are full of computer equipment and other things.

Ye Feng frowned and said, "brother Rizhao, you are a small military base here!"

Rizhao shrugged his shoulders at Yefeng and said, "since I'm officially going to live in seclusion on this island, I've started to prepare!"

Those who were working, seeing Rizhao coming, immediately nodded to him and said, "Hello, island Master!"

Rizhao immediately waved his hand and said, "look around the island. Is there any warship that can be seen?"

Someone immediately said to Rizhao, "it's true that there are warships, but they have been hiding in the fog, so it's hard to monitor them. So the boss said that he wanted to report to the island owner after monitoring the actual situation!"

Rizhao nodded, but saw some red dots marked on the weather map on the computer screen. The man said, "look, island Master, these red dots are what we have monitored!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the monitor to see one eye, heart can not help but move, did not expect that the weather map on the red dot, there are more than a dozen.

Rizhao took a look, and then called the person in charge. Without waiting for the person in charge to speak, he immediately took out a pistol and shot him in the head.

The others were so flustered that they all stood up and hid.

Rizhao took a look at all the people, and then said, "so many ships appear near the island without reporting. It must be zhuomus! Who else? "

The others waved their hands and said, "we're not..."

Ye Feng's eyebrows also moved slightly. Originally, he was also suspicious. Their job was to monitor the situation nearby. There were so many ships around the island, but they didn't report. This was enough to show that there was a problem.

The thousand color bee is also under the heart of a Lin, originally see sunshine has gray hair, and when talking with Ye Feng, talking and laughing, did not expect to kill people, also is not frown.

Rizhao waved and said, "it has nothing to do with you. Keep working!"

After hearing this, those people returned to their jobs and continued to monitor the situation around the island.

Just then, a man got up and said to Rizhao, "the channel on the ship seems to be trying to get in touch with us!"

Upon hearing this, Rizhao immediately said to the man, "connect at once, and listen to what he said."

In the hands of a busy, one side of a radio suddenly sounded a rustling sound, then came the voice of a person, "people on the island listen, you have been surrounded, let your boss come out to talk!"Rizhao went to pick up the radio and said, "I'm the boss here!"

The other side is a while pondering, then came a leaf maple is also very familiar with the voice, it is zhuomus.

Zhuomus said, "Rizhao, I know that Satan is on your island. Our well does not cross the river. Now you hand Satan over, and we will retreat at once."

But Rizhao sneered at zhuomus, "what if I don't?"

Zhuomus immediately sneered and said, "sunshine, you won't, we haven't had any grudges..."

But Rizhao sneered, "no? If not, would you arrange for someone to be with me? "

On hearing this, zhuomus suddenly said, "Rizhao, do we have any misunderstanding?"

But Rizhao snorted coldly, "joke or misunderstanding, I can tell you that your people have been used by me on the spot! If Satan comes to my island, he is my guest. I don't care what grudge you have with him. If he is on my island, I will ensure his safety. As for your grudge, I won't care what you want to do when he leaves the island! "

After a while of pondering, zhuomus sneered, "Rizhao, I have more than a dozen warships surrounding your island, and I know exactly what's going on on on your island. If you are against me, you may not get any advantage. I also think you are an old man on top 10, so I'll sell you face and say hello to you in advance. Don't think I really don't like you Dare to touch your island

Rizhao said with a sneer, "I know, but you can move and have a look. These ships that I keep you will never come back!"

At this point, Rizhao didn't wait for dromus to speak, and immediately yelled, "your ships are in the fog now, I can ignore it, but as long as I see your ships out of the fog, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Rizhao immediately cut off the radio, and then all the people in the court said, "keep an eye on me. As long as they dare to get out of the fog circle, they will immediately fire missiles for me. None of them will stay!"

Ye Feng said to Rizhao at this time, "there must be heavy weapons on the warship of zhuomus. If the war starts, the life on the island will be ruined!"

Rizhao said to Yefeng, "of course I know this, but I bet zhuomus he doesn't dare! Although I have the heart of seclusion, but once I really get angry, I may not be able to guarantee that I will not do anything to burn jade and stone! Dromus should know that, too! "

At this time, the thousand color bee said, "if they don't get out of the fog, what will they do if they keep hiding in the fog?"

Rizhao shrugged and said, "I said just now, as long as they don't get out of the fog, I won't do it!"

At this time, she said, "she should mean to ask, if they don't come out all the time, but they have been besieging the island for a long time, it's not the way!"

At this time, Xinghui said, "you can rest assured that the goods we brought back this time will be enough for the people on the island for a year, but the supplies on the more than ten warships of dromus may not be enough for a few days!"

Ye Feng can't help sighing, "that's even more troublesome. Zhuomus usually doesn't give up when he doesn't achieve his goal. It should be nothing now, but once he feels that it's difficult to supply, his choice should never be to retreat and return in vain!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, her face suddenly moved and said, "do you mean that they will forcibly land on the island?"

Ye Feng nodded and did not speak, but Dixie said on one side, "zhuomus always likes to be dangerous and resourceful. I think he has thought about the problem of supply for a long time. Since he knows that supply can not last for long, he dares to come, so he has made up his mind."

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