Ye Feng and Dixie are in the same room at this time. He asked Dixie what happened after he was kidnapped by qianse bee.

Dixie just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I was a bit surprised to be taken hostage at first, but then it was completely within my own expectation!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, the ability of Dixie, he is still very clear, want to really hijack Dixie, not impossible, but will pay a great price.

Since the other party didn't pay at all, Ye Feng expected that Dixie intended to let the other party hold on purpose, so that she could lurk around the other party and see what the other party was going to do.

And judging from the results, after running away, Dixie can continue to hide in the shadow of the moon, and go to the island with her to find herself, which proves that her guess is right.

At this time, Dixie took a look at Jingge and said, "if I had been in their hands, they would use me to coerce you to kill Rizhao, would you really kill me?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't make assumptions about things that didn't happen, but from the moment I learned that you were held hostage by qianse bee, I thought you would find a way to get out of trouble!"

When she heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "so, from the beginning, you are ready to land on the island, but not to save me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "we are so familiar. You know my style. I don't want to hide it from you. From the beginning, I expected that you would get out of trouble, but I didn't expect that you would also go to the island!"

Dixi Si can't help nodding. She really knows Ye Feng better than anyone else. Ye Feng doesn't have to lie. Although he may be a bit glib at ordinary times, he doesn't lie much in front of himself. At least so far, she hasn't found any precedent of Ye Feng lying in front of him.

She then took a deep breath, but asked Ye Feng, "since you know I'm not in danger, what's the purpose of landing on the island?"

Ye Feng said, "to tell you the truth, Rizhao and I only met once. We haven't seen each other for so many years, and we really want to see him. Secondly, I know Rizhao has lived in seclusion for so many years, and I also want to ask him about his life in seclusion! I just didn't expect dromus to follow me. I didn't intend to let me go! "

At this time, Dixie sighed slightly, "not only did not intend to let you go, I guess I will not let you go, but also implicated sunshine and moon shadow couple's seclusion life!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, and then lit a cigarette, sitting on the sofa smoking, also no longer speak.

Seeing this, she asked Ye Feng, "do you have any plans?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "not yet. Zhuomus has blocked the island. It's not easy to leave if you want to fish in troubled waters!"

Dixie nodded and said, "it's not easy. In my opinion, it's impossible. You've known dromus since you were a child. What action have you seen? Did dromus go out in person?"

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath of the cigarette. Then he nodded and sighed, "it's enough to show that zhuomus wants our lives wholeheartedly and doesn't leave any detour! Even at war with Rizhao, we can see how much he hates me! "

After hearing this, he sighed, "in fact, we are just tools to kill people in his eyes. I can't understand why you are not going to kill him when you retire. Why is he so reluctant?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "maybe it's because we're worried that we know too many secrets about him. We don't want to tell his secrets. Only the dead can keep secrets 100% in this world!"

But after taking a deep breath, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't think it's so simple!"

Ye Feng listened to the words of Dixie. He couldn't help staring at Dixie for a long time. Then he said, "what other opinions do you have? Is there anything else we don't know why? "

But my intuition tells me that it's not just because you want to retire! There must be something more important to dromus than your retirement! "

Originally Ye Feng didn't think about it at all. At this time, listening to what Dixie said, he couldn't help smoking cigarettes, frowning and falling into a period of meditation.

Dixie see Ye Feng is thinking, at this time a little sigh way, "temporarily don't think out, there's no need to think about, maybe it's just my random thinking!"

Ye Feng then threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stampeded it out. Then he said, "maybe you're right. Zhuomus has other secrets! Why don't we just ask dromus instead of guessing

When she heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "ask zhuomus directly?"

Ye Feng then toward Dixie Si way, "don't you have his contact number?"

After hearing this, she immediately took out the phone, but after looking at it, she shook her head and said, "there's no signal here at all!"

Ye Feng's heart moved at this time. Yes, there is no signal on the desert island. Where is the mobile signal?Dixie then said to Ye Feng, "it seems that if you want to know the secret, either we are caught by zhuomus, you can ask him face to face, or we have caught zhuomus, or you will never know!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears that. After looking at him, he says, "what are you talking about? Catch dromus? "

"I also know that it's impractical to arrest dromus for the moment. I'm just giving an example," said Dickens

But Ye Feng immediately stood up and said, "no, we want to catch zhuomus, absolutely not unrealistic!"

On hearing this, Dixie's face suddenly moved. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? Are you really going to catch dromus

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said to Dixie, "that's right. Since we can't think of any other way for the time being, why don't we go to his ship and ask him to come to the island and talk face to face?"

But Dixie said, "now his fleet is in the fog. Let's not say we have no chance to get close. Even if we get close to a dozen warships, do we know which one he is on? On a warship, or by chance? "

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard that. Is it true that what he said is right? Now he doesn't know which warship zhuomus is on. They can't find zhuomus one by one, so it's a bit impractical to catch zhuomus.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng lit a cigarette again, sat on the sofa, thought about it, and didn't say a word.

Seeing that Ye Feng was like this, Dixie said at this time, "if we want to board the warship, we have only one choice!"

Ye Feng nodded. He knew what Dixie meant. Now they want to board the warship of dromus. They have only one choice, that is to surrender.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "at this time, we voluntarily surrender. It is estimated that zhuomus will doubt it too!"

Dixie nodded and said, "that's right!"

Ye Feng can't help but move at this time. "If it's Rizhao, their husband and wife will catch us and give them to zhuomus?"

As soon as Dixie heard this, he suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "yes, if it was Rizhao, they would catch us and send us there. Zhuomus might believe it. After all, zhuomus may not really intend to be the enemy of Rizhao!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "zhuomus chooses to tear his face with Rizhao, which is also a last resort. If he has a choice, he certainly won't take this road!"

Dixi Si smell speech to nod, immediately toward leaf Feng way, "still have a problem, if don't solve, estimate zhuomus also won't be deceived!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "I know what you want to say. You mean, with Rizhao's ability and reputation, he has no reason to be afraid of zhuomus, let alone for the safety of his island, he really catches you and me and gives gifts to zhuomus. This is really unreasonable!"

Dixie nodded and said, "yes, so the key now is how to eliminate this doubt of dromus! That's the point! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, then smoking cigarettes a while pondering, for a long time did not speak.

What Dixie said is a problem indeed. How could Rizhao's ability and fame send himself and Dixie to surrender because dromus came with more than a dozen warships?

Moreover, this is not in line with Rizhao's personality. Rizhao's personality is generally recognized in the industry, and he is definitely not the kind of person who betrays his friends.

It's not easy for zhuomus to eliminate this doubt. It's not even as simple as asking Ye Feng to come up with a way to bypass zhuomus' warship and leave the island unconsciously!

Dixie see Ye Feng did not speak, this time is a little sigh way, "there are three days, we are not worried, the way can slowly think, will come up with a way!"

Ye Feng also nodded and said, "let's have a rest first, and then go to Rizhao to have a good chat. Now we can only brainstorm and see what we can do! Better than the two of us working behind closed doors! "

After hearing this, she nodded and then looked at Ye Feng. Then she asked, "the thousand color bee looks at you differently. It seems that it's interesting to you!"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging and said, "what's interesting to me is more than her? Aren't you the same? "

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