Yefeng listen to Dixie said, can't help but also nodded, "Dixie said right, zhuomus this person has always been very deep in the city, or don't come, come to all possible circumstances will think of!"

The shadow of the moon did not say a word, but said to Rizhao, "according to what Satan and Dixie said, zhuomus is ready to fight with us, and we should be ready as soon as possible!"

Rizhao can't help nodding, and then pondering. Ye Feng looks at Rizhao and says, "brother Rizhao, if you have any problems, give me a boat. I'll go to zhuomus myself!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, sunshine can't help frowning toward Ye Feng said, "brother Satan, if you talk like this, it's no different from directly scolding me, do you think I'm such a person?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Rizhao, "brother Rizhao, I know who you are. Just because of this, I don't want to implicate you. Although your island is no secret, at least it shouldn't be destroyed in my hands!"

Rizhao clapped Ye Feng on the shoulder and then said with a smile, "although I'm not the kind of villain who betrays my friends, don't think how great I am. I'm not only helping you, but also helping myself!"

Yefeng listen to sunshine so a say, can't help frowning at Sunshine way, "also help yourself?"

Rizhao said to Yefeng, "don't forget, what's the purpose of Yueying inviting you this time?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, but he soon wants to understand the meaning of Rizhao. His face suddenly moves and says, "what do you mean..."

Rizhao immediately nodded and said, "yes, my purpose is to find a famous person to kill me. Since you have exposed my purpose, and you should not do it again, I don't think the name of dromus is much worse than you?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, zhuomus is not on the list of tpo10, but as the leader of TSL, his reputation has long been out!"

Rizhao immediately said with a smile, "not bad! In this case, why don't I take this opportunity to completely disappear in the river and lake? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng took a deep breath. Then he heard Rizhao say, "and if I don't, I'll die myself, and the whole island will be destroyed. In this way, it will be completely destroyed! Anyway, more and more people know about this island. Sooner or later, it's also a problem! "

Listening to the sunshine, Ye Feng could not help sighing, "it's just a pity for such a good island!"

Rizhao took a look at Ye Feng and said, "if you find the person you love, it's the same everywhere!" Then he took a look at the shadow of the moon on one side.

Ye Feng understands what Rizhao and his wife mean. In fact, they must also know their relationship with Dixie.

Dixie didn't say a word on one side. Hearing Rizhao's words, his heart moved.

Rizhao smiles and says to Ye Feng, "since we are predestined, why don't we live together after we retire? Maybe there's a care for each other! "

Ye Feng said with a smile, "that's a good feeling..."

Do not want to shadow this time, but said, "those are the Afterword, how to pass this pass in front of me, or to get it done first!"

Sunshine smell speech, can't help but also nodded, toward Ye Feng way, "Satan brother, what idea?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and said, "now the warships of zhuomus almost surround the island. If we want to go out, it's almost impossible!"

Thousand color bee also immediately said, "and also let zhuomus believe that everyone died on the island, that is even more impossible!"

Dixie could not help nodding and said, "it's really difficult, and the most important thing is that we don't have much time. Zhuomus' patience is limited. Even if he is patient, the actual situation does not allow him to be so patient!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "three days, I think three days is the limit of zhuomus, just as their supply should only be enough for this time!"

After pondering for a while, Rizhao said, "three days? It's not a long time, but it's not a short time. In three days, we have to come up with a way! "

At this time, Ye Feng sighed, "it's OK to be sure that zhuomus won't take action for the time being. We'd better go down first, have a good rest, and then make another plan!"

Rizhao nodded and said, "yes, brother Satan has been at sea for so many days. I don't think he has a good rest. Let's go down and have a rest first. When we have a good rest, we'll have a long-term plan!"

Say sunshine immediately and command under the people all keep an eye on, this just and leaf maple they went down the mountain together.

In the castle, Rizhao orders Xinghui to arrange room rest for Ye Feng and Dixie.

Ye Feng and Dixie go in front, two people are discussing, how to deal with zhuomus.

Thousand color bee is a person with Ye Feng and Dixi Si behind, but some bad taste in the heart, want to speed up the pace to the side of Ye Feng and Dixi Si way, "what are you talking about?"Ye Feng shrugged and said, "nothing!"

After all, she was captured by the way of qianse bee and Dante Emma before. At this time, her eyes seemed a little unfriendly.

Seeing this look in his eyes, qianse Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and explained, "I'm also collecting money. You don't have to look at me like this! If you want to blame it, you can only blame the shadow of the moon, and blame yourself for not being good at learning skills! "

On hearing this, Dixie's face suddenly moved, but Ye Feng interrupted, "whether it's strange moon shadow, or you're not good at learning, it's a thing of the past. Now is not the time to settle accounts after autumn!"

As soon as qianse bee heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "Oh, what's the matter? You still want to settle accounts with me after you know about zhuomus?"

At this time, Dixie sneered at the thousand color bee and said, "Oh, what's the matter? Now I'm afraid? "

Thousand color bee smell speech complexion move, hastily say, "afraid? Why should I be afraid? "

Xinghui walked in front of him. At this time, he stopped at a door, opened the iron door and said to qianse bee, "this is your room!"

After hearing this, qianse bee stopped and walked into the door. From the outside, it looked as if a door had been opened on the stone wall. What I didn't know was that it was a prison inside.

But when I went in and had a look, I found that there was heaven and earth in it. There was no big difference between the decoration inside and the hotels in the city, and there were all kinds of facilities.

At this time, Ye Feng and Dixie continued to follow Xinghui forward, and soon came to a door. Xinghui opened the iron door and said, "this is your room!"

Ye Feng smell speech didn't say what, walked directly into, but the di Xi Si is the facial expression tiny red ground saw a Star Hui way, "why not arrange two rooms?"

But Xinghui shrugged and said, "do you have any problems living together?"

Without waiting for Dixie to speak, Ye Feng, who had already entered the room, said, "no problem, that's it!"

Xinghui said to Yefeng and Dixie, "well, if you have any questions, you can call me at any time!"

With that, Xinghui went back. Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door of qianse bee's room, he saw the door open. He was immediately dragged into the room by qianse bee.

Xinghui couldn't help looking at qianse bee and said, "what do you do?"

Qianse bee asked Xinghui in a low voice, "why did you arrange a room for Yefeng and Dixie?"

But Xinghui shrugged and said, "aren't they lovers? What's the problem with couples living in the same room? "

"You..." The thousand color bee immediately stares at a star light way, "you really can come to matter!"

Xinghui frowned at qianse bee and said, "what? Should I arrange for you to have a room with Satan? "

Thousand color bee cold hum a, immediately but ask Star Hui way, "by the way, on the ship, you want to ask me to help you to do a thing, in the end what thing?"? If you don't say it on board, can you say it now? "

Hearing the words, Xinghui looked at qianse bee and said, "it's a problem whether you can leave the island alive this time when the dromus army comes. Let's wait until you can leave the island!"

Thousand color bee see star finish turning around to go, immediately blocked in front of star, "to say, now say, expired I can't wait!"

Xinghui listened to qianse bee's words, and immediately his heart moved. After staring at qianse bee for a long time, he said, "I heard that you are more powerful in looking for someone!"

Thousand color bee immediately complacent smile way, "that is, I can walk in the river's Lake, that completely depends on my two unique skills, one is the technique of changing appearance, the other is to find people! Yes? Are you looking for someone? Who are you looking for? "

After a long time, Xinghui said, "a woman!"

The thousand color bee hears speech one is stunned, immediately ha ha a smile way, "woman? Are you a lover? I can't see that there are women like you papaya? "

Xinghui didn't have the slightest expression on her face. She looked at qianse bee and took a deep breath. Then she said, "but she may not be in the world any more. I just want to make sure!"

The thousand color bee hears the speech, but the brow is a wrinkly ground looking at Star Hui way, "may? Since you ask me to look for it, it means that you are not sure. That is to say, there is still a chance that she will be alive, so don't give up! "

As soon as Xinghui heard this, she immediately looked at qianse bee excitedly and said, "do you think she might be alive? So you took over? "

But after staring at Xinghui for a long time, qianse Feng shrugged and said, "I'll think about it!"

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